What did you BUY today?

mangaman74 said:
We won't be in recession for much longer if you keep up this spending Tachi :lol:

Just doin my bit 8)

I usually don't mind if i know exactly what im spending and what i'm getting for my money, its annoying when i see hundreds of pounds spent every week and sometimes don't even know where half of it has gone :/
A Triple BLT from my local SHELL Garage! I don't know what it is but I do like my BLT's and I have to say that Shell have always been my favourite. Takes me back to my stumbling home in the early hours days. Heh.

A footlong subway, drink (coke zero) and chilli dorito's.
then set to spend money on a decent night out tonight with about 30 odd people.

its going to be.......totally wicked 8)
Yasujirō Ozu's Noriko Trilogy on Blu-ray.

Now I have no money for rent, I think I overdid it somewhat in my first month of having a full wage again. However I did also return a ****** Freesat box today. Hopefully the refund for this will hit my bank account in time - How the hell does a debit card refund take three to five days? I do them at work and they take a matter of seconds.
Popped to town and grabbed Newtype as well as four volumes of manga (Nana 21, Gintama 18, Gorgeous Life Of Strawberry-Chan and Object of Desire). The last two were in a clearance sale along with a load of manga I'd already bought full price in the past.

Also ordered a cheap new mouse as the one I'm currently using is failing and misclicking constantly.

My Comiket catalogue has now shipped, so I mustn't spend any more money until The Trip.

ilmaestro said:
ayase said:
Yasujirō Ozu's Noriko Trilogy on Blu-ray.
Are these just being released individually? Or is there a nice box set floating around that I just can't see anywhere?
Just individually, but in nice clear blu-ray cases with very matching spines (I love the BFI).

They're all double disc DVD/BD packs, but the DVD discs contain extra films along with the main feature which the BDs don't. Why these couldn't have been included on the BDs as well I have no idea, probably to prevent people doing exactly what I was planning on doing and selling the DVD discs on. Boo. :(
Oh, and I forgot to mention the fact that I also bought a pair of red faux silk curtains which look so much like they belong in a brothel I can't decide whether it's funny or not. They didn't look nearly so shiny in the packet.
Tachi- said:

A footlong subway, drink (coke zero) and chilli dorito's.
then set to spend money on a decent night out tonight with about 30 odd people.

its going to be.......totally wicked 8)

Complete that quick, buy the sequel and come own people online with me!
afoia said:
Tachi- said:

A footlong subway, drink (coke zero) and chilli dorito's.
then set to spend money on a decent night out tonight with about 30 odd people.

its going to be.......totally wicked 8)

Complete that quick, buy the sequel and come own people online with me!

Already completed it on hard lol, i see you haven't ;) I'll have Uncharted 2 by the weekend. trying to platinum Ratchet and clank; a crack in time (just have to go through the whole game AGAIN on hard mode....the only trophy i still need :/ ) and Dynasty warriors; Empires before sunday. should be done easily :thumb:

Update at 12:44:
I've got the second game today, i might have to play it tonight...after a last ditch effort to get the remaining trophies on Uncharted 1.
Tachi- said:
afoia said:
Tachi- said:

A footlong subway, drink (coke zero) and chilli dorito's.
then set to spend money on a decent night out tonight with about 30 odd people.

its going to be.......totally wicked 8)

Complete that quick, buy the sequel and come own people online with me!

Already completed it on hard lol, i see you haven't ;) I'll have Uncharted 2 by the weekend. trying to platinum Ratchet and clank; a crack in time (just have to go through the whole game AGAIN on hard mode....the only trophy i still need :/ ) and Dynasty warriors; Empires before sunday. should be done easily :thumb:

Update at 12:44:
I've got the second game today, i might have to play it tonight...after a last ditch effort to get the remaining trophies on Uncharted 1.

Yea i'll show you the ropes (and glitches) tonight and i'm also going to try and play with some guys from the Official Playstation forums tonight, so should be a good laugh.