UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

Ah, you're going to read No Longer Human? I'll be intrigued to hear what you think, then, and would now *definitely* say watch the first four episodes of Aoi Bungaku, once you're done reading it.
Already seen the first arc of Aoi. I liked it and, to a certain extent, could relate to the lead. The only major negative was the rushed seeming final episode; the circumstances surrounding the rape being a little confusing and the ending having been left open to interpration.

Providing TBD actually have a copy to send, I'm looking forward to reading it.

Whilst posting, I might as well throw a few links out there:

Whisper of the Heart: £6.58 -

Nausicaa: £6.48 -

Solanin: £8.92 + TBD 10% code (£17.99 RRP) -
Aion said:
Already seen the first arc of Aoi. I liked it and, to a certain extent, could relate to the lead. The only major negative was the rushed seeming final episode; the circumstances surrounding the rape being a little confusing and the ending having been left open to interpration.
Bit beyond the scope of this thread, but I thought the ending was clear enough. It's possible that's as a result of knowing the book, though.
At present, I'm still waiting for my two Wherehouse orders and my two more recent SS orders. Even my Wherehouse pre-order for the My-HiME spin-off was sent yesterday.

With five packages on the way, and xmas around the corner, I'm gonna skip this code.
I know it's a play on the word 'Warehouse', but I'm not sure it's a good thing marketing-wise that 'Wherehouse' looks so similar to the word 'Whorehouse'. ... irection=0

AOL have added a umber of 99p-£2.99 titles to their list. A few AMG volumes, a few Berserk volumes, a few Samurai Champloo volumes, etc.

My order:

It's just insane how quickly (it feels) that the US anime industry has changed so that new shows see a release in this manner.

I've been around long enough that I was paying £20+ to import single discs, but you real vets who were buying things on VHS mustn't be able to believe it.