What Games Are You Playing?

Still playing Forbidden Siren 2 (a very long game I might add. A lot longer than one would think), but when I'm done I'm back to the excellent Wild Arms 4!
Phoenix Wright: Justive For All. Imported the Japanese version which has a full English translation included. It's great :D
Civ4. Love it, however it has the same damned problem they all have. When you reach a certain point in the game the time to take a turn gets so infuriating that its not worth playing anymore! [6minutes 42 seconds for my last turn :evil: ]
I'm playing Zelda on the Wii (although not Twilight Princess! Thought I'd finish Wind Waker before starting Link's new adventure!)

Also got Wario Ware: Smooth Moves! The level with Nintendo games is ace, especially the Starwing boss battles!
currently playing Zelda: twilight Princess on the Wii, may start Red Steel later on as well, just have to wait to see if i can turn my attention from TP.
Mostly 'casual' games, since my XBox hasn't been sent to M$ yet (I ended up keeping the thing, the fault didn't repeat itself for the shop staff, yet predictably does so now it's back home. All that said, I'm besotted with the games so I'm just gonna get it sent back).

Virtual Villagers
Avernum 4
Diner Dash
Just finished Zelda: Twilight Princess, great great game, final boss battle was great too. So gonna get everything else later, and been on red steel every now and then, its not too bad but not the greatest for sure.