Much less exciting than I thought then. I'm not a fan of how everything is split up; we're having to keep items in our basket in hope of that there's something for us in the next day's deals to get up over £50.
At this point, I may just have to take the £3.50 hit, there's a single-digit quantity left of something I want at the moment. Hopefully it'll last until 17:00 and there's something there for me.
I understand why they do it, they want customers to check the website everyday, but I'd much rather they just release everything, or at least most things, all at once.
Keep the flash sales to specific days, but there's no need to have a whole day reveal for vinyl, redux stuff, or bundle deals - just lump it in there with the B1G1F, CE, mystery boxes, and stocking filler stuff. Then again, they probably make it a daily thing so they aren't over swamped with orders to fulfil, perhaps.
Still though, the sale format is not ideal from a customer standpoint.