What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Also avoided the strike and bank holiday and recieved this. I was a little scared as it shipped last Monday but just snuck in!

I'm no artist so its better than anything I could do but still not a fan of the cover art. It looks like a Eureka release!
And the box is very glossy 👍 but super flimsy 👎 all in all for their first 4K release I expected a bit more from 88 Films, maybe I've set my expectations too high for them
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I received one import from AOL yesterday:

Vinland Saga Collector's Edition


So-so films given an amazing release by Arrow with some creepy artwork. If only bigger franchises got this much love.
I saw this was down to £33 on Amazon so have ordered myself a copy - haven’t revisited these in a long time, think I have the Miramax DVD of the other sequels somewhere.
I saw this was down to £33 on Amazon so have ordered myself a copy - haven’t revisited these in a long time, think I have the Miramax DVD of the other sequels somewhere.
Same, I've been on the fence for awhile but when I saw it for £33 I jumped on it!
Crazily the 'standard edition' which doesn't have the 4K disc or art book and comes in a thin cardboard artbox is £34 😂
Back on Saturday I traded in a few games and anime I just know I won't ever get around to replaying or (re)watching and not all of them were even bad, I just have such a huge backlog they are far, far down the list. Anyway, with what I got for them I got 5 games from CeX and then 3 more games from GAME with their 3 for 2 deal.

DQ Heroes, FF15 and Type-0 are all re-buys as I sold them off when I didn't have a PS4 for a period of time but the rest are new to me, FF7 Remake and RE2 Remake I have definitely been looking forward to playing.

Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4), Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PS4), Final Fantasy XV (PS4) and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (PS4)


Arslan: The Warriors of Legend (PS4), Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below (PS4), Ratchet & Clank (PS4) and Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

Tremendous action movies - feel like watching them again, actually. I'm "eh" on the gore but everything else is exemplary.

I'm also reminded of the amazing action in Gangs of London - loved that series also. Gareth Evans 🐐
Gangs of London was great if a little longwinded, looking forward to season 2 as they've promised its even crazier. The trailer didn't give too much away but interested to see where they take the story!