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I had a lot of drama with my wisdom teeth as one decided to turn sideways and hurtle off in the wrong direction, bringing excruciating pain once it started interfering with a nerve. My dentist (who was neglected too for some time, since he had been obsessed with trying to make me wear expensive braces I hated some years previously) took one look and referred me to a specialist, and I had to have a general anaesthetic for the necessary sawing and sucking procedures they came up with to get it out. I also got to have a CT scan first, which was interesting.

I (and the specialists at the time) made it sound scary but it was actually a very smooth procedure and the pain after the operation was an order of magnitude less severe than the constant ache of the rogue tooth. My dentist thankfully had the dignity to avoid the question of why I'd been avoiding him for years - I was in such a rotten mood from the pain when I saw him that I'm not sure I'd have had a polite answer!

I'm sure they get it a lot and have learnt not to make a big deal of it at inappropriate times.

Anyway, most extractions are straightforward (or so I was told each time the specialist marvelled at my stupid mouth) so I'm sure you'll be fine. And it will be such a relief! I hope they can get it sorted out swiftly.

It is indeed a smooth procedure, had one wisdom tooth removed myself some years ago, which also decided that horizontal was the best position to be in :D

Can't remember being in any agony, so you'll be all right britguy

Heck had the remains of another wisdom tooth removed last friday in the clinic. My dentist tought he could remove the tooth himself but that didn't work out really well, so a small piece was still there. Last friday i actually waited longer in the chair than it took the specialist to remove it.

All is well now and i still have my ever charming smile :D
Mine have been giving me grief lately as well. I've been getting the ear ache from them. I've been to the dentist and he's given me antibiotics which have cleared up the infections which cause the pain and pressure on the jaw and ear canals. He's been making noises about taking the offending ones out if they keep getting infected, but hasn't yet. Going back in January so we'll see what he says then. I had 4 teeth out when I was a teenager so braces could happen, and it was pretty straightforward, other than a bit of drooling when I tried to have a drink afterwards. 2 injections per tooth. They were baby teeth (I was 16 and still had baby teeth...) but the dentist said they had such strong roots they'd never have fallen out by themselves.
Thanks for all the advice and info guys. After reading owlys response and also after reading some info on other websites I think I might have to have a course of antibiotics before any removal. Most say a dentist won't remove a tooth until any infection is gone. Makes me a little less anxious about Monday now :)
I had antibiotics for 5 days and that cleared the infection up. I haven't been back since as they've been mostly OK. I had the flu really badly, then I got the infection. The flu was mainly in my head, putting pressure on my teeth and I think my immune system must have been distracted by fighting the flu virus as well. I didn't go to the dentist for about a week, then finally relented when even egg fried rice was too painful to eat. The dentist took one look at it and prescribed nuclear strength antibiotics.
I was in a similar situation to you a couple of months ago. If the pain is around your jaw, so it hurts when you open and close your mouth then the area is probably infected and you will be given a 5 day course of antibiotics. These are fairly quick to react, but obviously aren't as quick as lets say paracetamol, so you will still spend a day or so on painkillers.

For me, I was gargling salt water and soluble paracetamol as well as rotating cocodamol, paracetamol and ibuprofen every two hours or so.

Now, one of the teeth went very smoothly. Had a painless injection or two, waited a few minutes whilst the dentist prodded the area around the tooth to make sure it had worked, followed by a tug and it was gone! I couldn't believe how this 5ft dentist managed to do it lol

The other one didn't go smoothly, but it was probably a mixture of; awkward place/angle, small mouth and I had broken it so it was hard to get hold of lol So, I'm sure you're experience will be like my first tooth! :)

And don't worry, I hadn't been to the dentist for about 10 years. I had just said I was scared as I knew I needed a tooth out and they were very nice about it, but said I would need to attend a yearly visit from now on to make sure my other wisdom teeth behave...
I would love my top wisdom teeth out. They're really far back that its hard to brush them but they give me no pain so I duno if they'd let them be taken out. They do keep pushing my front teeth forward though cause my mouth is that small.
My wisdom teeth were a real pain at uni, probably around when I was 21 - I had two bouts when they really came through and it was pretty painful for a couple of weeks at a time. Luckily I didn't have to have anything done to them though - they just came through. But yeah, pretty annoying when they are causing you grief though!
I have no willpower. If I'm around food I literally have to eat food. I'll have to make a lot of effort to leave the office and no pass any food stalls at the markets! Caved into a slice of garlic bread and cheese along with my "shapers" cous cous salad :( lol.
I either starve myself, as in suddenly realise at 11pm that I haven't eaten all day, or consume everything in sight. The latter is always worse when I'm with friends as we tend to snack whilst we cook naughty.

Also, when you work from home you have access to the whole kitchen....which is bad for my waistline, but good as it means that food very rarely gets thrown away/goes off, as I eat last nights leftovers for lunch.
They couldnt do anything :( took xrays and couldnt see the roots due to the angle the wisdom teeth are growing in at, and so are unsure if nerves are wrapped round root of the tooth. couldnt do extraction because they didn't want to cause any nerve damage. Referred me to teh dental hospital but said that could take a couple opf weeks so I just have to endure the pain and live on pain killers until then.

If it gets too unbearable though i'm just gonna take myself to the dental hospital as an emergency.
That sucks britguy :(

I wish I could at least do the starve myself part like you find yourself doing sometimes GolGotha lol. Woeking from home would be waaaaaay too tempting but as you said, no food goes to waste and if you shop wisely it's not bother emptying the fridge or freezer hehe.

I've spent my day off cleaning the whole house :( lol. At least I can enjoy tomorrow I guess. The last big part of the clean up is my clothes. Waaaaaah :(

Going to have 5 way chilli for tea as soon in man v food hehe. Spaghetti, chilli, beans, onion and cheese! Om nom :)
I've tried eating healthier recently, as the past few weeks I've just been feeling so tired/going to bed at like 9pm because I've been feeling exhausted - I've never been one for diets and I've usually stuck to cheap, unhealthy food as I never put on weight, but I reckoned I'd give it a go to see if it gave me more energy. We'll see how it goes, anyway - knowing me, I won't be able to stick to it as I always end up snacking on something or other.
Hopefully you wont have a 3+ month wait to get your tooth out as I did.

Played up in November, got an appointment with the dentist who did something to stop the pain,
Had an appointment in the local hospital in January for x-rays
Had the Op in March
Anyone get post/parcels from Royal Mail today? I haven't for the past few days and I had DBZ processed by UP1 yesterday and was expecting it to arrive today, luckily I had work so couldn't go with my plan of binge watching lol also a few things shipped from eBay last week haven't turned up either. I guess this maybe due to Crimbo?
I've seen a package posted by posted through my door, and it's usually Royal Mail that delivers it. But I'd expect anything around this time to start being delayed, if slightly.
The past week, I have ordered packages and they've arrived very quick. So as far as experiencing the delay issue - I've yet to ACTually come across the problem.
I had several visits from Royal Mail today; in fact I wouldn't be surprised if every postman in the country was busy calling at my door from the number of parcels I received (a slight exaggeration, but it was a hectic day). You might have some trainee staff for the holiday season at your local depot though, and with all of the chaos of operating extended opening hours at the delivery offices to keep the system moving there are probably a fair number of delays to be expected.

A few visits by Royal Mail? That's the first I have heard of that, I thought they just do one, thats the most I ever got lol
Anyway, we have had a new Postie for about a month, so I can totally buy your theory on him being a trainee. Sadly or luckily, I have a full day of Uni tomorrow, so I can wait an extra day.

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