I highly recommend the original FFVII. I've replayed it every year or two since 1998. The remake only covers what was the opening 5 hours of the game, so there's a lot that will be new to you.Completed the Final Fantasy VII Remake after it was put on ps+ this month. Played through on easy as I'm not much of a gamer and I've never played any Final Fantasy before.
I have to say I loved it. The story was engaging, the characters were interesting and varied and likeable. The scenery was gorgeous and cinematic. Also the fact it was a linear story was a massive plus point for me. I don't like big open world games. I like playing through a linear story of set missions. So this game was basically perfect for me.
I almost rage quit when (big spoiler!: Jessie died I was so angry! Lol. But that just shows how invested I got into the whole thing. Absolutely fantastic game. It's basically all I did with my free time for 2 weeks and several days later I'm still thinking about it 10/10
The original is very interesting in terms of gameplay as well (my overall impressions I have on my blog). The versions on current platforms also has speed boost if anyone needs to speed up the grind from time to time.I highly recommend the original FFVII. I've replayed it every year or two since 1998. The remake only covers what was the opening 5 hours of the game, so there's a lot that will be new to you.
Yeah a mate of mine is insanely into final fantasy. He even plays the card game. Hes been trying to get me into it for a while so hes been happy to tell me the differences between the 2 for this first part. Hes been good at not giving me spoilers for the rest though.I highly recommend the original FFVII. I've replayed it every year or two since 1998. The remake only covers what was the opening 5 hours of the game, so there's a lot that will be new to you.
Interesting. The need for grinding is probably the biggest thing putting me off as it seems like a massive chore.speed boost if anyone needs to speed up the grind from time to time
Completed Game #09:
Final Fantasy VII (for PlayStation 4)
After playing the remake and thanks to those who voted in my Twitter poll, I finally checked out the original 1997 version of Final Fantasy VII, using the PlayStation 4 version for my playthrough (which is a port of the PC release). This is basically the game that helped Squaresoft get more popularity back in the day and surprisingly I never played it. I did watch the sequel film Advent Children about 40 times when I was younger but never once did I consider the original. I think the issue was down to the gameplay which may be the reason why I never bothered with it, even though I have played through games that were similar back in the day such as Final Fantasy III on the Nintendo DS (which was ridiculously hard and is not recommended for newcomers) and Chrono Trigger (I never finished it but I quite enjoyed playing this on the Nintendo DS).
So Final Fantasy VII is the 7th major instalment in the JRPG franchise. It's a traditional turn-based type game where you control 3 characters in a battle that is timed so you have to take action in a quick but tactical matter. Most fights can be done by simply selecting Attack but there are moments where Magic and special individual abilities called Limits would be used. The Materia system is really good and I like being able to customise and share the abilities and skills between the characters, though I wish I was able to customise the Materia when I'm during the dungeons from characters that are not in the party because if one non-party character has your Restore materia you are screwed (thankfully this complaint has been amended in the VII Remake version).
Final Fantasy VII's original release was split across 3 discs and each disc basically covers a good idea on what the story covers. Part 1 focuses on Midgar, the game's first chapter of the story which takes around 5-6 hours depending on your speed, before eventually going out into the open-world that is traditional in the world of Final Fantasy. You start off walking around but later down the line additional options become available that makes travel much easier, such as riding Chocobos to using a vehicle.
Random enemy encounters are a thing in this game and honestly, I wasn't that bothered by it because the gameplay is very quick and fast-paced which is a surprise. As mentioned before, if you are levelled correctly, a majority of the fights can be sorted by using Attack only and maybe a Limit break or Magic that can hit every enemy in the battle at once. The boss fights are quite challenging and it's always recommended that you are prepared especially as some enemies can sneak in a quick easy blow that can knock out a party member.
This is so awesome man! woahMy backlog so far:
Outside of the story, there is a couple of side-content available. There's a location where you can do battle arena stuff, bet on Chocobos and play random mini-games that would allow you to earn some items. The battle arena is also essential if you wish to acquire Cloud's final limit break. In addition to the side-content, you can also get two more party members; Yuffie followed by Vincent. Both of these characters have special requirements but are worth going through as each of them also has their own side-quests that add more background to the storyline.
Overall, after spending 35 hours playtime, getting to level 70 as Cloud, acquiring every limit break for each character and getting some of the unique materia available, I had a good time playing Final Fantasy VII and I can see why this game is beloved by many fans over the years. If you go for the current-gen versions you also have access to 3x speed mode which I highly recommend using to speed up the pace as it can take a while to get through some parts of the dungeons. There's also a Battle Enhancement Mode which I did use only for the limit breaks due to the requirements to spend like 70-80 kills per person twice to unlock limit breaks which can take multiple hours.
