TYPE-MOON Thread - Tsukihime, Fate, The Garden of Sinners, Witch on the Holy Night - Discussion and Guide

For anyone who's interested, I just published a review of Witch on the Holy Night here.
I liked it a lot, even if it was a bit slow to start and dull in places. Most very good apart from that, with beautiful art and great music and a story that really ramps up towards the end.
Bit of an aside but your review got me thinking. It's interesting how I honestly do not mind slow starts to most visual novels. Nasu works, Higurashi and things of that nature which have very slow paced early stories I am more than happy to read, they are my favorite VN's. However my patience was completely broken with Steins;Gate and I cannot tell you why? I had to drop it and watch the anime instead.

Anyway glad you liked it, I agree it was a good read and I loved the characters. I hope you forgive me for any contribution to turning you into a Nasu fan that I may have inadvertantly done 😁
Bit late posting but Type Moon magazine has published an official timeline

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Welp since I made this thread originally for that purpose... thread over I guess? lol (though it only covers the Fate stories).

I think it is time I start the Ciel route. I just can't hold on any longer (and after reading Witch on Holy Night, I will likely see Aoko and Touko in in a different light).
Oooh interesting. Didn't realise FGO was sharing timelines with any of the alternate stories, that will make watching strange fake that much more interesting when the full series is released.
I liked it a lot, even if it was a bit slow to start and dull in places. Most very good apart from that, with beautiful art and great music and a story that really ramps up towards the end.
It's interesting how I honestly do not mind slow starts to most visual novels.
Goodness, I have always struggled with visual novels, but probably down to the timing of when I'm watch/reading them after a long day in zombie mode. The last bit of Mahoyo and brilliant park story definitely kept me awake though, or I think so anyway. I've been saving up the murder mystery section, as that seems right up my street, but once you break from something it's always so difficult to fit it back into your schedule sigh....
I've been saving up the murder mystery section, as that seems right up my street, but once you break from something it's always so difficult to fit it back into your schedule sigh....
The murder mystery part is hilarious, but good luck getting the "true ending" without a guide. I didn't even try without one, so many variables, you'd be trying different combinations until the heat death of the universe.
Anyway glad you liked it, I agree it was a good read and I loved the characters. I hope you forgive me for any contribution to turning you into a Nasu fan that I may have inadvertantly done 😁
I've been Nasu-adjacent for a long time, since the F/SN 2006 anime and 2012 Fate/Zero anime, so don't worry, I was already corrupted. Also, six years of FGO does terrible things to a man.
The story really was very hype at the end though for sure. Best part of me was I found it hilarious that Aoko basically circumvented the counter force and gained the 5th magic by metaphysically telling it to chill the F out.
Aniplex USA have posted an official translation for the You've Lost Ritsuka Fujimaru series on their youtube channel. The whole series is free to watch (28/33 episodes posted so far).

Someone kindly made a playlist since AoA didn't which I posted below.

I didn't even know of this, thanks dude.

Am enjoying the current revival event which is not only a lot more interesting than the last two very surprisingly meh ones from Christmas, but also a normal length so I can do some farming - finally someone wants my apples!

On another note, an very much looking forward to tsukihime (that's this year right?) and to ufotable's return to nasuverse:

Somewhat pleased to see I am not the only one who found both Christmas events lackluster. The first one (the main Christmas event) was over before it began and the second one - Tunguska Sanctuary - was a disappointment of epic proportions for me. Kinda wonder if it was around the time that this event launched on the JP server that Nasu and Takeuchi began to slowly lose interest in FGO (which I think can be seen in between the lines in interviews and how the JP server is shaping up). Not all was bad in FGO recently though, managed to nab both Beni Enma and First Hassan. The latter finally completes my Buster assassin team.

Regarding anime adaptions, I would like to see one in the EXTRA universe but done justice this time, unlike Last Encore's sorry attempt. EXTRA had some incredible moments (from Arc's debut as a servant, the tragedy of the Run Ru / Vlad team, Jinako's epic debut in CCC, and so on) so I think it would be cool to see some of that rendered into anime form. Not saying it would have to be 100% faithful, but something to that effect would be nice.
Kinda wonder if it was around the time that this event launched on the JP server that Nasu and Takeuchi began to slowly lose interest in FGO (which I think can be seen in between the lines in interviews and how the JP server is shaping up)
That would make sense - probably needing a break after the epic Lostbelt 6. I do hope that doesn't reflect that Lostbelt 7 won't be a good conclusion and likewise for whatever that follows after? Yeah, I don't understand the rationale for putting in all the work for and then making the Christmas event so bloody short, more so given the lottery in it... Tunguska was just made that much worse given the great build up of Koyanskaya in every every preceding Lostbelt.

