it's time for a death battoooooole!
death battle is a series of videos on screwattack's YouTube channel, the guys at screwattack find two comparable opponents known for similar feats, analyse their strengths and weaknesses and pit them together in a fight to the death, seeing who out of the two has the clear advantage
today's haberdashery is like a write - up for a deathbattle screwattack may not do, maybe because they haven't thought of it or aren't too aware of the contender's abilities. what is this particular death battle I'm writing about? why it's Claymore's own silver eyed lion, Rigaldo, and Disney's definitive lion king, Mufasa!
Death battle: king of beasts
today we analyse rigaldo, the silver eyed lion and leader of an army of awakened beings, and Mufasa, respected king of the animal kingdom, but wait! how can we make this better? pit their armies against each other too! I'll be analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the awakened army and the animal kingdom in a general sense, how they've been built up, why and how well they may do in a fight.
now that very special addition is out of the way, lets first have a look at our main contenders
Rigaldo the silver eyed lion
Rigaldo is a powerful creature, even amongst awakened beings, his origin is tragic, but nonetheless typical among awakened beings. as a young boy, his family was slaughtered by the man-eating shape-shifting demonic creatures known as yoma that disguise themselves as humans as they prey upon people. with nowhere left to turn, thinking only of revenge against the yoma, a mysterious organisation takes in young Rigaldo and turned him into a yoma infused warrior, whome the public mainly refer to as a claymore, for the large swords they carry, Rigaldo, now with superhuman strength, speed and the ability to heal mortal wounds at a rate that would let him easily survive, is tasked by the organisation that created him to defeat yoma, much like the yoma that destroyed his family.
his story doesn't end there though, as tragedy would once again knock on Rigaldo's door. as a male claymore, his resistance to fight the urge to use power beyond his own limits was much lower than all the future female warriors, and he eventually shared the fate of virtually all male claymore and became an awakened being, a creature much akin to yoma, albeit more powerful and with a few unique abilities, depending on the individual. Rigaldo was also defeated by Isley, an abyssal one yet more powerful than himself and swore to serve him, he was also defeated by Priscilla, who defeated him and Isley back - to -back, he was only defeated by one other person in the snowy town of Peita, which lead to his death, those are the only three people to have ever defeated him though, the only ones capable of that feat would be abyssal ones, who are in a class of their own and the claymore that killed him, who almost had an abyssal - level awakening in order to get an even level of power with him. Rigaldo may not be king of the jungle, but he is king of the battlefield
Mufasa king of pride rock
born to the previous king, Ahadi, Mufasa is the heir to the throne and older brother of Scar. as a kid, Mufasa was his father's pride and joy, his firstborn and eventual successor, this meant that the neglected scar (then Taka) had no real purpose and would inherit nothing, unless Mufasa either died just after Ahadi did or Ahadi banished Mufasa, Taka would meet three hyenas who gave him the idea that if he could make Mufasa look a fool, Ahadi would never make him king, having Taka inherit kingship instead, following this plan, Taka would take Mufasa to the watering hole of the pride lands where a buffalo, Boma, would not share the water, Taka tells Boma he must fight Mufasa on order of the king, Mufasa is however saved by Rafiki, a spiritualist mandrill and Boma fights Taka instead, Mufasa returns just when Taka is attacked by Boma's herd, and earns the scar on his face, changing his name to scar, after Scar's plane to shame Mufasa is revealed, he is exiled from pride rock, and lives in the elephant graveyard.