I also feel that Pokemon fire red is perhaps the best pokemon game to date. This was perhaps the first pokemon game that I played & since my childhood this game has stuck to me. I was recently playing alot of it with cheats pokemon fire. Man it was so amazing playing my fav childhood game. And tbh the game has only gotten better with time. The most awesome pokemon game man!
As for how I think the VII Remake will go, I suspect it'll need at least 4 parts overall if they want to expand everything that has been going on in the game i.e. Part 1: Disc 1's Midgar, Part 2: Disc 1's Open-World up to Forgotten City, Part 3: Disc 2's Journey to Whirlwind Maze, Part 4: Disc 2 & 3's Cloud & co. coming together to save the planet.
Final Fantasy VII is available to play on PlayStation, PlayStation 3 (PS1 ver.), PlayStation Portable (PS1 ver.), PlayStation Vita (PS1 ver.), PlayStation 4 (PC ver.), Xbox One (PC ver.), Nintendo Switch (PC ver.) and PC.
# Game Name Platform Genre 01 The 25th Ward: The Silver Case PS4 Visual Novel 02 428: Shibuya Scramble PS4 Visual Novel 03 Blue Reflection PS4 Turn-Based RPG 04 Bullet Girls Vita Third Person Shooter 05 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 Action 06 Catherine PS3 Puzzle 07 Chaos;Child PS4 Visual Novel 08 Cyberdimension Neptunia: Four Goddesses Online PS4 Action RPG 09 Danganronpa 1 Reload PS4 Visual Novel 10 Danganronpa 2 Reload PS4 Visual Novel 11 Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony PS4 Visual Novel 12 Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune PS4 Simulation 13 Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut PS3 Horror 14 Demon Gaze Vita Dungeon RPG 15 Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth PS4 Turn-Based RPG 16 Dragon's Crown PS3 Action RPG 17 Drakengard 3 PS3 Action RPG 18 Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 PS3 Musou 19 Eternal Sonata PS3 Turn-Based RPG 20 Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star PS4 Musou 21 Fate/Extella Link PS4 Musou 22 Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise PS4 Action 23 Folklore PS3 Action 24 Freedom Wars Vita Action RPG 25 Gal*Gun: Double Peace PS4 On-Rails Shooter 26 GOD EATER Resurrection PS4 Action RPG 27 GOD EATER 2: Rage Burst PS4 Action RPG 28 .hack//G.U. Vol.1: Rebirth Remastered PS4 Action RPG 29 .hack//G.U. Vol.2: Reminisce Remastered PS4 Action RPG 30 .hack//G.U. Vol.3: Redemption Remastered PS4 Action RPG 31 .hack//G.U. Vol.4: Reconnection PS4 Action RPG 32 Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart Vita Tactical RPG 33 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Vita Turn-Based RPG 34 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sister's Generation Vita Turn-Based RPG 35 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation Vita Turn-Based RPG 36 Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed Vita Musou 37 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven PS4 Fighting 38 Katamari Forever PS3 Puzzle 39 Killzone 2 PS3 First Person Shooter 40 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky PC/Steam Turn-Based RPG 41 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter PC/Steam Turn-Based RPG 42 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel PS4 Turn-Based RPG 43 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II PS4 Turn-Based RPG 44 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III PS4 Turn-Based RPG 45 Megadimension Neptunia VII PS4 Turn-Based RPG 46 Megadimension Neptunia VIIR PS4 Turn-Based RPG 47 MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies Vita Musou 48 Muv-Luv Vita Visual Novel 49 Muv-Luv Alternative Vita Visual Novel 50 Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch PS3 Turn-Based RPG 51 Nights of Azure PS4 Action RPG 52 One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 PS4 Musou 53 Onechanbara Z2: Chaos PS4 Action 54 Our World Is Ended PS4 Visual Novel 55 Persona 4 Arena Ultimax PS3 Fighting 56 Persona 5 Royal PS4 Turn-Based RPG 57 Punch Line PS4 Visual Novel 58 Puppeteer PS3 Platformer 59 Raging Loop PS4 Visual Novel 60 Sengoku Basara 3: Samurai Heroes PS3 Musou 61 Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi PS4 Musou 62 Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson 3DS Action 63 Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal PS4 Action 64 Shining Resonance: Refrain PS4 Action RPG 65 Siren Blood Curse PS3 Horror 66 Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus HD PS3 Platformer 67 Sly 2: Band of Thieves HD PS3 Platformer 68 Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves HD PS3 Platformer 69 Soul Calibur V PS3 Fighting 70 Steins;Gate Elite PS4 Visual Novel 71 Steins;Gate: Linear Bound Phenogram PS4 Visual Novel 72 Super Robot Wars V PS4 Tactical RPG 73 Superdimension Neptune vs SEGA Hard Girls Vita Turn-Based RPG 74 Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet PS4 Action RPG 75 Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization PS4 Action RPG 76 Tales of Berseria PS4 Action RPG 77 Tales of the Abyss 3DS Action RPG 78 Tales of Vesperia PS4 Action RPG 79 Tales of Xillia 2 PS3 Action RPG 80 Tales of Zestiria PS4 Action RPG 81 Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord PS3 Tactical RPG 82 Tokyo Xanadu eX+ PS4 Turn-Based RPG 83 Touch My Katamari Vita Puzzle 84 Toukiden 2 PS4 Action RPG 85 Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception PS4 Tactical RPG / Visual Novel 86 Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth PS4 Tactical RPG / Visual Novel 87 Utawarerumono: Zan PS4 Musou 88 Valkyria Chronicles Remastered PS4 Tactical RPG 89 Valkyria Chronicles 4 PS4 Tactical RPG 90 Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni Vita Action 91 White Knight Chronicles PS3 Turn-Based RPG 92 White Knight Chronicles II PS3 Turn-Based RPG 93 WORLDEND SYNDROME PS4 Visual Novel 94 Yakuza 6: The Song of Life PS4 Action 95 Yakuza Kiwami 2 PS4 Action 96 Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 Action RPG 97 YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World PS4 Visual Novel 98 Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma PS4 Visual Novel Completed Games Collection of 2020:
# Game Name Platform Genre Month 01 Kingdom Hearts III ReMIND (+ KHIII Post-game content) PS4 Action RPG January 02 Final Fantasy X HD Remaster PS4 Turn-Based RPG February 03 Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age PS4 Action RPG February 04 Ys Origin PS4 Action RPG March 05 DOOM PS4 First Person Shooter March 06 DOOM II: Hell on Earth PS4 First Person Shooter March 07 DOOM 64 PS4 First Person Shooter March 08 Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4 Action RPG April 09 Final Fantasy VII PS4 Turn-Based RPG April
Platinum Trophy Collection:
# Game Name Platform Genre Year 01 Saints Row: The Third PS3 Action 2014 02 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle PS3 Fighting 2015 03 Hyperdimension Neptunia PS3 Turn-Based RPG 2015 04 Dekamori Senran Kagura Vita Music/Rhythm 2015 05 Steins;Gate PS3 Visual Novel 2015 06 NieR PS3 Action RPG 2015 07 No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise PS3 Action 2015 08 Asura's Wrath PS3 Action 2015 09 Saints Row IV PS3 Action 2015 10 The Darkness II PS3 First Person Shooter 2015 11 Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 PS3 Turn-Based RPG 2016 12 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD PS3 Action 2016 13 Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus Vita Action 2016 14 Gravity Rush Vita Platformer 2016 15 Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory PS3 Turn-Based RPG 2016 16 Resogun PS4 Arcade Shooter 2016 17 Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Vita Third Person Shooter 2016 18 Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game PS4 Adventure 2016 19 Miracle Girls Festival Vita Music/Rhythm 2017 20 Senran Kagura Estival Versus PS4 Action 2017 21 The Wolf Among Us PS4 Adventure 2017 22 Final Fantasy XV PS4 Action RPG 2017 23 Amplitude PS4 Music/Rhythm 2017 24 Root Letter PS4 Visual Novel 2017 25 IA/VT -Colorful- Vita Music/Rhythm 2017 26 Persona 4: Dancing All Night Vita Music/Rhythm 2017 27 Gravity Rush Remastered PS4 Platformer 2017 28 NieR: Automata PS4 Action RPG 2017 29 The Silver Case PS4 Visual Novel 2017 30 Steins;Gate 0 PS4 Visual Novel 2017 31 Under Defeat HD PS3 Arcade Shooter 2017 32 Tales from the Borderlands PS4 Adventure 2017 33 Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection PS3 Fighting 2017 34 Life is Strange PS4 Adventure 2017 35 Sword Art Online: Lost Song PS4 Action RPG 2017 36 Crash Bandicoot Remastered PS4 Platformer 2017 37 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Remastered PS4 Platformer 2017 38 Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped Remastered PS4 Platformer 2017 39 Final Fantasy Type-0 HD PS4 Action RPG 2017 40 Corpse Party: Blood Drive Vita Horror 2018 41 Persona 5 PS4 Turn-Based RPG 2018 42 Zero Escape: The Nonary Games PS4 Visual Novel 2018 43 