The General Conversation Area

G'day people. How're we doing?

Stuck at uni at present, but at least there isn't that much going on. 2 hours free( more free now) until my last class so plenty of time to relax.

@chaos: Happy Monday? Really? Monday is the single worst day of the week, end of.

In relations to closing this place up. I'd never do it. To be honest, it does have a lot of interesting discussions come through here more often than not(well there has to be, considering the amount of posts in here) But yeah, if there is anything which is a bit off, we'll split it so that it doesn't get bogged down with it, and it'll be a new topic. So all is well.

I don't mind the amount of posts coming through here, but i wouldn't mind seeing more in the anime/manga sections too, but i won't complain too much about that.

In relation to competition, I'm quite content with the participating, winning is a bonus in my book. Admittedly i'm a lot more competitive in terms of gaming, but even then, i'll just aim to play to the best of my ability.
Tachi- said:
Chaos locks this thread for any reason and i'll be on the next train to london with a mace in hand ;)
Bring it on!!!!

Arbalest said:
@chaos: Happy Monday? Really? Monday is the single worst day of the week, end of.
All the more reason to wish all a happy one. =)

Arbalest said:
In relations to closing this place up. I'd never do it. To be honest, it does have a lot of interesting discussions come through here more often than not(well there has to be, considering the amount of posts in here) But yeah, if there is anything which is a bit off, we'll split it so that it doesn't get bogged down with it, and it'll be a new topic. So all is well.
It's just that the size this thing is, I'm not sure we can split it at will. but so far, nothing to worry here.
I would imagine we could just split it from where the thing started so that we'd save ourselves hours of page searching. Basically Catch it early before it becomes troublesome.
Hola AUKN, recieved the best Valentine's card in the world yesterday X]
She made it and was very proud of how well it was folded... RAWR!

chaos said:
Mutsumi said:
ilmaestro said:
I just state the facts, that's all I ask anyone to do.

How old are you, btw?
What one person consider facts and what another consider facts are often different, as a certain other thread has demonstrated.
That' s very weak mate. Specially after you posted the definition of stealing and what you were claiming that wasn't stealing was right there... I think that's fact enough, no? Be honest, you were just trying to get people talking, right? And what is this age thing you're talking about? If that's true, everyone (with a few exceptions) should only listen to me, as I'm one of the older around here =P
I have made no suggestion that someone should be respected any more or less based on their age. If you think I have then prove it to me and I shall apologise where necessary.

"What one person consider facts and what another consider facts are often different, as a certain other thread has demonstrated."
This basically means that both sides of the argument consider the evidence they presented to be solid fact. Obviously when these 'facts' are contradictory, only one side's evidence can be actual facts. I am trying to make this point without saying anything that may reignite that topic or tempt someone else to do so.

chaos said:
Mutsumi said:
If one cares not if they win or lose then they are free to enjoy the game for what it is.
Then why one should put the effort to become better? I'm a competitive person by nature, I don't enjoy games I can never win (bar the lottery, I guess - one can live of dreams sometimes, no?).
There is a difference between not winning and thinking that you will never win. Also, what if you know you never will win, but you just enjoy trying?

chaos said:
Mutsumi said:
To put it in a slightly different context, lets apply the same logic to a multiplayer computer game. Before the match is over and a winner is decided, you are enjoying taking part and trying to win, right? If you then do not win, that would not change the fact you enjoyed playing the game before. If you feel that you have to win to enjoy the game in these circumstances then I would ask: why is it so bad to lose? When there are no negative consequences to losing, there should be no reason to let the loss spoil your enjoyment of having taken part.
As I've mentioned above, it just makes me anxious. I don't need to win all the time, but if I get the feeling there is no hope of ever winning, then I give up on this particular game (or playing a certain game with that particular opponent). I did enjoy playing go with a master though, as he was pointing to me what I did wrong after the game and what would have been better tactics.
In a way you have answered your own question. Even if victory seems hopeless in a game, you can always learn to get better, which, if you enjoy playing the game anyways should not be a problem to do.
Let's agree on disagree then, cant' really be bothered with it anymore and in all honesty, despite all my happy mondays wishes, it has been a terrible one. :S
That's as may be Ryo... However, it is in fact Monday.

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I guess I understand your position more now Mutsumi. But I don't feel I have to win to enjoy the game (I'm not a sore loser), it just has to have stakes I actually care about - Even if that's something as small as gaining a slight amount of respect or leverage with another individual. I'm just saying that if I don't consider the prize of victory or the loss of defeat sufficient incentive to take part... I don't see any reason to bother. That's why I tend to drop out of some of the more heated debates despite this meaning I don't defend my position, because I stop thinking that victory or defeat will mean anything in the long run.
I hadn't realised you were in such a bed way chaos. What's up?

Ah, and morning people.... afternoon even. Been the quietest day at work I've had in freaking ages. Still a ball ache mind and I still can't wait till finish. Gonna go grab me some eggs and make some mean pancakes when I get home. MMmmmMMM!
@Voddas - Sciatic Nerve pain - being with me for over 6 weeks now =S
Doc said that it should settle in no more than a month, but if after that I'm not good, then she would have to refer me to a surgeon :'(
Maxon said:
Anyone know which Linux distribution is the best to use? I used an older version of SUSE today and it seemed decent.

For most things, Ubuntu (from what I know).

It's best for your general browsing kinda stuff. If you wanted to host servers n **** though, you're looking more at Mandriva (I think) or Red Hat(?) Linux.

Go Ubuntu if I were you.
I've tried SUSE and Ubuntu and they both were fairly decent. Wouldn't know which one to suggest however. I only use Linux for fun and interest. It usually results in me re-installing windows shortly after.

@Chaos: Jesus that's bad. My friend had the same issue and I know how painfull it can be. Hope all goes well mate. Last think anyone wants is to be refered to a surgeon. =(

edit: Ubunto it is then I guess. :p
Maxon, I'd say use the one you like the most.
I've used ubuntu before and I'm currently using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 at work. Both were solid OS's. Also, bear in mind the usage you will have for it. My main goal to run linux is to have if runing as a server or for development purposes, which requires a whole bunch of different things from someone who wants to run it as a desktop.
OK thanks, guys. I plan to set up a dual-boot and play around with it and see how it compares to XP.

chaos said:
Also, bear in mind the usage you will have for it. My main goal to run linux is to have if runing as a server or for development purposes, which requires a whole bunch of different things from someone who wants to run it as a desktop.
Well I plan to use it as a desktop if I choose to switch to it, and only use Windows for gaming if I choose to do so. Everything else would be done through Linux: watching anime, internet, word processing, etc.