UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

butch-cassidy said:
Aion said:
Find-DVD just emailed me about Gilgamish and Hellsing.

Hellsing: Complete Collection - £17.89

They emailed you? How do you do that?

Find-DVD allow you to make a list of DVDs, with each DVD having a target price. Once a DVD drops to that target price they send you an email within 24 hours. That's how I discovered all these price changes this morning.

The only Find-DVD flaw is that every title gets removed from your watchlist after 6 months have passed. It's a pain in the **** to re-add 100's of DVDs.
I have seen a fair few of those yet don't have them if I had some spare cash this would be a good time to get back into R2 anime releases with those prices. Also the dollar being down to about $1.30 to the £1.00 makes them look more attractive than the alternatives, what happened to $2.00 to the £1.00 it seems like a dream but it was not that long ago.
I've wanted negima, but that was gone :( too bad i wasn't faster.

I've got:
Najica Blitz Tactics
Full Metal Panic - Complete Collection
Hellsing - The Collection
Last Exile - Complete Collection

Edit: BTW, Thanks again Aion!
Surprise surprise I got an email from sendit saying they can't get the order from suppliers :(


Thanks for placing your order with, order number 8334827

We are sorry to advise that your order for Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ultimate Tin Box Collection is no longer available at our suppliers. Please be assured that we have contacted alternative sources and regrettably we were unable to obtain your item.

Your order has been cancelled and no payment has been taken.

This product will be removed from our website in due course.

Should you have any further questions please contact us through your online account message centre or on 0844 801 0311 and we will be happy to help you.

Many Thanks, Team

Oh well, I suppose it was a shot in the dark. Thanks anyway Aion.
Sendit have also cancelled my order for Fumoffu, saying they can't get that either. :/ Maybe I should've kept everything to myself...
That's not much consolation(sp?) when Last Exile is a 6-7/10 show (it looks great, mind) and the box set has been £17.99 before. I also need to shift the 5 volumes I have if it is sent... ;___;
Just Passing Through said:
Don't worry, it could be that nothing is sent at all to anyone, and that it's all been one almighty misprice on every boxset they could find.

Yeah, there is no way they can't source the stock as stated in the email. The only way that would happen is if the titles are deleted and they are not. Amazon seem to restock the adv collections frequently.
Got the same thing aswell

But i do remember ordering Rumbling Hearts when it was on special offer and getting the email that it wasnt in stock. It was sent out a few days later still at the same price though!

Hopefully this is the same case.
Clouded said:
Got the same thing aswell

But i do remember ordering Rumbling Hearts when it was on special offer and getting the email that it wasnt in stock. It was sent out a few days later still at the same price though!

Hopefully this is the same case.

The same thing happened to me with the rumbling hearts boxset actually. It could happen, the status of my orders are still the the process stage so you never know!
My FMP Fumoffu got cancelled as well (ordered mine via Asda so it looks like the lot are cancelling).

Oh well, you win some you lose some :)

The Hut cancelled all my orders (ordered nearly everything from them) without even emailing me. I thought it was going to happen since everything had been 'Awaiting Stock Pick' since I'd ordered, which I assumed to mean they did in fact have stock to send.

The only order that hasn't been cancelled is my £17.99 (£16.10 with voucher) order for Last Exile. I'm guessing that means people who ordered the first FMP set for £17.99 also still haven't had their orders cancelled?

All the Asda group stores have removed the box sets from their websites, by the way. I think it's just something they've done so they don't piss off a huge amount of people by cancelling orders for everything since the sets are most certainly not OOP.

If this ever happens again, I'm going to try to be more greedy/selfish. I should've known his would've happened when Sendit were quick to cancel a misprice for the Samurai Champloo box set in the past...
Barefoot Gen / Barefoot Gen 2 - £5.99

Until I saw an auction for a sealed copy last week (which I won today for £5.20), I wasn't even aware these films had been released in the UK. I'd heard about them before a couple of times - I think they were recommended to me when I was attacking anime for being too kiddy. They're supposed to be serious and set during the World War, like Grave of the Fireflies.

Both films are included, by the way. I'm not sure if they're on one or two DVDs but the films are together.

The next best price is £7.88 and I've only ever seen one eBay auction for the films. £3 per film is a great deal in my eyes...or, in my case, £2.60 per film. :D

Ghost in the Shell 1 & 2 Box Set (3 DVDs) - £5.98

Same as the above - £3 per film. A very good price for a boxed set. My set arrived today and it looks very nice.
Me-Mania said:

Tenchi Muyo OVAs Box set - £5.99

Would recommend this to anyone and everyone. Unfortunately I got this a year ago for £20; if only I had waited!

Cheers for posting this. My copy arrived today, sealed and in perfect condition. More anime to add to my never to be watched list...

I wasn't going to order it at first because of the OVAs selling for 99p each at one point but I went for it in the end since I thought a boxed set would be more tidy. I'm glad I did now because have raised the price to a silly amount.