Persona 4: Dancing All Night [Japanese Version] PS4 Music/Rhythm 2018 44 Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Action 2018 45 Akiba's Trip 2: Undead & Undressed PS4 Action RPG 2019 46 Spyro the Dragon Remastered PS4 Platformer 2019 47 Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Remastered PS4 Platfomer 2019 48 Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon Remastered PS4 Platformer 2019 49 Tekken Tag Tournament HD PS3 Fighting 2019 50 Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy HD PS3 Platformer 2019 51 Taiko no Tatsujin V Version Vita Music/Rhythm 2019 52 Utakumi 575 Vita Music/Rhythm 2019 53 Jak II: Renegade HD PS3 Platformer 2019 54 Jak 3 HD PS3 Platformer 2019 55 Ratchet & Clank HD PS3 Platformer 2019 56 Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando HD PS3 Platformer 2019 57 Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal HD PS3 Platformer 2019 58 Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash PS4 Third Person Shooter 2019 59 Kingdom Hearts III PS4 Action RPG 2020
# | Platform | # | Game Name | Genre |
1 | 3DS | 1 | Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson | Action |
2 | 3DS | 2 | Tales of the Abyss | Action RPG |
3 | PC/Steam | 1 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky | Turn-Based RPG |
4 | PC/Steam | 2 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter | Turn-Based RPG |
5 | PS3 | 1 | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow | Action |
6 | PS3 | 2 | Catherine | Puzzle |
7 | PS3 | 3 | Drakengard 3 | Action RPG |
8 | PS3 | 4 | Eternal Sonata | Turn-Based RPG |
9 | PS3 | 5 | Folklore | Action |
10 | PS3 | 6 | Katamari Forever | Puzzle |
11 | PS3 | 7 | Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | Turn-Based RPG |
12 | PS3 | 8 | Puppeteer | Platformer |
13 | PS3 | 9 | Sengoku Basara 3: Samurai Heroes | Musou |
14 | PS3 | 10 | Siren Blood Curse | Horror |
15 | PS3 | 11 | Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus HD | Platformer |
16 | PS3 | 12 | Sly 2: Band of Thieves HD | Platformer |
17 | PS3 | 13 | Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves HD | Platformer |
18 | PS3 | 14 | Soul Calibur V | Fighting |
19 | PS3 | 15 | Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord | Tactical RPG / Visual Novel |
20 | PS3 | 16 | White Knight Chronicles | Turn-Based RPG |
21 | PS3 | 17 | White Knight Chronicles II | Turn-Based RPG |
22 | PS4 | 1 | The 25th Ward: The Silver Case | Visual Novel |
23 | PS4 | 2 | 428: Shibuya Scramble | Visual Novel |
24 | PS4 | 3 | Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle | Musou |
25 | PS4 | 4 | Blue Reflection | Turn-Based RPG |
26 | PS4 | 5 | Chaos;Child | Visual Novel |
27 | PS4 | 6 | Code Vein | Action RPG |
28 | PS4 | 7 | Cyberdimension Neptunia: Four Goddesses Online | Action RPG |
29 | PS4 | 8 | Danganronpa 1 Reload | Visual Novel |
30 | PS4 | 9 | Danganronpa 2 Reload | Visual Novel |
31 | PS4 | 10 | Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony | Visual Novel |
32 | PS4 | 11 | Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 1: Rinne Utopia | Visual Novel |
33 | PS4 | 12 | Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 2: Ars Install | Visual Novel |
34 | PS4 | 13 | Date A Live: Rio-Reincarnation - 3: Twin Edition: Rio Reincarnation | Visual Novel |
35 | PS4 | 14 | Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune | Simulation |
36 | PS4 | 15 | Dragon's Crown Pro | Action RPG |
37 | PS4 | 16 | Fate/Extella Link | Musou |
38 | PS4 | 17 | Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise | Action |
39 | PS4 | 18 | Gal*Gun 2 | On-Rails Shooter |
40 | PS4 | 19 | Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Infinite Combate | Action RPG |
41 | PS4 | 20 | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven | Fighting |
42 | PS4 | 21 | Judgment | Action |
43 | PS4 | 22 | Kandagawa Jet Girls | Racing |
44 | PS4 | 23 | Langrisser | Tactical RPG |
45 | PS4 | 24 | Langrisser II | Tactical RPG |
46 | PS4 | 25 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel | Turn-Based RPG |
47 | PS4 | 26 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II | Turn-Based RPG |
48 | PS4 | 27 | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III | Turn-Based RPG |
49 | PS4 | 28 | Megadimension Neptunia VII | Turn-Based RPG |
50 | PS4 | 29 | Megadimension Neptunia VIIR | Turn-Based RPG |
51 | PS4 | 30 | Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | Action RPG |
52 | PS4 | 31 | Nights of Azure | Action RPG |
