In the last few months I acquired a
few games via Humble Bundle and Steam deals at ridiculously cheap prices...
And I was so done for last week I decided to play some stuff to de-stress.
► Portal
20 November 2015: Must say it is a fun game to play through with a nice kick-off to the story.
I played through the entire original Portal game and beat all advanced maps, as well as tried some challenges.
I acquired 12 of the 15 achievements on Steam already and have just over 10 hours of playtime on my name now.
► Civilization V
21 & 22 November 2015: After a few years I decided to play Civilization V for the first time on an actual Steam account.
First new playthrough took me 22 hours, I played as The Huns on a huge map with 12 civilizations and 40 city-states.
I used the alt. continents setting with "quick" as speed setting
(still took 22 hours, lol).
I took over 4 of the 11 other civilizations and never was friends with any of the other civilizations (not intended).
Also took over none of the city-states, although they were all my allies / friends by the end of the playthrough (year 2050).
It honestly is one of those things that kind of bugged me how none of the other civilizations wanted to ally me.
Actually, when world congress was a thing they all voted to ban trading with me which nullified all my trade routes in viability.
Yet I kept on earning 400 to 500 gold a turn, as well as plenty of tourism and such. (one city earned 100+ alone)
Also somehow managed to get over 100 happiness for the first time ever, while owning I believe 16 cities.
The capitals I owned in the end were: Warsaw
(Poland), Stockholm
(Sweden), Gao
(Songhai), Honolulu
(Polynesia) and Attila's Court
(The Huns)
► Not NormanicGRAV
14 November 2015: Said weekend Steam had a free trial weekend for GRAV - early access stage game.
It reminded me a bit of FusionFall in some regards but has a lot, an awful lot of optimization to go through still.
While Portal and Civ V ran smoothly on high settings GRAV didn't run smooth whatsoever on my machine.
Other than that there is no clarity on how you need to get started and how you had to do and find things / monsters.
I quit after 2 hours thinking "I'll revisit this in the future hoping the game got way better".