Could be worse, my steelbook hasn't even shipped yet ;_; also, some dick on Neogaf replied to someone thinking they were being super vague but actually made something really obvious thus spoiling a massive story thing (perhaps THEE story thing actually....), which is just bloody great.This is where I'd post a picture of my Persona 5: Take Your Heart edition if I didn't miss the delivery (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Could be worse, my steelbook hasn't even shipped yet ;_; also, some dick on Neogaf replied to someone thinking they were being super vague but actually made something really obvious thus spoiling a massive story thing (perhaps THEE story thing actually....), which is just bloody great.
Ditto with my PS3 version which is still processing and I'm now considering not using shopto if this has become the norm with regards to pre-orders and general orders.Could be worse, my steelbook hasn't even shipped yet.
Well mine shipped from SimplyGames by First Class post so I expect it to arrive early, which is usually the case with SimplyGames. Shopto used to me my go to site for pre-orders but they stopped sending things early so were replaced with SimplyGames and The Game Collection who have yet to let me down on a pre-order turning up early as far as I remember.Ditto with my PS3 version which is still processing and I'm now considering not using shopto if this has become the norm with regards to pre-orders and general orders.
for those wondering no this doesn't contain any English friendly option. Just original Japanese audio with French dub and subs.