What did you BUY today?

MrLaserSharkKH said:
PS Vita (Wi-Fi Version)
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!
8GB Memory Card

Exactly the same for me, except swap out Ridge Racer for Lumines and Katamari. I feel kind of weird not buying Uncharted though. I adore the series and consider it "the" launch game to get. Yet i'm not! My logic is immense....kind of.
MercenaryRaiden said:
MrLaserSharkKH said:
PS Vita (Wi-Fi Version)
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!
8GB Memory Card

Exactly the same for me, except swap out Ridge Racer for Lumines and Katamari. I feel kind of weird not buying Uncharted though. I adore the series and consider it "the" launch game to get. Yet i'm not! My logic is immense....kind of.

I know right, I had no intention of ever picking up Ridge Racer but my logic said to try and get the most I could in-store at once, So sacrificed getting a more costly game (Uncharted or Lumines) for now, so I could have twice the memory size and the Travel Kit (all for £6 more than most other places offer anyway with lesser bundles).

I got an £8 discount code for Touch My Katamari with Ridge Racer to use I think by the end of the year so I guess I will add that to my list.
Bought a second copy of Dawn of war 1 and copy of Winter Assault.

Now both me and my dad can have a LAN war and test each other's strategies :)

Really enjoy the brief father - son time we rarely get :)
Ordered the following,

Super Relax by Cibo Matto (CD)
The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Trilogy of Five (Kindle edition) *

* This was a daily deal at £2.19

new t-shirt
and proceeds go to the japanese red cross

can't lose
mangaman74 said:
The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Trilogy of Five (Kindle edition) *

* This was a daily deal at £2.19
Two pounds nineteen. For five books. No bad reflection on you personally mangaman (and outdated luddite though it makes me feel) but I can't shake the feeling that eBooks are going to ruin literature, forever.

No-one in their right mind is going to waste their time writing books if they're only going to sell for 43p a copy. So soon, no-one in their right mind is going to write books. So soon, all new books will be ****.
Have faith Ayase, Blackwolf was trying to get his first of 4 books published the last time i spoke to him.

Having read the first 3 books i will say, even if he could only sell them at 43p that would be brilliant value for money for the reader.

Books should have a capped limit anyway, minimum of £4 and max of £9.99.
ayase said:
mangaman74 said:
The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Trilogy of Five (Kindle edition) *

* This was a daily deal at £2.19
Two pounds nineteen. For five books. No bad reflection on you personally mangaman (and outdated luddite though it makes me feel) but I can't shake the feeling that eBooks are going to ruin literature, forever.

No-one in their right mind is going to waste their time writing books if they're only going to sell for 43p a copy. So soon, no-one in their right mind is going to write books. So soon, all new books will be ****.

It was a daily deal. The price is now back to £15.30 (£19.69 rrp)

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Complete-Hitchh ... 800&sr=1-2

I should also point out that I have previously purchased the 5 books in paperback format. If I can get some of my paper copy books cheap on an e-reader I will as the author will have already received my money once already so ins't losing out.

Note - Due to space restrictions most of my paper books are in a few boxes hence the idea of replacing them with e-book versions as and when they are in deals so I can read them again. I also take the same approach with getting mp3 versions of my cds - I have purchased them once at full price, 2nd time buy it cheap.

Note 2 - The author is dead so any money will go to the estate anyway.
I thought ebooks were often more expensive, due to the deranged VAT rules in our country, so that was an especially good deal. In general though, yeah, if they start racing to the bottom on price they're going to end up in a bad situation like every industry which has tried this tactic and subsequently collapsed.

Rui said:
I thought ebooks were often more expensive, due to the deranged VAT rules in our country, so that was an especially good deal.
Expensive? /lit/ suggests otherwise.
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mangaman74 said:
Note 2 - The author is dead so any money will go to the estate anyway.
True, but I imagine imprints like Penguin make rather a lot of their profit which they can invest back into publishing new titles from selling paper copies of out of copyright classics, a lot of which can be had in eBook form from Amazon for pennies (and I do mean literally pennies).

Like I say, not judging you or anyone else who buys cheap eBooks (why wouldn't you?) but rather bemoaning the general dumbness of the industry which allows it to happen. One day people might remember that unions existed to make sure people received fair reimbursement for their work, but as Rui points out, races to the bottom tend to be the modern way. I imagine they'll help fuel the imminent destruction of the world economy, but that probably needs to happen now anyway. Out of the ashes and all that.
Undecided if i should buy a Storm Raven or not.... i really like the look of it and would love to build it but i don't play 40k so it will just sit there for the rest of time.

I can either spend the money and get one storm raven or buy 2 land speeders or 1 land speeder and 1 razorback for less than a storm raven.

Really not sure which one to go for though! its another 2.5 weeks till payday and im below £200 but that 16% voucher expires on the 19th so not sure if i can pass this up!!!!!!

Anyone able to help?
New optical drive for my mums laptop and thorntons chocolates for mothers day.

After taking her laptop apart on monday and unable to fix the problem i'm just going to replace it. Seems the lens or the motor systems of the lens craddle have stopped working so needs a completely new drive.

Just bought myself a Razorback tank and a tactical squad of 10 space marines.

Gives me something to do i guess, hopefully the warm weather will come back and i can sit in the garden.... beer garden that is.