What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Curse you for making me spend money Good Smile... Riko and Reg to go.

Only have one other nendo, but appreciate the new box form factor.

IMG_7228.JPGNo Game No Life Zero CE arrived from MVM yesterday. Already got Sentai's but supporting UK releases is important.
IMG_7232.JPGThe new Busted record also arrived yesterday.
IMG_7230.JPGSteamworld Heist Vita arrived from LimitedRunGames' blowout sale.
IMG_7231.JPGAnd the Venom steelbook arrived as well.
Haven't done this for a while. Recent pickups in the last month or so, not counting AL/MVM December sale stuff that's at home.


The 2049 4k limited edition was kinda pricey (especially when I factor in that I'd already bought the standard edition) but it's a HMV exclusive and I don't know how much longer HMV is going to be around.

Now it's just a matter of deciding where to put my Pikari sticker.
Thought as much. Apparently a Canadian Mogul has his eyes on the company too so there seems to be a bit of hope for HMV yet.