Vampire Ninja
I haven't come across any issues, but I have heard others have had problems, I think it is with certain devices, so if possible might be worth using a differnt device if possible (I mainly use my PC with a web browser and the odd time andriod app).Anyone have any advice on how to funimation for free with the ads? Any known issues/glitches?
I registered for a free account but have not been able to watch any shows at all with all apparently requiring a subscription. Have tried through the app on an Android mobile and a smart TV.
Thanks in advance!
But I think the app is meant to be a bit random for who and what it works on. Not tried and probably not all that convient but you could watch via smart TV or andriod via a web browser and that might work (not sure you even have to log in if through a web browser for free content, so might save a bit of thime for testing it out at least).
The way to tell if they are free to watch or not is there is a purple funimation logo next to them which would mean they are the paid subcriptions only (they do usually give you the first episode or 2 as free to watch)