I’ve neglected to do an update for a few weeks. So here is a few recent acquisitions.
One is not like the others

Finally started picking up the Inspector Wears Skirts series. Managed to get 3 with a slipcase from my local CEX. Also, season 5 of Adventure Time and my daughter loves watching it with me, so it’s nice to have some chill stuff to watch with her that’s not as long as a film.
One of these is not like the others too

we technically A Thousand & One Nights and Cleopatra are a double pack. Grabbed this on eBay so I can watch them before Belladonna of Sadness as they are spiritually similar.
Also, the two Ghibli films are amongst my favourites so I finally picked them up. I thought I had them already which is why it took so long to grab them.
Not Ghibli, but I heard it’s similar in style to a lot of their films set around WWII, so I picked this up for a bargain on Music Magpie.
Moribito is the AoL deal of the week Fujiko is just something I’ve wanted for a while and I got it for £3 on eBay as I had a load of Nectar points saved up.
Also after watching the Space Adventure Cobra movie, I needed more Cobra in my life. I watched the first episode on the TMS YouTube channel and then decided to just make a purchase and I found this second hand a week later. Fate smiled on me for sure with that one. Once I’ve watched this, I’m hoping to pick up newer series from Sentai.