The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

More Sentai Q&As:
Why the lack of sports anime releases in North America?

There's a sort of stigma on sports shows here in the states for some reason.

When's the #BlackBullet home video release? My Christmas wish is a Toonami airing (it would be awesome).

Black Bullet? Probably not for a while I'm afraid.

any news on a release date for Non Non Biyori?

I can tell you there is a set date for Non Non.

What has been your biggest seller this year, and worst seller this year?

Well the year is not over yet! Get back to me 1/1/15.

Thanks for releasing Gatchaman, Black Magic, and Patlabor. Any more old school sci-fi goodies in the pipeline?

That's a big YES.

The World God Only Knows Season 3 Dub maybe?

On the hunt for Season 3!

How big is the book for the HOTD collector's edition going to be? Over 100+ pages?

It's a healthy size, I think. There's definitely a lot of interesting stuff in it.

How do you decide to give a sub-only release a dub? Like you're doing with Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions?

Going back to look at numbers, fan demand, and a couple of other factors.

Will we be seeing more collector's editions if Chunibyo, HoTD, etc sell well?

Strong possibility. We are also putting out Beyond the Boundary as a box set too.

Who is the ADR director for Log Horizon?

Can't say yet, but I really want to.

Do you have a timetable of when Sakura Trick will be released on DVD/BD?

Not quite yet, I'm afraid.

Any plans for BDs of the Patlabor movies?

That's a Q for Maiden Japan.

Will we see pictures of all the stuff in that and the Chunibyo CE closer to their release?

Yes, we will do an unboxing video for it when it arrives.

Why have you guys decided to go with one bluray disc with some releases?

If a show doesn't include a dub track, 12 and even 13 ep. series fit comfortably on one disc with no degradation in quality.

Then why have you decided to go with a 2 disc release for Flowers of Evil - if I recall that was sub only release.

Some shows work better than others.

Has there ever been a series you regretted licensing?

No, as there are always fans of every series.

chances of the bodacious space pirates movie getting a domestic release?

Can't really say right now.

but seriously, we wanna know when we're getting a Hyouka and a Nichijou Box set.

We don't own the licenses to those shows.

What older Sentai title would you like to see get a box set release?

Personally? I would say Clannad.

Is including soundtracks in collector's editions a possibility in the future?

Case by case.

are you going to release K-ON season 1 on blu-ray


Nice to see you're bundling both "ef" series later this year. Any new extras or packaging?

Working on nice packaging.

Any plans for licensing more shows from this simulcast season?

Nerima Daikon Brothers update when I asked via Twitter if the 1st September date is correct.

We're still waiting on some extras that have yet to be delivered. We live in hope but we can't guarantee it at the moment :/

I shall remain hopeful too, but don't believe extras can be delivered and release ready in 2 days :p
Those who are worried about PayPal cancelling the order for HAL, that solution has been resolved:
Hi Henry,
Thanks for getting in touch. We've looked at this and it's not a big deal. It means that PayPal automatically sets an expiration date for an order and we have to re-authorise it in time. PayPal normally does this so it's nothing to worry about. We're on top of it and your order is safe!

Thanks for letting us know!


Basically Anime Limited just need to re-authorise your pre-orders every month until the set gets released. No need to worry.
sniper_samurai said:
Dannielle said:
Scotland Loves Animation line ups are live.



Reckon that mystery film is Short Peace.

Doubt it's Short Peace as it has been out here on bluray, albeit as a PS3/Bluray hybrid disc, since April.

Has it had any theatrical screenings though? I don't think it has? The big accolades could mean the Oscar nomination and it is in bite sized chunks. I cannot think of what else it would be, add Andrew's mentioned interest in the title.

Hey, I might be wrong though.
Indeed. What was the mystery films last year? Can't recall..

Anyway, glad to see Lupin vs Conan on there. I wonder if Anime Limited would give the entire Conan (+ upcoming Magic Kaito) a risk.

