Working through some of my old Megadrive games again, but sticking to the Disney theme, I decided to play through World of Illusion. The slightly lesser known follow-up to much loved Mickey Mouse simulator, Castle of Illusion, it sees Mickey and Donald whisked off to a perilous fantasy realm by a nefarious magician, as they prepare for their own stage magic act.
As with a lot of the Disney titles on the MD, it was developed in house by Sega, and it's very interesting to see how it compares with Capcom's approach. Unfortunately in this case, it feels like a bit of a triumph for style over substance. The game is extremely well presented, with richly detailed levels that pack in a lot of references to classic Disney films (particularly Alice in Wonderland) and great sprite animation on the characters. I think the MD (at least with its early carts) couldn't handle the same variety of colours on screen at once as the SNES, so tends not to do the very vibrant, saturday morning cartoon look as effectively, but here leans into a slightly more muted palette that helps accentuate the more filmic, big-screen feature atmosphere.
Sadly, the gameplay is not on the same level. It's not bad by any means, but Mickey and Donald feel heavy to control, and their elaborate running animation often makes it difficult to judge larger leaps as the game progresses. Enemy projectiles are often tiny and difficult to avoid, while some traps and pitfalls are so untelegraphed that the only way to know they're coming is through trial and error. It's often just not as much fun as it ought to be, or at least that is the case in single player mode. The game does have a simultaneous two player mode and I remember that being a more entertaining experience altogether, as these things so often are (it's certainly telling that the top hits on google images for screenshots are of the 2P mode).
With only five stages, the game is also quite short and, with the possible exception of one boss whose pattern I initially found hard to grasp, I think an average player could still reasonably expect to finish a playthrough in around an hour, on their first try. To its credit however, the game does have alternative levels for both Mickey and Donald, as well as alternative content exclusive to the 2P mode (I think), so there is some replay value to be had.
So there it is. World of Illusion is a solid enough platformer that's sure to go down well with classic Disney buffs, but with so many others to choose from on the system, this isn't something I'd recommend with any urgency, and certainly not a game I'd recommend paying a great deal of money for.

As with a lot of the Disney titles on the MD, it was developed in house by Sega, and it's very interesting to see how it compares with Capcom's approach. Unfortunately in this case, it feels like a bit of a triumph for style over substance. The game is extremely well presented, with richly detailed levels that pack in a lot of references to classic Disney films (particularly Alice in Wonderland) and great sprite animation on the characters. I think the MD (at least with its early carts) couldn't handle the same variety of colours on screen at once as the SNES, so tends not to do the very vibrant, saturday morning cartoon look as effectively, but here leans into a slightly more muted palette that helps accentuate the more filmic, big-screen feature atmosphere.

Sadly, the gameplay is not on the same level. It's not bad by any means, but Mickey and Donald feel heavy to control, and their elaborate running animation often makes it difficult to judge larger leaps as the game progresses. Enemy projectiles are often tiny and difficult to avoid, while some traps and pitfalls are so untelegraphed that the only way to know they're coming is through trial and error. It's often just not as much fun as it ought to be, or at least that is the case in single player mode. The game does have a simultaneous two player mode and I remember that being a more entertaining experience altogether, as these things so often are (it's certainly telling that the top hits on google images for screenshots are of the 2P mode).

With only five stages, the game is also quite short and, with the possible exception of one boss whose pattern I initially found hard to grasp, I think an average player could still reasonably expect to finish a playthrough in around an hour, on their first try. To its credit however, the game does have alternative levels for both Mickey and Donald, as well as alternative content exclusive to the 2P mode (I think), so there is some replay value to be had.
So there it is. World of Illusion is a solid enough platformer that's sure to go down well with classic Disney buffs, but with so many others to choose from on the system, this isn't something I'd recommend with any urgency, and certainly not a game I'd recommend paying a great deal of money for.