Mangaranga said:
I'll flip the question around, why did you buy the Madoka sets when the compilation movies can be bought for a fraction of the price/there's an incredibly cheap UK BD (Albeit much lower quality and lacking extras)
Good question. I honestly haven't got a decent answer but one of my main reasons is for the additional extras and the three soundtrack pieces, as Limited Editions they are worth the money spent no matter what happens. I got all three for £59 each from UP1USA (exc the overall P&P) and I did save about £30 by using UP1USA instead of UP1UK.
Regarding the Films, I decided to wait since Japan usually tends to re-release a new version like what they're doing with Kara no Kyoukai or witness AoA do a 'Fate Zero' which they release an import then do a domestic release.
I only have four AoA sets (3 Madoka TVs & 1 standard Baccano!) but I want more of them. Screw the complaining about the cost, they have better value than any other version out there (well baring the JP releases of course). Though I'm annoyed about Oreimo only available through JP Import but on the upside it's available to us rather than just being DVD only. And I can't wait to see what Samurai Flamenco's release would be like when it's out, though I am aware that AL has it.
I bought LEs for the OSTs and physical extras because I loved the TV show.
I look at the AoA licenses and I just see this now:
Aniplex > Any version around - for instance the Bake and Nise releases. I much rather have five discs in three BD cases with a little booklet in one artbox, than two BD cases on one-two discs in each set. Especially when it comes to the numerous amount of subtitles that this show has. However I passed on Gurren because it felt too much for its price as only the episodes and movies were subbed, leaving the rest untouched.