53 | PS4 | 32 | Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon | Action RPG |
54 | PS4 | 33 | One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 | Musou |
55 | PS4 | 34 | Onechanbara Z2: Chaos | Action |
56 | PS4 | 35 | Our World Is Ended | Visual Novel |
57 | PS4 | 36 | Persona 5 Royal | Turn-Based RPG |
58 | PS4 | 37 | Punch Line | Visual Novel |
59 | PS4 | 38 | Raging Loop | Visual Novel |
60 | PS4 | 39 | Robotics;Notes DaSH | Visual Novel |
61 | PS4 | 40 | Robotics;Notes ELITE | Visual Novel |
62 | PS4 | 41 | Saint Seiya: Soldier's Soul | Fighting |
63 | PS4 | 42 | Sakura Wars | Action RPG / Dating Sim |
64 | PS4 | 43 | Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi | Musou |
65 | PS4 | 44 | Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal | Action |
66 | PS4 | 45 | Shining Resonance: Refrain | Action RPG |
67 | PS4 | 46 | Steins;Gate Elite | Visual Novel |
68 | PS4 | 47 | Steins;Gate: Linear Bound Phenogram | Visual Novel |
69 | PS4 | 48 | Super Robot Wars V | Tactical RPG |
70 | PS4 | 49 | Super Robot Wars X | Tactical RPG |
71 | PS4 | 50 | Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet | Action RPG |
72 | PS4 | 51 | Tales of Berseria | Action RPG |
73 | PS4 | 52 | Tales of Vesperia | Action RPG |
74 | PS4 | 53 | Tales of Zestiria | Action RPG |
75 | PS4 | 54 | Tokyo Xanadu eX+ | Action RPG |
76 | PS4 | 55 | Toukiden 2 | Action RPG |
77 | PS4 | 56 | Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception | Tactical RPG / Visual Novel |
78 | PS4 | 57 | Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth | Tactical RPG / Visual Novel |
79 | PS4 | 58 | Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen | Tactical RPG / Visual Novel |
80 | PS4 | 59 | Utawarerumono: Zan | Musou |
81 | PS4 | 60 | Valkyria Chronicles Remastered | Tactical RPG |
82 | PS4 | 61 | Valkyria Chronicles 4 | Tactical RPG |
83 | PS4 | 62 | The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival Edition | Action RPG |
84 | PS4 | 63 | WORLDEND SYNDROME | Visual Novel |
85 | PS4 | 64 | YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World | Visual Novel |
86 | PS4 | 65 | Ys IX: Monstrum Nox | Action RPG |
87 | Vita | 1 | Bullet Girls | Third Person Shooter |
88 | Vita | 2 | Demon Gaze | Dungeon RPG |
89 | Vita | 3 | Freedom Wars | Action |
90 | Vita | 4 | Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart | Tactical RPG |
91 | Vita | 5 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 | Turn-Based RPG |
92 | Vita | 6 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sister's Generation | Turn-Based RPG |
93 | Vita | 7 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation | Turn-Based RPG |
94 | Vita | 8 | Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed | Musou |
95 | Vita | 9 | MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies | Musou |
96 | Vita | 10 | Muv-Luv | Visual Novel |
97 | Vita | 11 | Muv-Luv Alternative | Visual Novel |
98 | Vita | 12 | Superdimension Neptune vs SEGA Hard Girls | Turn-Based RPG |
99 | Vita | 13 | Touch My Katamari | Puzzle |
100 | Vita | 14 | Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni | Action |
# | Game Name | Platform | Genre | Month |
1 | Yakuza 6: The Song of Life | PS4 | Action | January |
2 | GOD EATER Resurrection | PS4 | Action RPG | January |
3 | GOD EATER 2: Rage Burst | PS4 | Action RPG | February |
4 | Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star | PS4 | Musou | March |
5 | Gal*Gun Double Peace | PS4 | On-Rails Shooter | March |
6 | Odin Sphere Leifthrasir | PS4 | Action RPG | March |
# | Game Name | Platform | Genre | Year |
1 | Saints Row: The Third | PS3 | Action | 2014 |
2 | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle | PS3 | Fighting | 2015 |
3 | Hyperdimension Neptunia | PS3 | Turn-Based RPG | 2015 |
4 | Dekamori Senran Kagura | Vita | Music/Rhythm | 2015 |
5 | Steins;Gate | PS3 | Visual Novel | 2015 |
6 | NieR | PS3 | Action RPG | 2015 |
7 | No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise | PS3 | Action | 2015 |
8 | Asura's Wrath | PS3 | Action | 2015 |
9 | Saints Row IV | PS3 | Action | 2015 |
10 | The Darkness II | PS3 | First Person Shooter | 2015 |
11 | Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 | PS3 | Turn-Based RPG | 2016 |
12 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD | PS3 | Action | 2016 |
13 | Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus | Vita | Action | 2016 |
14 | Gravity Rush | Vita | Platformer | 2016 |
15 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory | PS3 | Turn-Based RPG | 2016 |
