Viz license Bleach


Stand User
<p><a href="">AnimeOnDVD</a> is reporting that supernatural fighting series <a href="">Bleach</a> has been licensed for release in the US by Viz Media. Bleach is currently one of the most popular anime on fansubs with thousands downloading it every week. Viz have stated that they are going to use Bleach to push more into the teen anime market.</p>
Why the complaints? Given Viz' fairly decent treatment of InuYasha (including uncut DVD versions), they'd be pretty much the perfect company for Bleach in my opinion.

Of course, a lot of fansub fans hate to see anything get licensed - doesn't matter who picks it up, they'll be up in arms about "bastardization", "killing" and God knows what other unreasonable cries of disappointment.

After one of these announcements, you should always think to yourself: at least it wasn't 4Kids.
While I'm not a Bleach fan, its worth pointing out that Viz havent actually messed anything up anime wise for a while (if ever, I dont know their full anime history). Nobody knows if Full Moon has been altered, and judging by the fact Inuyasha has uncut releases and Naruto has uncut releases planned I don't really see the issue here as Bleach is bound to aswell.
Why the complaints? Given Viz' fairly decent treatment of InuYasha (including uncut DVD versions), they'd be pretty much the perfect company for Bleach in my opinion.

go find the clip of the english dub of one of fullmoons songs and u'll change your mind quick
Ryo Chan said:
other than the viz bashing, how long do u think it will be before the "stop fansubbing our show" demands come out?

Seeing as Naruto is a Viz license and there are people fansubbing it still, I really don't think that will change the fact people will easily be able to get their weekly fix.
Viz usually come up with uncut dual language releases of their series somewhere along the line, when it comes to Full Moon or any other series no one's forcing to watch the English dub if you don't want to. Tbh I've never understood the whole "OMG OH NOES Viz will wreck it ALL!11" attitude, maybe people should try being happy about getting an official DVD release instead of worrying that they might not be able to see it for free anymore. [/end rant]

Getting back to the topic at hand, Bleach is owned by Viz' parent company so it's no surprise that they'd announce the licence sooner or later. Can't say I enjoyed what I've seen of the series enough to want to collect it myself, unless that big lottery win comes around and I can buy all the other stuff I want ;)
Viz usually come up with uncut dual language releases of their series somewhere along the line, when it comes to Full Moon or any other series no one's forcing to watch the English dub if you don't want to. Tbh I've never understood the whole "OMG OH NOES Viz will wreck it ALL!11" attitude, maybe people should try being happy about getting an official DVD release instead of worrying that they might not be able to see it for free anymore.

who's worried, i "was" going to buy the dvd release of it, all 52 eps of it, they put me off, i have it on fansub, so their loss not mine
Bleach isn't exactly reknowned for its large quantities of J-pop songs so dubbing it shouldn't present any paricular problems!

The popularity of the show made this a golden opportunity for whoever bought license for it (that must've cost a bomb!) so it was just a question of time really. Can't say I'm a fan myself but if they do a low-price thinpak or box set I might look into it.
The popularity of the show made this a golden opportunity for whoever bought license for it (that must've cost a bomb!) so it was just a question of time really. Can't say I'm a fan myself but if they do a low-price thinpak or box set I might look into it.

They'll do the same they're doing with Naruto $25 for a dvd of 4 eps and then make the rest of the money by selling the seires to turner to show on toonami
ConcreteBadger said:
Bleach isn't exactly reknowned for its large quantities of J-pop songs so dubbing it shouldn't present any paricular problems!

The popularity of the show made this a golden opportunity for whoever bought license for it (that must've cost a bomb!) so it was just a question of time really. Can't say I'm a fan myself but if they do a low-price thinpak or box set I might look into it.

According to the AnimeNewsNetwork, Viz didn't have to pay anything for the licence.

I've always wanted to know more about dealings like this. If Bandai Japan or Geneon Japan produced a program, then their american counterparts wouldn't have to pay for the licence and would generally have first dibs.

Bleach has lots of great episodes, at least one really good video game tie in and Bleach merchandise has been a big seller at every anime con
I have been to. It seems odd to me, and others that I have talked to, that no one has sewn up the license for this series yet. Is there
some reason for this? Are you sick of licensing question yet?

Here's the thing: the anime industry doesn't really operate exactly as it used to in the early '00s. Bleach is a Viz title (and a major cash cow for them). It doesn't have to be "licensed"; it's owned by Viz's parent company, Shueisha. They don't have to "license" titles. If you see it in Shonen Jump, odds are (unless they decide to license it out to another American company, which does happen from time to time and has happened in the past) Viz will eventually be releasing it on TV and DVD. Now, to be fair, this is a relatively recent phenomenon; Viz is now focusing on developing franchises based on Shonen Jump properties, and obviously, licensing out what's sure to be a smash hit anime would be kind of a mistake.

It would be a fair assumption on your part that Viz currently owns Bleach. There's a small chance that they'll license the title out to someone else, but given their current marketing strategy, I highly doubt that will happen.
It was only a matter of time before some licensed Bleach, but I doubt people are going to stop downloading the fansubs because of it. I have one or two anime done by Viz and have found nothing wrong with them.
Now I wish someone would license something I like! :D
American Dad! Dicussion
Bleach Licensed ? (2006-03-09 07:46:26)
There are currently reports going around, stemming from this article on C21 Media, that Viz has "licensed" Bleach (TV). Due to the fact that the article quotes staff at Viz Media BV in Europe and that Viz holds international rights for many titles that it has not decided to release in North America, Anime News Network is waiting for confirmation from Viz before reporting that the Bleach is "licensed" for release in North America.

wait am i getting this right that bleach is only confimered release in europe then?

Edit: side note i just thought of a major advantage

maybe Viz will get rid of that terrible end theme they have at the moment
You seen what they did too Naruto?

Techincally ShoPro dubbed Naruto, and I cant see them doing much to Bleach, I doubt they'll put it on Toonami or anything, Id say its more likely to go to [AdultSwim]
I never really understand the companing about bad dubs when the title will come with an uncut Japanese track anyway. Always another option.

If you dont like a dub, watch the Japanese instead. All companies except 4Kids usually give you that choice. And besides it hasn't even been dubbed yet, so you could be surprised.
Bleach licensed by Viz. Hm...can't say I'm completely surprised to be honest.

I'm also not particularly bothered...I'm just using this quickreply thing for the first time. Call it...a sort of inane curiosity....

Feel free to ignore me :p