The combination of Kyun! Vampire Girl and Makoto with the trailer when it went up may have been responsible for me making a purchasing decision I will one day regret :s
I feel like it's one of the better songs inthe "IM@S-verse" (If you can call it that
) but still, hope you enjoy the game!
You maniac. :lol:
What was the most grindy part, getting every item or fully levelling all characters secondary roles?
(If anyone reading this doesn't care about FFXIII, skip to the bottom of my post and ignore this giant block of text entirely!)
Without a shadow of a doubt - items because the levels came from the ridiculous levels of grinding. And this is WITH extensive planning to ensure it wasn't another 20 hours - it's been a long time so lets see if I remember this... You needed to have owned one of every kind of weapon. The trouble came with the Trapezohedrons. It's a rare item with something stupid like a .3% drop from the hardest neutral in the game (The shaolong guis) and an even smaller drop from the weaker version of those. There are accessories you can get to improve the rare drop rate though - HIGHLY RECOMMEND to get those first.
One you get enough materials for a weapon to be able to get everyones weapon to it's ultimate form you need 6 Trapezohedrons in total, which cost 2,000,000 each from the shop or those rare drops. The interesting thing is that an ultimate weapon can be crafted into 3 Trapezohedrons saving you a fair bit of gil. Considering every character has just 1 tier 3 weapon you only need to finish one upgrade for each character. Although it takes 9 tier-2 upgrades to get all the different weapons for EVERY character. Fortunately farming the Adamantortoise also give you platinum ingots which you can sell for loads of money. I saved at the single one walking around at chapter 12 and just farmed him for 20 hours continuous. The 20 hours it took to get the Trapezohedrons that I needed also gave me enough money to be able to upgrade every accessory. Time consuming is too weak of a word. Still, I got a nice Serah theme out of it...!
(Sorry for the giant block of text! I feel rather geeky and sad after remembering, let alone doing, all of that. But you can easily see why those 20 hours of reloading that one enemy soured my experience...At least it gave me a reward! I won't even get into the upgrade bonus exp and how you can *somewhat* manipulate that with low priced items to get a 3x before upgrading to save so much gil...)
To keep this OT: I got my new pc parts today but i've yet to set it up...Because I forgot something kind of important. The OS!