what did you do today ?

Today was a good day for once, went saw friends from high school and had a BBQ next to Loch Venecher(sp?). Was great fun, then we all went and played some pool for another hour or so.
Lets see my week has been:


Early Fecking start to get into work early, 2 1/2 hour Meeting With My Boss, later went to play football, ended my relationship with my girlfriend, left it I thought as friends


Slept in for work, Worked Like nought Normal, got a text from the ex to say she doesn't want to talk/see me anymore [safe for us both she thinks], sat on Interweb for most of night


Slept in for work again, ran about like a headless chicken all day, one final call from my ex saying shes didn't believe the reason I broke up with her, had a bit of an tiff with her, came home and did feck all


In early today, Meeting with the boss about what I should be doing for the rest of the year [piled on the work], Now bout to head to subway for lunch. Then Work again, then head to play football and sit on the interweb tonite & play TRA
Made some breakfast out of what was left in the fridge. I also whent to the gym. Oh and then collapsed on my bed because of a cold :lol:
Got a promotion today i am now back on shift, so that means better money and I don't have to deny myself any anime woohoo
McIcy said:
Work and going food shopping on my lunch break as I have nothing to eat in the house

Do what i do buy take away, or invade a nearby relation for your breakfast dinner or tea.

Me I'm gonna do the same thing i do everyday "Try To Take over the World" ahem, no wait i mean bluff my way through work. Roll on my ubber long weekend in July :D
Got out Of bed then had a shower. The I got out of the house for an hour o do some shopping. Got home did some drawing for Deviantart then decided to go on the computer and now typing this out
Sent off a postal order. Made myself dinner for the 1st time (Dear god How amazing am I) 8)

Then just watched anime for the rest of the day
Today I went down to Bristol to the Airsoft Warehouse for some new gun parts and ammo

Cleaned the whole house (boring)

Now at work back on nightshift