What did you BUY today?

I last bought an ahegao print tshirt from Aliexpress haha.

Before that I bought myself some Dr Martens Rometty boots which I loooooove as well as hotels in Budapest and Brussels as I'm here for 2 nights at both places next month. Flying from Budapest to Brussels. Never done that before!
Just bought a new Tulo memory foam mattress for the full-size bed I'll be sleeping in now, I'm switching bedrooms and getting rid of the single bed I've been using for the last 12 years. The mattress that is on the full-size bed now is also 12 years old, and just a cheap back-of-a-white-van type of mattress I got for my daughter when she was young. I'm very heavy, so that mattress was just not going to cut it - I need a fairly firm mattress to sleep on.
I bought another game... Even though I have so many I still need to play through I bought another one. It was Monster Hunter: World at a huge discount on humblebundle. I couldn't resist!
Went and saw Okkos Inn earlier and got the postcard. Really charming film that dealt with death and grieving in a really interesting way.
Also spent some time in HMV spending more than I should!

Decided to get a PlayStation Classic Console as it was Ā£15.99 in todayā€™s Prime sale event.
Purchased the following from Amazon UK, with their Ā£10 from Audible and Ā£5 for logging into to the mobile app for the first time.

Once Upon a Time in China - Trilogy
The Handmaiden - Special Edition
Great pick with The Handmaiden. I went in pretty much blind outside of the very first teaser trailer. The director said he recommends newcomers watch the Theatrical Cut version first before delving into the Extended Cut.
I also saw your photos of the release on the old blog, not a fan of the spines though lol. Have you watched both cuts? - would you also recommend watching the Theatrical first?
I've only watched the Theatrical Cut, but I do think it's a great starting point considering how long the film is.

Also, Curzon Artificial Eye are known for having their titles on the reverse side (because of their French label I believe). It does bother me, but I got lucky with 13 Assassins and Zatoichi thanks to their steelbook releases a few years back.
Yeah, I have their standard Zatoichi lying around, it also as a reverse title.
Have never watched anything from Wook before, but the trailer for this one looked good tbh.
Check out Oldboy when it's re-released by Arrow on Blu-ray next month (it's based on a Japanese manga series also, which did get localised by Dark Horse). Wook's other titles have been released by Tartan Video for relatively cheap prices.

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