Great haul NormanicGrav. In fact I'm rewatching some series like Girls und Panzer, K-ON, and Snafu (sorry Lemon

). Hyouka is most definitely on the short list to rewatch, as I really enjoyed it myself.
So my haul of the last two weeks. First last week was slow as i only got the French steelbook release of
Project Itoh: Genocidal Organ. This to have a consistent steelbook set of all Project Itoh films as sadly Anime Ltd. lost/never got the license for Genocidal Organ.
Now just had to wait for a low price on the US version of Genocidal Organ to swap out the discs, and yesterday was the day as Genocidal Organ is now C$16,99 on so i've ordered it there.
Then this week i received three packages;
Konohana Kitan,
Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern: Part One, and
Code Geass Movie Trulogy steelbook from UP1USA.
Secondly from i got
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto,
Assassination Classroom: 365 Days' Time, and
Mob Psycho 100 (i sadly missed out on the US LE edition). These three came in a regular brown package and the cases ... well as you can see in the photo they're pretty much smashed to bits. So need to order some replacement cases to replace the broken ones.
And then lastly a package came from Amazon JP, and as always between shipment and arrival there were exactly two days. No damage here as Amazon JP use the cardboard plank in box package

The four JP titles i got are
True Tears 10 Anniversary Blu-ray BOX,
Non Non Biyori: Vacation,
Ponoc Short Films Theatre, Volume 1 - Modest Heroes, and last but certainly not least
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?