Some discussion is being had online about a Tweet from the Your name. Production Committee, asking people not to pirate.
(Google translation of this tweet)
It's disappointing that they feel the need to send a tweet like this, but at the same time and I know people will criticise me for this, I kind of feel like maybe some of their past decisions are partly-responsible. It's first international non-festival release, according to IMDB, is still a month from now (Taiwan: 21st October), and it's first non-festival English-language release is still a month after that (UK: 18th November). Also, it had it's premiere at Anime Expo, but there's still no US date. So they hyped a movie that people can't legally see elsewhere and won't be able to for months.
That said, AL has done a great job with the theatrical run for the UK, and hopefully they'll be able to do home video quickly or sort out a VOD run for those of us that don't have anything nearby.
I just want to stress how little I comment on this kind of stuff. That said this is a film that really needs the big screen - much like many pirate Ghibli or Disney then go see it on the big screen still, this is a film precisely like that. I'd say right now you're just doing a disservice to yourself there to watch current rips online though.
To be clear there are five English language screenings in the UK alone in October:
London Film Festival x 3
Scotland Loves Anime - Edinburgh x 2 (we added an extra day, yet to show up on the Wednesday or Tuesday after SLA)
We also have to do a lot to prepare and make a film work (in a nutshell it's broken down as below):
- Negotiate the deal (and pay, 100% up front often, which is A LOT)
- Prepare DCPs for press
- Dub the film (this takes 2 months minimum so we are really running, I am coordinating this with friends at NYAV Post by-the-by)
- Press and publicity (that doesn't come cheaply or quickly given approvals as you'd guess).
In the process of adding 18-20 more sites for Your Name too so we're trying our best to cover as many places as we can here too