What did you BUY today?

Just ordered my cosplay gear for this May's Anime expo in London! The only downside is that it takes 25-30 days to get here. But still, it'll be awesome when it does, for I shall be cosplaying as Hollow Ichigo!
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Just ordered my cosplay gear for this May's Anime expo in London! The only downside is that it takes 25-30 days to get here. But still, it'll be awesome when it does, for I shall be cosplaying as Hollow Ichigo!
Looking forward to meet you there =)
I bought a cardigan/jumper thing (can't remember the proper word for it :/) and a tshirt in Pull and Bear yesterday, along with hair gum and hairspray and I've just now ordered The Great Gatsby from the Book Depository :]
A "Super-Giant-Card" for Valentines day as well as a Teddy-bear, Thortons box of chocolates and a few other things. Wow you women cost alot -_-

Oh, and a couple of shirts for myself ^^.
Jerry Springer: The Opera was a meager €3 in Tesco, so I of course picked it up. Also got a new toothbrush and some toothpaste, (which cost me about €15 - a mighty sum in student terms, I assure you!).
Thursday last week I finally gave in and got an iPhone, which is why I have not been on for a while since I have spent most of my free time looking up apps.