The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
Well, I've finally got round to trying to cram every single piece of music I own on CD into my iPod. 3586 tracks and counting...

What size iPod is it man?

ilmaestro said:
Aww, Mutsumi's lack of comprehension of the concept of Intellectual Property was just getting funnier and funnier in that thread, shame it had to be locked. :(

Dude, c'mon, the thread was locked cause it was getting personal. Let it drop.
ilmaestro said:
Aww, Mutsumi's lack of comprehension of the concept of Intellectual Property was just getting funnier and funnier in that thread, shame it had to be locked. :(

You are seriously disappointing, ilmaes. You need to learn how to properly conduct yourself in an argument. Behave towards your opponent as you would wish them to behave to you. Respect them, and above all, never make it personal. Stay true to these rules and while you may not win every argument, you will never lose.

Regardless, you should know I have nothing against you. Nor will I make any smug remarks to try and get at you over this argument. I know that people can look bad defending their views to someone who disagrees with those views, and that this does not accurately reflect that person. One thing I have learnt from internet forum arguments over the years is that your opponent in one thread can be your ally in the next thread.

You will understand when you are older.
Mutsumi said:
Behave towards your opponent as you would wish them to behave to you. Respect them, and above all, never make it personal. Stay true to these rules and while you may not win every argument, you will never lose.
I'd say it's likely you'd never win either though. People discuss and debate in order to understand each other's views; They argue to try and change each other's views, and those of others. Aside from trying to wind people up (trolling) that's the only reason. It's very hard to change people's opinions, but the easiest way to do it is to goad someone you disagree with into making themselves look stupid so that the people on the fence listen to you instead of them. Few arguments are actually won by the winner - most are lost by the loser.

If you respect someone else's views you give them as much weight as your own. Respect for your opponent is fine, noble and all that, but it means you probably never change your beliefs and never change anyone else's either.
ilmaestro said:
I just state the facts, that's all I ask anyone to do.

How old are you, btw?
What one person consider facts and what another consider facts are often different, as a certain other thread has demonstrated.

ayase said:
If you respect someone else's views you give them as much weight as your own. Respect for your opponent is fine, noble and all that, but it means you probably never change your beliefs and never change anyone else's either.
Then so be it. I am neither the better nor worse for it if I do or do not chance someone's views.
Mutsumi said:
ayase said:
If you respect someone else's views you give them as much weight as your own. Respect for your opponent is fine, noble and all that, but it means you probably never change your beliefs and never change anyone else's either.
Then so be it. I am neither the better nor worse for it if I do or do not chance someone's views.
Does that not rather beg the question: Why take part in the argument in the first place?

ps. For clarification, and any mods watching, this is discussion to try and understand someone else's POV.
ayase said:
Mutsumi said:
ayase said:
If you respect someone else's views you give them as much weight as your own. Respect for your opponent is fine, noble and all that, but it means you probably never change your beliefs and never change anyone else's either.
Then so be it. I am neither the better nor worse for it if I do or do not chance someone's views.
Does that not rather beg the question: Why take part in the argument in the first place?

ps. For clarification, and any mods watching, this is discussion to try and understand someone else's POV.

If one cares not if they win or lose then they are free to enjoy the game for what it is.

Also, I make a quick judgement as to whether someone's views can be changed. If I judge that I am unlikely to be able to change their views then I will not try. I will stand up for my views, however. At least as far as doing so continues to be fun. I mean, why get stressed out trying to achieve something that cannot be done?
Mutsumi said:
If one cares not if they win or lose then they are free to enjoy the game for what it is.
I think the first time I heard that saying was in school PE lessons - I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. If I don't care about the result of a game why would I be interested in playing?*

I agree with the second part of your post though. On an unrelated, sleep-deprived note, I've noticed that you don't seem to use contractions. I wonder if that's why people take you more seriously than you intend sometimes?

*Or watching, hence my lack of interest in virtually all sport. Only betting on it would give me a reason to care... and possibly gladiatorial combat I would also care about. If it involved people I knew.
ayase said:
Mutsumi said:
If one cares not if they win or lose then they are free to enjoy the game for what it is.
I think the first time I heard that saying was in school PE lessons - I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. If I don't care about the result of a game why would I be interested in playing?*

I agree with the second part of your post though. On an unrelated, sleep-deprived note, I've noticed that you don't seem to use contractions. I wonder if that's why people take you more seriously than you intend sometimes?