showing a strong sense of respect for all creatures and a strong believer in "the circle of life" Mufasa's reign as king results in a fairly peaceful age of prosperity for his kingdom, the pridelands. he soon has a son, Simba, who he will throw himself in danger to fiercely defend, and he has to, when his son travels to the elephant graveyard Mufasa follows him to defend him from Scar's cunning manipulation, this leads to a confrontation with his brother, which leads to a death battle of it's own, Scar uses dirty tricks to stay in the fight, eventually gaining the upper hand with Mufasa hanging off a cliff edge, Scar drops Mufasa into a stampede of buffalo, killing him. after his death, he gains a spirit form that he's able to use to motivate his son to return to pride rock, defeat Scar and take his rightful place as king. Mufasa continues to use his spirit form to watch over his son along with future generations of kings
before I look at the contender's strengths and abilities, let's look at their armies
Awakened army

The awakened army are all awakened beings who have joined together and sworn allegiance with Isley, at least for his plan to upset the deadlock between the three abyssal ones and the organisation and destroy their enemies. the awakened beings hunger for human innards, much like yoma, and being former claymore, they often have some vague idea of what claymore are capable of, though they often depend on their greater physical ability during a fight. they all have similar abilities apart from unique body types. Awakened beings are also known as "veracious eaters" to the public, as a variant of yoma, as to not alarm the public to the fact that awakened beings are former claymore. the awakened army originally numbered 31, including Rigaldo, but three members scouting Peita to see how many claymore arrive in the town could not resist the chance to kill the claymore, and were instead outnumbered and killed. rigaldo is then ordered by Isley to take the remaining 27 members to destroy Peita, a vicious battle insues, and, even after rigaldo's death, the awakened army continues their onslaught against the claymore, and, in the source manga, apparently kill every last one of them. the awakened army then destroy every town in the northern region, split between east and west, at which point they are betrayed by Isley who has just handed them to their most powerful foes as Isley travels south alone and defeats the southern abyssal one
Animal kingdom
the animal kingdom are all animals in the pride lands that, if called upon, all serve king Mufasa (or anyone who happens to be the lion king) they gather at pride rock to hear the king's orders or speeches and otherwise generally continue their lives, in peace under Mufasa and Simba and under dictatorship under Scar. during Simba's musical number "I just can't wait to be king" the animal kingdom is seen working together to stop Simba from dropping to the ground. though not all animals are shown, there are many different kinds of animals, including elephants that are large, strong and resilient to several types of birds that can fly. unlike the awakened beings backstory of being former claymores, not much is shown of life in the animal kingdom, but they believe in the circle of life, particularly under Mufasa, which basically states that they are born from nature, they will live their lives however they want, and eventually die, returning to nature. the animal kingdom in the lion king has much more camaraderie than the real life animal kingdom, who don't even follow a lion and will try to kill each other over so much as territory, which also leads to their strict loyalty to Mufasa, one of the most respected lion kings ever, the respect they have for Mufasa even extends to his son when he returns to pride rock, though Simba having as good a reign as his father is debatable
Mufasa travels to the elephant graveyard and enters a viscous battle with his brother Scar, he seems to have the advantage but then he falls off a cliff edge, asking for Scar to help him back onto solid ground, Scar betrays him and throws him into a trench full of countless stampeding buffalo, after the stamped ends, Mufasa's body is found by his son. I don't know about you, but to resort to using a massive stampede to kill someone is a pretty bad a** death
The awakened army & Rigaldo
there's a good reason this is here after Mufasa's death, these deaths are a bit disappointing in comparison. the awakened beings are really dumb, 23 of them survive the assault on Peita, they split up and seemingly neither of the groups wonder why Isley isn't with them, Isley would have easily tipped the scales in their favour if he were with them, but he had betrayed them. 12 move to the west and are easily killed by dauf and the abyssal one riful, who is far out of the awakened being's league, 11 of them travel east and are dispatched by the organisation's new weapon which is, one person. 11 overpowered monsters are all killed by one person.
Rigaldo's death is a little dumber still, while fighting claymore in an effort to kill squad commanders, rigaldo eventually has to battle one warrior who fully awakens her legs and gains speed comparable to his own. the battle itself is fairly decent, rigaldo underestimates his enemy stating that she'll never be able to learn to control her speed precisely before he's able to kill everyone. he then does something very dumb, rigaldo cannot fly, nor does he seem to have anyone in his army that are particularly mobile in the air, he jumps
before his enemy jumps, she jumps after him and meets him in the air, were he has nowhere to go, and is cut to shreds. when you're enemy gets the gams of rigaldo;s enemy, do
not jump first!
strengths and abilities
- super strength: yoma and claymore have super human strength, an awakened being's physical strength is ridiculous and the strength of an awakened being like Rigaldo is many levels above that again. the only entities to outdo rigaldo's physical prowess are considered to be on the level of abyssal beings, before the battle of Peita that includes just 4 people
- super speed: Rigaldo can move faster than the eye can see, almost gaining a flash step of his own, a flash step is when a character gains such speed they seem to teleport a short distance. his speed is fast enough for him to eliminate 4 out of 5 claymore commanders before anyone noticed where he was or what he was actually doing. the only person known to outdo this feat definitively while fighting him is "phatom" miria, who is capable of a flash step
- healing factor: Rigaldo can heal mortal wounds fairly quickly. his healing factor in most instances will keep him fighting, he can also reattach lost limbs, but he won't be able to regrow new limbs very quickly, certainly not quickly enough to regain a new limb in battle
- shapeshifting: rigaldo can disguise himself in human form, favouring his own form as a former human. he can also use his shape shifting ability in other ways too, a particular favourite of his is to extend his claws several meters, shooting them out like harpoons and using extended claws almost like swords and daggers
- lion's roar: nothing really special, I could just imagine him using this to intimidate his enemies and boost the morale of his allies
- stronger than man: Mufasa is, a regular male lion. you can't win against him in a fist fight but physically he's nothing really special among lions, claymore could probably beat him easily in terms of physical strength
- lions roar: there is another type of roar in the lion king lore that summons the spirits of past kings, but that's extended universe stuff, and Mufasa doesn't even get that power. I'll just say this is the same as Rigaldo, and it just gets his allies to grow some b***s
- kingdom loyalty: Mufasa is as loyal to his kingdom as his kingdom is to him. he can depend on any one of his allies in battle as he treats them as equals, making him among the best kings in the history of his lore
- spirit form: there is some spirituality in the lion king, to the point where kings can straight - up appear as spirits and communicate with the living, Mufasa uses this ability to motivate his son and in some extended lore, his grandson. there is also that other roar which summons the spirits of past kings for a chat, or a beer, or whatever, Mufasa's descendants would be able to communicate with him whenever they want
- keen sight: when Mufasa shows Simba the pride lands he tells Simba everything the light touches is his. considering that the pride lands are a huge area mostly bathed in sunlight Mufasa must have pretty damn good vision
Awakened army
Awakened beings typically have much of the same abilities, some have greater strength, some can regenerate limbs instantly, others will have a different balance in their abilities here and there, but they all have virtually the same abilities, just with some having a stronger ability then others. A variant of yoma and some awakened beings can fly, but none of those seem to appear in Rigaldo's army
Animal kingdom
there are probably too many abilities to list, considering the many different types of animals. some, like the awakened beings, could share , some can swim, some can even fly, it all depends on their body types and their species, let's not forget that they are loyal to their king and loyal to each other, working together to make the pride lands a safe and prosperous kingdom
with the strengths and abilities of both contenders and their armies out of the way, it's time for my write up on how I think the fight will go!