I noticed Sword of the Stranger is there, part of the Bones fest but I won't be surprised if Andrew rescues the film for their catalogue (I own their Beez set but wouldn't mind double dipping since the on-screen subs confused me in the final part of the film).
I'm not sure what to make of the line-up. But here goes

Dragonball Z - i'll watch. It still has a soft spot for me, so definitely soemthing i'll go for
Bayonetta - Sure, i love the game, so i'll give this a bash
Honneamise - I've never seen it before! so i'll use this as a good excuse to finally sit down and enjoy it
Sword of the Stranger - Good excuse to finally see it, so yeah sure
Time of Eve - I expect i'll be told to watch it anyways by some. Sitting on the fence with it, but will probably check it out
Studio Bones talk - Count me in
Appleseed - i'm not that interested honestly. Might end up passing
Giovanni's Island - I thought this was pokemon related at first, but it has an interesting concept, so i could check it out.
K - Think i may pass on this one.
Lupin vs Conan - i was so hoping Andrew could have picked up Gravestone for the event, but sadly it wasn't meant to be. I fear this isn't a good choice either considering how poorly received the film is. I love lupin so i'm almost instinctively wanting to try it, but i know i should probably fear the worst with it.
Mystery Film - Errrrr. I almost thought the mini-series of Patema Inverted actually. Not sure for this one
Arbalest said:
Lupin vs Conan - i was so hoping Andrew could have picked up Gravestone for the event, but sadly it wasn't meant to be.

In fairness, the Lupin vs. Conan film is said to be marginally better than the underwhelming tv special, but like Arby, I am deeply disappointed that it isn't the Gravestone of Jigen Daisuke instead.

I'll likely turn out for GitS, Sword of the Stranger, Honneamise and Time of Eve anyway. I wouldn't mind seeing Bayonetta, but I feel like I should actually play the game first...
VoxPhantom said:
NormanicGrav said:
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan anime adaptation (spin off of Haruhi's Disappearance arc) is airing in 2015.
Wasn't sure about this when it was initially hinted a few months back, but right now I'll take any Haruhi anime I can get.
The only downside is that KyoAni isn't involved so I'll doubt the main Haruhi series will return. In any case I can see Funimation picking up the series and bringing back the English cast.
NormanicGrav said:
VoxPhantom said:
NormanicGrav said:
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan anime adaptation (spin off of Haruhi's Disappearance arc) is airing in 2015.
Wasn't sure about this when it was initially hinted a few months back, but right now I'll take any Haruhi anime I can get.
The only downside is that KyoAni isn't involved so I'll doubt the main Haruhi series will return. In any case I can see Funimation picking up the series and bringing back the English cast.
Given their output since practically Disappearance, them being as far away from this project is the best outcome.
The Garden of Sinners has been rated 18 by the BBFC for a variety of reasons. A bit of a shock at first since Right Stuf says the US release is 16+. (I haven't personally seen it yet.)

While that means I won't be able to purchase it :)(), at least it made it through with no cuts.

And it joins a fairly exclusive club with anime rated 18!
Funimation got streaming rights to One Piece 3D2Y special.

Kirito said:
The Garden of Sinners has been rated 18 by the BBFC for a variety of reasons. A bit of a shock at first since Right Stuf says the US release is 16+. (I haven't personally seen it yet.)

While that means I won't be able to purchase it :)(), at least it made it through with no cuts.

And it joins a fairly exclusive club with anime rated 18!

Jesus. So basically..

Movie 1 (Thanatos) gets a 15
Movie 2 (...And Nothing Heart) gets an 18
Movie 3 (Every Cry, Never Life) gets an 18
Movie 4 (Garan-No-Dou) gets a 15
Movie 5 (Paradox Paradigm) gets an 18
Movie 6 (Fairy Tale) gets an 18
Movie 7 (...Not Nothing Heart) gets an 18
Movie 8 (The Garden of Sinners) gets a 15

I haven't seen the films either (though I'm planning on importing the Japanese Blu-ray version since it's got English subtitles) but I hear Paradox Paradigm is the best one I think. The films aren't in chronological order either so that's complicated.
Can't say I'm entirely surprised by this. Based on Movie 7 alone I thought it would warrant an 18.
You're also right Grav. Paradox Paradigm is by far the best movie in the entire series. I still pull out my BD Box every so often to rewatch it.

The whole series is bloody good though and I'd easily recommend it. You can watch the films in chronological order, it just involves watching 2 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 6 > 7 > Epilogue.

Despite having seen it already and not being as amazing as the rest of the movies, I'm still pissed that neither Aniplex of Japan nor Aniplex of America are doing anything about putting out a sub BD for the last movie (Mirai Fukuin) ;_;