*Or watching, hence my lack of interest in virtually all sport. Only betting on it would give me a reason to care... and possibly gladiatorial combat I would also care about. If it involved people I knew.

I can understand where you are coming from on the PE context, because if it refers to a sport you do not enjoy, then the small feeling of accomplishment and victory from winning could well be the only thing you would enjoy from the game, and thus the only reason to play. Plus in PE you typically do not have a choice in taking part or not.

To put it in a slightly different context, lets apply the same logic to a multiplayer computer game. Before the match is over and a winner is decided, you are enjoying taking part and trying to win, right? If you then do not win, that would not change the fact you enjoyed playing the game before. If you feel that you have to win to enjoy the game in these circumstances then I would ask: why is it so bad to lose? When there are no negative consequences to losing, there should be no reason to let the loss spoil your enjoyment of having taken part.

Of course if losing entails any actual loss, such as in gambling, then there is very good reason to be sad at the loss.

Nothing wrong with hating losing of course, but if you can alter your perspective of it and choose to love winning instead, you will feel overall a lot more satisfied whatever the outcome.

Also, when you say I do not use contradictions, do you mean that I choose not to contradict people, or that I do not contradict myself? Either way I am grateful for your observation. :)
Mutsumi said:
Also, when you say I do not use contradictions, do you mean that I choose not to contradict people, or that I do not contradict myself? Either way I am grateful for your observation. :)
Contractions, not contradictions. Contractions are the way of shortening separate words, like "it's" instead of "it is" or "they're" instead of "they are". :)
Maxon said:
Mutsumi said:
Also, when you say I do not use contradictions, do you mean that I choose not to contradict people, or that I do not contradict myself? Either way I am grateful for your observation. :)
Contractions, not contradictions. Contractions are the way of shortening separate words, like "it's" instead of "it is" or "they're" instead of "they are". :)

......I fail at reading today. ^^;

I generally do not use contractions as personal preference, and because it feels like it lends more clarity to my words.
Ryo Chan said:
Happy Chinese New Year to you too!
Going to see the celebrations for the first time next week and really excited about it.
Also, had some friends over, so we had a tradicional chinese meal, cooked by an authentic chinese friend. It was really good and had no noodles involved, loads of pork and duck instead =)

Happy Valentines day~
Hope you had a good one. Mine was lacking on the having a valentine side of thingss :S

stuart-says-yes said:
happy sunday
Happy Belated Sunday to you too and a happy Monday!

Mutsumi said:
ilmaestro said:
I just state the facts, that's all I ask anyone to do.

How old are you, btw?
What one person consider facts and what another consider facts are often different, as a certain other thread has demonstrated.
That' s very weak mate. Specially after you posted the definition of stealing and what you were claiming that wasn't stealing was right there... I think that's fact enough, no? Be honest, you were just trying to get people talking, right? And what is this age thing you're talking about? If that's true, everyone (with a few exceptions) should only listen to me, as I'm one of the older around here =P

Chun Li said:
Dude, I thought we already realised that this thread was immune from being locked? lol.
Not true, but unlikely. it's just that we usually split whatever comes in here into a new thread and eventually lock the other one.
Annoy me enough and I'll lock / delete anything =P

Mutsumi said:
If one cares not if they win or lose then they are free to enjoy the game for what it is.
Then why one should put the effort to become better? I'm a competitive person by nature, I don't enjoy games I can never win (bar the lottery, I guess - one can live of dreams sometimes, no?).

Mutsumi said:
To put it in a slightly different context, lets apply the same logic to a multiplayer computer game. Before the match is over and a winner is decided, you are enjoying taking part and trying to win, right? If you then do not win, that would not change the fact you enjoyed playing the game before. If you feel that you have to win to enjoy the game in these circumstances then I would ask: why is it so bad to lose? When there are no negative consequences to losing, there should be no reason to let the loss spoil your enjoyment of having taken part.
As I've mentioned above, it just makes me anxious. I don't need to win all the time, but if I get the feeling there is no hope of ever winning, then I give up on this particular game (or playing a certain game with that particular opponent). I did enjoy playing go with a master though, as he was pointing to me what I did wrong after the gameand what would have been better tactics.
Chaos locks this thread for any reason and i'll be on the next train to london with a mace in hand ;)

Morning/afternoon people, i'll be heading to the south coast now. Last i checked wifi is terrible down there so i'll speak to you lot later in the week.

Tachi, out