It's time for a death battle!
Rigaldo sends three scouts to investigate the pride lands and assess whether the animal kingdom would be useful to them or not. before long, the scouts can not resist the urge to fight the animals. they launch a surprise attack in their awakened forms, killing many animals, the animal kingdom retaliates, Mufasa commands them to form squads to surround the three awakened beings, with well defined squads, the animals eventually defeat the three awakened beings, as Mufasa begins to ponder what these creatures are or where they came from, Rigaldo reports to Isley that the three have been defeated. Isley tells Rigaldo to return to the pride lands leading the full force of the awakened army, as Mufasa and his subjects think they have time to try and figure out the identity of their attackers, Rigaldo and the awakened beings arrive, Rigaldo waits on the sidelines watching the battle between the awakened beings and the animal kingdom. rigaldo soon notices that his awakened beings aren't killing the animals as quickly as he thought they would, he comes up with a query that the animals have formed squads and are using their special abilities together to fight the awakened beings. he theorises that the animals couldn't possibly have come up with such a strategy and on such a scale all on their own, they must have a leader. Rigaldo soon finds Mufasa, attacks him and the two wage an epic battle. Rigaldo throws Mufasa some distance, then enters a stance with both his arms stretched forward, he extends his claws like harpoons, Mufasa sees this attack from a distance and dodges it. Rigaldo states that he's surpised, as many people are unable to see that particular attack coming, Mufasa states he needs keen vision to keep an eye on his kingdom. the two close the distance between them and continue their epic struggle, soon, Rigaldo grows tired of such a low - level fight and surprises Mufasa with his super speed, Mufasa is unable to match his speed, and, being able to land a decent hit, Rigaldo can use the full extent of his super strength, he begins wearing down Mufasa with damaging blows and blinding speed he can't handle, yet Mufasa continues to fight for his kingdom, Rigaldo finally beats the strength out of Mufasa and brutally kills him. the animal kingdom, losing their leader, panics, with aspirations of victory, Rigaldo roars, knowing the loyal animal kingdom losing their leader will surely soon be killed by the remaining awakened beings. suddenly, the animals and awakened beings look to the clouds, Rigaldo notices the focus of attention has changed, Mufasa's face appears in the clouds, with a loud booming voice Mufasa tells his kingdom to not be disheartened by his death, and orders them to kill the remaining awakened beings. the animal kingdom surround and rush the remaining awakened beings, Rigaldo, before he is caught in the attack, jumps high in the air, he is then promptly attacked by over two dozen birds of prey, killing him
despite the physical prowess of the awakened beings, they lacked mainly two things that the animal kingdom actually had: loyalty and organisation. awakened beings are killed by organised groups of claymore all the time, they are often very selfish and never work together, where as the animal kingdom are all united in serving their king, they trust their kings words and that the king will give them an equal share of food and territory. the awakened beings are controlled by their hunger for innards and never think of others. their loyalty to Isley and Rigaldo is questionable, joining together as a means to an end.
if this was a battle just between Rigaldo and Mufasa, Mufasa cannot retaliate beyond his death, so Rigaldo would have won, but Rigaldo was against an enemy that worked together far more then him or his allies, there is also the issue that the awakened army numbers 31 at most, and the animal kingdom is never quantified so it could number in the thousands, the awakened beings with their very similar abilities could not compete with teams full of individuals with unique abilities such as flight.
the awakened beings lost on numbers and strategy, in a more cerebral fight where their only advantage was physical strength, this fight goes to spirit Mufasa and the animal kingdom