Watanabe Ken
Magical Girl
Bought a bunch of candy for Halloween literally only one kid knocked on the door didn't even get to scare anyone with my IT costume worst Halloween ever
I need to walk past leashless dogs and every so often loose horses to get my shopping done, I'm far from the least nervous of people. On the whole though I'm getting used to dogs and most of them just are either excited or curious, and the horses often don't freak out and just eat grass. Sometimes I'm afraid of getting too close to a horse though and you can't do much from behind one
Have you considered running one of the two in a virtual machine or is that not an option?What I would like to do is add an additional SSD (NVME or SATA, Not sure yet) to my PC and Duel boot my system with Windows 7 and Windows 10, Windows 10 being installed on the new drive
From my previous experience of VM's, not really an option. I've just never really liked them, not even sure why. It would be interested to know how well gaming is handled in a Virtual W10 though. I might try it at some point.Have you considered running one of the two in a virtual machine or is that not an option?
I would consider getting NVME (you are talking about the MoBo connected ones aren't you?) they boot lightning fast, I have windows 10 on a 512 M2 drive and use a 2TB hybrid HDD mainly for my steam library. I haven't tried dual booting before but I have heard of it even with the ps3, when they didn't patch out the possibility to use linux, some people would dual boot PS3 OS and linux, I kind of get the idea of how it's done though, I only know you can only use one at a time but switch whenever you want. if they are two separate OS on two separate drives, logic would dictate that it still works that way, they didn't do much to get rid of the feature since WinXP.Advise needed~~
So, Currently my PC has Windows 7 on a SSD, with all my other media on two separate drives
What I would like to do is add an additional SSD (NVME or SATA, Not sure yet) to my PC and Duel boot my system with Windows 7 and Windows 10, Windows 10 being installed on the new drive
While I've done Duel Boot before, this has been to only a single drive and a very long time ago using Windows XP and Linux rather than two copies of Windows.
While I imagine the steps would be essentially the same I would just love to know:
- If anyone has done this before and if you have any general comments to make?
- Any major problems you have had?
- How does drive assigning go, considering most programs point to C/ Drive by default, will this be installing W10 programs on my W7 drive, or does everything default to the location of the OS Drive (Example J/)
Happens all the damn time, I'm eagerly awaiting the ending of an auction and I have to fall asleep when it ends and happen to wake up minutes after it's ended, usually waking up in a cold sweat as I realize the error of my ways, thanks ayase you've made me angry now! All those amazing deals I've missed out on! Argh.Fell asleep early last night and totally forgot about an eBay auction I was watching that finished at midnight. Argh. I'm not going to find those 1970s alloy wheels for that price again...
Instant regret, they were £85 and the cheapest anyone else is selling them for is £175.
That's payback for the spider dream, that is.Happens all the damn time, I'm eagerly awaiting the ending of an auction and I have to fall asleep when it ends and happen to wake up minutes after it's ended, usually waking up in a cold sweat as I realize the error of my ways, thanks ayase you've made me angry now! All those amazing deals I've missed out on! Argh.
Yup. And wow, if I could sue people for "loss of joy of life" a whole lot of people would be getting sued.is it really called like that in the UK?
Wow. If Germany ever introduced a "Waste ___ time" act, most public institutions would probably just go die right at once. Germany's burocracy and redundance and wasting time at that is rather infamous.
There is also a "miss of joy of life" (as in like missing the opportunity to have some). Seems to be considered a sort of mayhem. I suppose, if that ebay guy filed that charge, I was on vacation, get the summons meanwhile, somebody happens to inform me and I have to cancel my holidays and buy an extra ticket back, I might have had both in a considerable enough amount?And wow, if I could sue people for "loss of joy of life" a whole lot of people would be getting sued.![]()
And we are probably all under educated, too. He asked what I work as and then he asked where I was in-training. I told him I was never in-training, I went to University and then striaght to my work profession. (Lower school degrees don't grant you the permission to study in University, those people usualy go to some workplace in training to learn their profession.)Sadly your suspicion is probably correct, mistrust of foreigners (or perceived foreigners) is something all countries' police forces seem to have in common...
In the UK, if something like this happens, we just inform the officer that is dealing with it that more information is available (print out the page) and explain you weren't aware of it due to the lack of tracking information on the shipping companies website (Maybe even print out this page as well).Blast it and the police now has that statement protocol of mine with "I don't know whether he refused it or his address was incorrect" written in there and signed by me. And that is tucked right next to the printout of the delivery history. Which says the above excerpt most clearly in black on white.
Oh God no, they can still waste their own time. If there was a law against that I think the entire public sector would be in prison. And the civil service and every level of government from local to national would be in for life.Wow. If Germany ever introduced a "Waste ___ time" act, most public institutions would probably just go die right at once. Germany's burocracy and redundance and wasting time at that is rather infamous.