Well done on getting Beni Emma and First Hassan - great characters that I'd love to have. I couldn't get Skadi or a second Emiya - got a couple of Marthas, whom I've been wanting too, Odysseus and Scheherazade instead so can't complain; in the gssr got a second Merlin, missing out on Skadi again and Super Orion, but now my heals and stalling will be even better heh.

I would like to see one in the EXTRA universe but done justice this time, unlike Last Encore's sorry attempt.
That would be amazing, the stories sound fascinating and I don't see myself being able to experience them via the games unless I could get a paid year off work! Last Encore I think was very interesting but felt like it was handled by Shaft's novice team and not great as a result. From memory I thought the Nursery Rhyme episode was brilliant and otherwise still hard great characters on each floor I felt.
I do hope that doesn't reflect that Lostbelt 7 won't be a good conclusion and likewise for whatever that follows after?

From what I read, Traum, Lostbelt 7 or Ordeal Call aren't considered awful or anything like that. It's more like I get the feeling that Nasu and Takeuchi kinda want to leave FGO behind, at least for a while. There is that interview when Nasu said that while FGO once felt like an exhilarating "dating" experience, it has now become more like a marriage that keeps him tied up. This and other small tidbits here and there in fairly recent interviews hints - to me anyway - that he feels "done" when it comes to what he can do with FGO on a storytelling level. Same with Takeuchi and his designs for the game. Saberface jokes aside, what new things he can do artistically while designing new servants must also be shrinking with every new servant being released regardless if he did them or not. After ten or so summer servants, what can you do but fall into old tracks when making new ones? There is other stuff as well, like I recently found out that iirc there hasn't been an interlude release for over a year on the JP server.

But perhaps I am read more into these things than one should.

Well done on getting Beni Emma and First Hassan - great characters that I'd love to have. I couldn't get Skadi or a second Emiya - got a couple of Marthas, whom I've been wanting too, Odysseus and Scheherazade instead so can't complain; in the gssr got a second Merlin, missing out on Skadi again and Super Orion, but now my heals and stalling will be even better heh.

Yeah, I got Kiara (Moon cancer version) and a surprise second foreigner Hokusai in the GSSR. I like them enough as characters and both are fun to play so I ain't complaining. With Kiara, I got 3/5 of the Moon Cancer class, lol.

That would be amazing, the stories sound fascinating and I don't see myself being able to experience them via the games unless I could get a paid year off work! Last Encore I think was very interesting but felt like it was handled by Shaft's novice team and not great as a result. From memory I thought the Nursery Rhyme episode was brilliant and otherwise still hard great characters on each floor I felt.

Yeah, the problem with Last Encore is that it is pretty pointless as an original story. You have to play the game to get the wider picture, but if you do, whatever it brings to the table is a little more than "Look! It's an animated Leo" or "Omg, it's Julius". It would be better to do it straight (more or less) take on EXTRA and CCC. The world-building of their universe deserves it.
There is that interview when Nasu said that while FGO once felt like an exhilarating "dating" experience, it has now become more like a marriage that keeps him tied up. This and other small tidbits here and there in fairly recent interviews hints - to me anyway - that he feels "done" when it comes to what he can do with FGO on a storytelling level.
I can completely understand that. I don't feel they need to always have new constant new content, and could even re-run the whole story and previous events alongside their summoning banners (kind of like how they're doing with a re-run of the welfares in JP at the moment), as I've very much wanted to revisit the game's story from the start, and some of the memorable events. Don't know if other players or the powers that be would be interested if that wouldn't generate constant revenue. Regardless, hopefully they would recruit good talent for writing new stories and I think the Fate concept lends itself to huge potential for new characters if we just trawl through human history. Time will tell.
Yeah, I got Kiara (Moon cancer version) and a surprise second foreigner Hokusai in the GSSR.
Heheh that is a brilliant pull, nice one! I got Kiara on a lucky pull in the summer event re-run and she's very strong indeed and I really like the Hokusai character and would like to get the foreigner variant at some point.
It would be better to do it straight (more or less) take on EXTRA and CCC. The world-building of their universe deserves it
I'd love that and live in hope heh. Nasuverse has great potential for numerous anime adaptations - surprised type moon or whomever haven't started their own studio for just that.
As much as I like FGO I am glad that Nasu and Takeuchi are leaving it with the Lostbelts. They still have to write Tsukihime Red Garden and all those other projects they said they wanted to do (the fabled Tsukihime 2 and Mahoyo sequal that never happened). Surely the third magic can be put to sleep for a bit.
As much as I like FGO I am glad that Nasu and Takeuchi are leaving it with the Lostbelts. They still have to write Tsukihime Red Garden and all those other projects they said they wanted to do (the fabled Tsukihime 2 and Mahoyo sequal that never happened). Surely the third magic can be put to sleep for a bit.

Hard agree. There are so, so many potential narratives hidden in the shared universe that could be amazing yet have nothing to do with servants (or, to be fair, even vampires).