what did you do today ?

Didn't feel well when i got up today,so i watched my X Japan DVDs that came today.Obviously,that feeling unwell turned into feeling depressed by the end of 'The Last Live' DVD.Good move on my part :roll:
Job hunting, turns out I was late coming back from Uni and everywhere is filled up except for...Woolworths! So if they like the look of my CV then that's where I'm spending my summer. Woooo...
Chucked a bouncy ball around for about 4 hours then did some drawings of trees and crap like that. Had a good meal witch is wierd for me :lol: Then decided to take my DvD player apart and try and fix it again(Im still trying to fix it) Then I just sat down with a couple of friends and had a few drinks and now I am sat here on my comfy computer chair in my quilt typing this out.

I realy miss going to college :cry:
Was really busy, had to paint the fence, then reorganise the livingroom furniture ready for tonights house party. Now I'm cleaning and putting stencils on the hall wall.
Errr, well since I got up at 1am - nothing much.

I took the dog for a walk this morning around 6am, then had breakfast.

I have no schedule for today =d
Not much really!

Peeps came over, went to cafe (because for some reason thats why everyone came around)
wondered fields, going into private property; breaking fences and trees; and of course ye olde chucking heavy objects like rocks into the air to see how close to getting them hit us game.

The usual, now got a headache.
Got up about 6 AM and sorted out my clothes for my holiday thats ages away but I got bored so decided to do it. Then took a ton of gravel to a friend who lives across the street it took a lot of weel barrows to do it. After all thi I crashed on the hamock and fell asleep. All in all an average day.