16 | Resogun | PS4 | Arcade Shooter | 2016 |
17 | Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls | Vita | Third Person Shooter | 2016 |
18 | Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game | PS4 | Adventure | 2016 |
19 | Miracle Girls Festival | Vita | Music/Rhythm | 2017 |
20 | Senran Kagura Estival Versus | PS4 | Action | 2017 |
21 | The Wolf Among Us | PS4 | Adventure | 2017 |
22 | Final Fantasy XV | PS4 | Action RPG | 2017 |
23 | Amplitude | PS4 | Music/Rhythm | 2017 |
24 | Root Letter | PS4 | Visual Novel | 2017 |
25 | IA/VT -Colorful- | Vita | Music/Rhythm | 2017 |
26 | Persona 4: Dancing All Night | Vita | Music/Rhythm | 2017 |
27 | Gravity Rush Remastered | PS4 | Platformer | 2017 |
28 | NieR: Automata | PS4 | Action RPG | 2017 |
29 | The Silver Case | PS4 | Visual Novel | 2017 |
30 | Steins;Gate 0 | PS4 | Visual Novel | 2017 |
31 | Under Defeat HD | PS3 | Arcade Shooter | 2017 |
32 | Tales from the Borderlands | PS4 | Adventure | 2017 |
33 | Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection | PS3 | Fighting | 2017 |
34 | Life is Strange | PS4 | Adventure | 2017 |
35 | Sword Art Online: Lost Song | PS4 | Action RPG | 2017 |
36 | Crash Bandicoot Remastered | PS4 | Platformer | 2017 |
37 | Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Remastered | PS4 | Platformer | 2017 |
38 | Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped Remastered | PS4 | Platformer | 2017 |
39 | Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | PS4 | Action RPG | 2017 |
40 | Corpse Party: Blood Drive | Vita | Horror | 2018 |
41 | Persona 5 | PS4 | Turn-Based RPG | 2018 |
42 | Zero Escape: The Nonary Games | PS4 | Visual Novel | 2018 |
43 | Persona 4: Dancing All Night [Japanese Version] | PS4 | Music/Rhythm | 2018 |
44 | Marvel's Spider-Man | PS4 | Action | 2018 |
45 | Akiba's Trip 2: Undead & Undressed | PS4 | Action RPG | 2019 |
46 | Spyro the Dragon Remastered | PS4 | Platformer | 2019 |
47 | Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Remastered | PS4 | Platfomer | 2019 |
48 | Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon Remastered | PS4 | Platformer | 2019 |
49 | Tekken Tag Tournament HD | PS3 | Fighting | 2019 |
50 | Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy HD | PS3 | Platformer | 2019 |
51 | Taiko no Tatsujin V Version | Vita | Music/Rhythm | 2019 |
52 | Utakumi 575 | Vita | Music/Rhythm | 2019 |
53 | Jak II: Renegade HD | PS3 | Platformer | 2019 |
54 | Jak 3 HD | PS3 | Platformer | 2019 |
55 | Ratchet & Clank HD | PS3 | Platformer | 2019 |
56 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando HD | PS3 | Platformer | 2019 |
57 | Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal HD | PS3 | Platformer | 2019 |
58 | Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash | PS4 | Third Person Shooter | 2019 |
59 | Kingdom Hearts III | PS4 | Action RPG | 2020 |
60 | Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma | PS4 | Adventure Visual Novel | 2020 |
61 | Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut | PS3 | Action Horror | 2020 |
62 | Gal*Gun Double Peace | PS4 | On-Rails Shooter | 2021 |
63 | Odin Sphere Leifthrasir | PS4 | Action RPG | 2021 |
This is so in depth. You're such a pro!Completed Game #08:
Final Fantasy VII Remake (for PlayStation 4)
I have never played the original before, but I was excited enough to acquire the first instalment of the Final Fantasy VII Remake series by Square Enix. The first instalment remakes the first 1/3 of the original PlayStation's first disc apparently and there's a lot of effort put into this. The good news for those who had yet to play it and are reading this, I won't be spoiling the story because that would be unfair, plus as I haven't played the original I can't rant either haha.
Let's start with the gameplay first. FF7R has switched from traditional turn-based RPG gameplay to action RPG in a similar way to Final Fantasy XV (both of which Nomura worked on), however, what makes FF7R's gameplay so unique is the Active Time Battle mechanic (known as ATB). ATB was in the original and is back in FF7R as a cooldown of sorts. Basically you need to keep approaching the enemy or are able to wait long enough to fill a bar or two. That bar can then be used to activate an ability skill, magic skill, item or a summon. Magic still requires MP but will use up a bar regardless. Summons and Limits are also in the gameplay but they take time to be used, but the latter does not affect the ATB bar usage.
