What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!


Thanks to @HWR
@Buzzkillington I received my Noein today and I see exactly what you mean. It's weird; I can't really feel anything when running my finger over them, but I can definitely see them under light.
Oh I can feel mine, there's a very distinct bump when I run my finger over them. As I said though the set was a fiver so it doesn't really matter. Anyhoo,


Now, I wonder what's next for Gundam in the UK? I want more dammit (says the guy who's not watched any that he's bought thus far...I mean I have seen them, just not watched the BDs.).
Got two small orders in the mail yesterday from the Holiday sales over here in the US - Chaika and Scrapped Princess from Rightstuf, and Gosick Part 1 and Joker Game from Roberts Anime Corner Store. I have one more order from RS arriving, hopefully today, and then that's the last of the 2017 Holiday sale items for me.


I also received another order of wondrous box protectors of assorted sizes to store more of my anime collection in:
