Mad Scientist
kuuderes_shadow said:Is it fun taking offence at the fact that people like things you don't?
Anyway, Durarara SH was never going to get on the list. Only one volume out this year and that only sold 37k over slightly over 3 weeks, and although this was a very slight increase on the previous volume Durarara!! is nothing like as popular as it was 5 years ago.
I wasn't being literal, just saying that it's clear who the better writer is, purely on the grounds that the characters don't all have the same voice.
I don't pay attention to sales figures, but Kagerou Daze only released one volume this year too. I think that's partly what pisses me off, of all the things that could sell 200k in one volume, it shouldn't have been that. I'm half way through the first novel, it's okay, not great. I'd rather any other franchise had that level of success.