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My friend gifted me Sleeping Dogs via Steam for my birthday. I was originally wondering what it was like and I love him for doing that for me. The PC port itself is fantastic - it runs like a dream and there's a free high-res texture pack. Not had a single problem yet and I'm running with nearly everything on max (Shadows on medium, those seem to be the most taxing) In fact all of Squenix's ports that I've seen lately (Bar that disgusting FF7 one) have been fantastic.

Anyways, the game itself. I'm...Pleasantly surprised actually. It's an open world sand box game in the ilk of Gta and Saints Row, but with (seemingly) more of a focus on melee fighting. Attacks are done with the left mouse button, with light attacks by tapping it and a heavy attack by holding it. You can chain into heavy attacks etc. Right mouse button is used for countering and F is used for grappling. Whilst doing that you usually have numerous different options like being able to attack, throw that enemy or utilise the environment in numerous different ways.

The first two missions do a good job of introducing the mechanics to you in engaging ways, with the start of the game having a chase sequence where you get used to sprinting (holding space) and vaulting over objects (by pressing space.) Once you get the hang of vaulting objects it becomes rather fun, with some of the pre-determined chases offering some good thrills. And so far, really pleasantly and refreshingly, there hasn't been a single gun or gun fight. It seems to have more of a focus on melee fighting and it comes off really well.

(Not quite sure why I added screenshots, but they really don't do it that much justice. Once you get to the city itself it's a lovely gorgeous place to explore. I waltzed up a bridge where a lady asked me if her shirt was too tight, at which point a mugger attacked me from behind, stole half of my money and so I gave chase to beat him and his mates up with a purse. Great fun!)
Today I accidentally strolled upon the Japanese PlayStation Network on my PSP, so I made an account and download the demos for the Strike Witches game and Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend.

Yeah, I want to buy the full Hatsune Miku game now.
ilmaestro said:
New version out for Vita at the end of the month! Hype times ahead.
I downloaded the trailer for that one too.

I tried out a Vita once again on Thursday and although I enjoyed Gravity Rush, I found the actual console difficult to hold...I would consider one for the new Hatsune Miku game though...if Sony slash the price a bit xD

Was messing around in Just Cause 2 today. Been meaning to get it for ages, but thankfully it showed up on Playstation Plus this month. It's an absolute blast! I've been trying to use the grappling hook to tether an enemy mook to a fighter jet as it takes off but no success yet. Tried out some Saints Row 2 as well, it's not too shabby.
I decided to play through Uncharted again...it's one of my favourite games ever and one of the few I've actually played to the end.

Still love it.
Re: !

Ath said:
Was messing around in Just Cause 2 today. Been meaning to get it for ages, but thankfully it showed up on Playstation Plus this month. It's an absolute blast! I've been trying to use the grappling hook to tether an enemy mook to a fighter jet as it takes off but no success yet. Tried out some Saints Row 2 as well, it's not too shabby.

Saints Row 2 was awesome, one of my favourite games of all time. Just Cause 2 on the other hand was ****, there's a good few hours of my life I'll never get back.

I rarely splash out on Arcade games, but for once I decided to get one, Dust: An Elysian Tail to be precise, after playing the demo I decided it was worth getting, and so far it has been, I love the banter between Dust and Fidget. The character portrait style reminds me of Jazz Jackrabbit a little.
Been playing Sleeping Dogs lately. Pretty solid open world game although I consider it to have the same kind of world like Mafia 2 and L.A. Noire meaning that the city is for story purposes and not for messing around in like in Grand Theft Auto and Just Cause 2.
Mutsumi said:
I'm intrigued, what is so bad about that FF7 port? The trailer for it showed only FMVs. :/

Compressed movies, the music being somewhat different to the original version (One Winged Angel sounds pretttty bad.) and apparently has drm where you need to be always online. The situation may have changed since I last looked, but these were the big offenders at least.
MercenaryRaiden said:
Mutsumi said:
I'm intrigued, what is so bad about that FF7 port? The trailer for it showed only FMVs. :/

Compressed movies, the music being somewhat different to the original version (One Winged Angel sounds pretttty bad.) and apparently has drm where you need to be always online. The situation may have changed since I last looked, but these were the big offenders at least.

