What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

Yes, now that we discussed it in the chat room you do know exactly how it works! :p I don't think the iPhone is better than everything else, but I do think iOS is quite far ahead of the others at this stage still, when you look at the average person's needs and uses.
ilmaestro said:
Sweet UMD purchase, Josh. I think I only ever watched Saw on UMD, but it was a fair experience at the very least.
I was in GAME downloading the Meloetta event onto my Pokémon games and I was browsing the used PSP games and I saw it for £1.50. Couldn't really say no at that price, even if the experience is uber bleh compared to DVD/BD.

@jolu An art box for manga? What a...cool idea. I have the massive 21 volume Bleach box set, but that's about it.

teonzo said:
Mace20de said:
JIN-ROH: The Wolf Brigade as "low-price" edition :roll:, with English dub&sub:

Can you tell where you bought it from and how much it costed? Thanks.


I bought it from Yesasia for $55,99


bakum4tsu said:
I look at all those editions and think UK sucks big time. Even artboxes are gone for a long time already.

True, I hope this changes with Anime Limited. It seems awfully hard to sell deluxe edition boxsets in the UK with their current price structure, quite a few people already started crying about a 7 episode Tiger&Bunny BD/DVD deluxe volume for £23. T&B goes in the right direction, but there is still room for improvement (slipcase is way to small, no stash for the extras, DVD/BD labeled incorrectly. Actually pretty minor issues, but they shouldn't happen and personally I prefer chipboard boxes over of these flimsy slipcases, but that's just me).
Is this personna any good? i've watched the first episode and even though i know one episode is not enough to have an ideia, it didnt catch my eye at all.
bakum4tsu said:
Is this personna any good? i've watched the first episode and even though i know one episode is not enough to have an ideia, it didnt catch my eye at all.
First off it's Persona ;)

The game is very, very good.
The anime is decent, it's fairly rushed and adds some scenes which sometimes add, and IMO sometimes take away from the experience (Especially the True Ending and Episode 12).
Also, personally I don't think the English dub for the anime is anywhere near as good as the one for the game, two characters (Naoto and Kanji for the second half) have also had their voice actors replaced. The animation also looks a bit low budget and has some QUALITY moments.

Despite being rushed, It still keeps it's story and humor in tact to some extent though, so you'll probably enjoy it.
Two of my friends watched it when it was airing and really liked it, despite having no Persona background, and since each Persona game is completely different from each other you don't need to know anything going into it.
Nice jolu, i wish the Blood had pt subs :mrgreen:

I've seen the movie a few days ago, it was nice. Darker than I thought it would be. My style for sure.
Purchased at the same time on GAME's online store, everything came in separate packages.





'Kay, WTF, GAME? 1 means 1 as far as I'm concerned.

Still, did get two Boo stress balls, though...


I also used about £13 of reward points on it, which none of the reciepts acknowledge and now my online account says I only have £3.

Rolled up sleeves, angry face time.
Max Takeshi said:
'Kay, WTF, GAME? 1 means 1 as far as I'm concerned.
Well, as long as they only charged you for one...

Snap, btw. Got Luigi's Mansion today myself. The rest of the crap on display was accumulated over the past few weeks. Had to sell a load of unwanted old stuff to be able to afford it all, though.