Materia plays a huge part in managing your abilities and skills for each character. In every battle you earn AP and this contributes to slowly filling the star completion of a materia, but in return, it will unlock more power and useful supporting abilities. For instance, a Fire materia starts off with Fire but as you fill in the AP amount, you will eventually unlock Fira and Firaga. Other examples include Poison, HP Up, MP Up, Assess (which scans an enemy's weakness), Magnify and many more. You can swap materia around between each character which you will probably need to do a lot in the latter half as you will have one on one (or two on one) boss fights.
Weapons can be levelled up as well. You have the option to have the game automatically fill in the SP for you or you can manually choose which abilities you would like to use, for instance, Attack Power, Magic Attack Power, and Percentage Damage for Magic. Each weapon also comes with a special ability that upon usage will permanently stay with you so you can switch to different weapons without losing it. For instance, Cloud's Infinity End, Barrett's Maximum Fury, Tifa's Starshower, and Aerith's Ray of Judgment are all my favourites in terms of doing massive damage at boss fights.
Combat as a whole is surprisingly really well polished. Attacking enemies hasn't been a complete issue but while there have been times where it can be challenging, it's basically all about being tactical and switching characters to balance the fight. When pressing Command, time slows down which gives you a bit of a breather to choose your next move. You can also pick what move your teammate should do without playing them which can make battles a lot easier especially as they don't activate their move unless they have reached their opponent. Especially as for your own character, the move will start immediately and the enemy would run away at the last second if you are not careful enough. During every battle, if you can exploit their weakness, the pressure bar will slowly fill, and once it has been filled completely it will activate stagger mode. Stagger mode is where you need to obliterate your enemy to take them down sooner.
Outside of combat, the game offers a bunch of side stuff from side-quests where you speak to people, sometimes fight enemies or acquire items, and in return get rewarded. There are also some mini-games available from darts, exercising and a really fantastic rhythm segment that I won't spoil but it makes me wish it could come back in some shape/form as a Theatrhythm instalment. If you do miss out on collectables and side quests they will be accessible again through Chapter Select upon completing the game's storyline. You will need to use Chapter Select anyway because two side quests are only accessible through that method.
Let's talk about presentation, this is a well-presented game with a ton of good looking surroundings. The character models look great and they attempted lip-syncing across both the cutscenes and general dialogue throughout. The skybox in some parts does look very noticeable so it can be very off-putting but the areas around you like buildings and characters are polished. Like some have noticed, I also spotted some texture issues at times which can easily be fixed with a patch but at the moment it often looks weird.
The music offers an interesting variety with traditional orchestra and various genres that can be heard as you walk past a vending machine. The vending machine is where you can buy items/weapons/armour/accessories, and they are located next to a bench which restores health and magic. You can save manually anywhere you go and when you load the game you are back in that exact same position so you don't have to worry about revisiting a cutscene or something like a lot of games do.
Now the one that will get people talking about the most (outside of the game's final act) is the length. I have spent additional time going through the side quests and mini-games, and as such it has taken me 35 hours 43 minutes to fully finish the main story with an additional 2 hours to sort out the last two side quests. UPDATE: One thing that I forgot to mention is that this game does have choices which do have some effect in the storyline and especially the final act's fights so choose a bit carefully as you progress.
Overall, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a well-polished and almost perfect introduction to the project. The gameplay is great, the presentation is lovely but needed a bit more polish, the side stuff is a nice feature, and the final act offers more questions than answers for everyone. The story overall feels like a Season 1 of an anime than an Episode 1. Do I recommend folks to get this game at full retail price? Considering how much content is placed in this game I say yes but only if you don't mind linear aspects which this game does have a lot of. I got my money's worth after spending £80 on the Deluxe Edition and I look forward to the next instalment of the project.
Final Fantasy VII Remake is available to play on PlayStation 4, with Xbox and PC coming 2021. Gaming Canine
My backlog so far:
-- PlayStation 3 -- 23 total --
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
Dragon's Crown
Drakengard 3
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Eternal Sonata
Katamari Forever
Killzone 2
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
Siren Blood Curse
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus HD
Sly 2: Band of Thieves HD
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves HD
Soul Calibur V
Tales of Xillia 2
Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord
White Knight Chronicles
White Knight Chronicles II
-- PlayStation Vita -- 14 total --
Bullet Girls
Demon Gaze
Freedom Wars
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Muv-Luv [VN]
Muv-Luv Alternative [VN]
Superdimension Neptune vs SEGA Hard Girls
Touch My Katamari
Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni
-- PlayStation 4 -- 53 total --
428: Shibuya Scramble [VN]
Blue Reflection
Chaos;Child [VN]
Cyberdimension Neptunia: Four Goddesses Online
Danganronpa 1 Reload [VN]
Danganronpa 2 Reload [VN]
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony [VN]
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star
Fate/Extella Link
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
Gal*Gun: Double Peace
GOD EATER Resurrection
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst
.hack//G.U. Vol.1: Rebirth Remastered
.hack//G.U. Vol.2: Reminisce Remastered
.hack//G.U. Vol.3: Redemption Remastered
.hack//G.U. Vol.4: Reconnection
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
Megadimension Neptunia VII (Victory II)
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR (Victory II Realize)
Nights of Azure
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3
Our World Is Ended [VN]
Persona 5 Royal
Punch Line [VN]
Raging Loop [VN]
Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal
Shining Resonance: Refrain
Steins;Gate Elite [VN]
Steins;Gate: Linear Bound Phenogram [VN]
Super Robot Wars V
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Zestiria
Tokyo Xanadu eX+
Toukiden 2
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception [VN]
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth [VN]
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World [VN]
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma [VN]
-- Personal Computer -- 2 total --
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky First Chapter
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
-- Nintendo 3DS -- 2 total --
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson
Tales of the Abyss
Completed Games Collection of 2020:
- January
- #01 | Kingdom Hearts III ReMIND (for PlayStation 4)
- February
- #02 | Final Fantasy X HD Remaster (for PlayStation 4)
- #03 | Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (for PlayStation 4)
- March
- #04 | Ys Origin (for PlayStation 4)
- #05 | DOOM (for PlayStation 4)
- #06 | DOOM II: Hell on Earth (for PlayStation 4)
- #07 | DOOM 64 (for PlayStation 4)
- April
- #08 | Final Fantasy VII Remake (for PlayStation 4)
Platinum Trophy Collection:
- 2014
- #01 | Saints Row: The Third (for PlayStation 3)
- 2015
- #02 | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (for PlayStation 3)
- #03 | Hyperdimension Neptunia (for PlayStation 3)
- #04 | Dekamori Senran Kagura (for PlayStation Vita)
- #05 | Steins;Gate (for PlayStation 3)
- #06 | NieR (for PlayStation 3)
- #07 | No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise (for PlayStation 3)
- #08 | Asura's Wrath (for PlayStation 3)
- #09 | Saints Row IV (for PlayStation 3)
- #10 | The Darkness II (for PlayStation 3)
- 2016
- #11 | Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 (for PlayStation 3)
- #12 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #13 | Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (for PlayStation Vita)
- #14 | Gravity Rush (for PlayStation Vita)
- #15 | Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (for PlayStation 3)
- #16 | Resogun (for PlayStation 4)
- #17 | Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (for PlayStation Vita)
- #18 | Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game (for PlayStation 4)
- 2017
- #19 | Miracle Girls Festival (for PlayStation Vita)
- #20 | Senran Kagura Estival Versus (for PlayStation 4)
- #21 | The Wolf Among Us (for PlayStation 4)
- #22 | Final Fantasy XV (for PlayStation 4)
- #23 | Amplitude (for PlayStation 4)
- #24 | Root Letter (for PlayStation 4)
- #25 | IA/VT -Colorful- (for PlayStation Vita)
- #26 | Persona 4: Dancing All Night (for PlayStation Vita)
- #27 | Gravity Rush Remastered (for PlayStation 4)
- #28 | NieR: Automata (for PlayStation 4)
- #29 | The Silver Case HD (for PlayStation 4)
- #30 | Steins;Gate 0 (for PlayStation 4)
- #31 | Under Defeat HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #32 | Tales from the Borderlands (for PlayStation 4)
- #33 | Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection (for PlayStation 3)
- #34 | Life is Strange (for PlayStation 4)
- #35 | Sword Art Online: Lost Song (for PlayStation 4)
- #36 | Crash Bandicoot HD (for PlayStation 4)
- #37 | Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back HD (for PlayStation 4)
- #38 | Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped HD (for PlayStation 4)
- #39 | Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (for PlayStation 4)
- 2018
- #40 | Corpse Party: Blood Drive (for PlayStation Vita)
- #41 | Persona 5 (for PlayStation 4)
- #42 | Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (for PlayStation 4)
- #43 | Persona 4: Dancing All Night [Japanese Version] (for PlayStation 4)
- #44 | Marvel's Spider-Man (for PlayStation 4)
- 2019
- #45 | Akiba's Trip 2: Undead & Undressed (for PlayStation 4)
- #46 | Spyro the Dragon HD (for PlayStation 4)
- #47 | Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage HD (for PlayStation 4)
- #48 | Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon HD (for PlayStation 4)
- #49 | Tekken Tag Tournament HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #50 | Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #51 | Taiko no Tatsujin V Version (for PlayStation Vita)
- #52 | Utakumi 575 (for PlayStation Vita)
- #53 | Jak II: Renegade HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #54 | Jak 3 HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #55 | Ratchet & Clank HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #56 | Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #57 | Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal HD (for PlayStation 3)
- #58 | Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (for PlayStation 4)
- 2020:
- #59 | Kingdom Hearts III (for PlayStation 4)