That was the majority of it. They dropped the quality of the music big time in the port, though i think they where going to alter that. Also, a lot of people got it from the SquEnix main site, where what they got was the pre-release version, which was so bad/buggy etc that they where refunded it in full and square have promised that they will give them the proper release for free when it's properly set. Everything surrounding it has been done fairly poorly on their end, so hopefully they can actually get it sorted.

Anywho, on topic. Despite getting Darksiders 2 in the mail today, i'm still working my way through the first one. I'm just about to enter the third dungeon so i'm making decent progress. Hopefully aim to have it complete by tomorrow afternoon/evening, but we'll see how time works out.
Max Takeshi said:
Started New Super Mario Bros. 2.

Colour me surprised, but after all the whining in reviews of it not being up to scratch I thoroughly enjoyed world 1. The coin mechanic really does add something different to proceedings, making previously simple looking levels a test bed for collecting. People with OCD are gonna freak.

Ah well, 6799 down, 993201 to go.

What is the point of the coin collecting though? Do you actually get anything in the end? Or is it another "finish your pokedex and get a certificate" thing?
Rinsed through New Vegas + Dead Island in the past few weeks.
Started magna carta 2, pretty decent RPG. Much better than the original, only got about 5 hours into that. Also, DLC weapons are a cheat!

Just playing old releases until Jet Set + Borderlands 2 next month!
And just in case I needed more "all-in" games to line up, I picked up the PC edition of Dark Souls today, more in surprise that it was on the shelf in Tesco than anything else, since I'd forgotten it was out so soon.
Mutsumi said:
Wow, I'm surprised Tesco had it. Be sure to use a controller to play it, apparently mouse and keyboard for it stinks.
Yeah me too, especially on release day. Tesco can be so random with their game stock, especially on PC.

I will probably give M&K a try since I always like to try things for myself (and just generally prefer it as a control method), but I shall certainly have my wired 360 controller close at hand.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
What is the point of the coin collecting though? Do you actually get anything in the end? Or is it another "finish your pokedex and get a certificate" thing?

Mainly it's so you replay it again. And again. And again.

Apparently you get two things, though I don't know what, saving it for a surprise if I can be bothered or not. 55891 down, a hell of a lot... to... go.

Speaking of this game I accidentally opened one of the hidden rainbow levels. Felt quite chuffed when I realised how I'd done it, and the same process is used on each world.

Also started Sleeping Dogs on the PC. Can't believe how many times I failed one of the first missions (robbing the warehouse for those watches). I just couldn't defeat the second wave of enemies (with weapons). Whenever I tried to attack any of them they would interrupt and attack, whenever I tried to counter them, they attacked, whenever I tried to grab them, they attacked. A lucky random punch made one of them drop some pliers (or whatever it was). Something was seriously wrong there :(

Crysis makes my fan sound like it's about to take off, Metro 2033 makes it sound like it's a Concorde. This makes it sound like it's about to take off from Cape Canaveral and try to break the speed of light (everything maxed out, of course). Rest in peace, Neil Armstrong
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Having just completed a re-playthrough of Metroid Prime 1 i'm gearing up for Metroid Prime 2....Well I would be if I hadn't just bought BlazeBlue Continuum Shift Extend....There's story modes to go through....
Max Takeshi said:
Also started Sleeping Dogs on the PC.
I played the demo the other day and it sold me the game (though when I'll actually get around to buying it, I'm not sure). The combat is fluid and graceful, similar to Arkham but with the added bonus of not playing as a twat in a silly costume, and that along with everything else of the game I saw in the demo totally nailed that HK action movie feel.

Best of all, NO MULTI-PLAYER! AT ALL! Yay for developers who still focus on delivering a quality single-player experience above all else.