The General Conversation Area

Congrats st_owly!

For some reason this forum seems to be stereotyped as being quite young but there is a pretty diverse mix. I'm in my 30s but I'm certainly not one of the oldest regulars. Quite a few people seem to arrive when they're in their late teens then stick around :)

I'm 26, have been watching for about 10 odd years now too. I'm quite well versed in a lot of things anime, but i still don't know half as much as some do on here. Part of that is just me not watching as much as i should, but there we go.

st_owly said:
In other news, I got my results back today as well. I've managed a 2:1 overall so I'm pretty pleased with that. I graduate on the 3rd July.

Congrats st_owly! That's great to hear. How did your dissertation mark up?
Rui said:
Congrats st_owly!

For some reason this forum seems to be stereotyped as being quite young but there is a pretty diverse mix. I'm in my 30s but I'm certainly not one of the oldest regulars. Quite a few people seem to arrive when they're in their late teens then stick around :)


Bloody hell, I have been here since I was 19! I'm 26 now. Though I don't think I really posted much in my first year or so. This is the only online community worth bothering with as far as I'm concerned. If it wasn't for the fact I enjoy visiting this forum, I'd probably be have completely lost touch with anime. I've been buying and watching anime videos since 2000 I think, but my viewing habits haven't been very consistent over the years, and I've only seen a fraction of the stuff most people here have. There's a really great wealth of info in this place covering just about every aspect and era of the medium, from our various knowledgeable contributors.
I'm 25 - and have been watching anime for the past three years, so a lot of catching up comparatively to some of the guys on here!

I used to visit a lot of pop music forums back when I was 17-19 or so, and had forgotten how much fun they could be. I've kind of become a little burnt out on the likes of Twitter etc - as useful as they can be - they're too flooded with low-grade content etc. whereas with a forum you can typically count on more in-depth discussion and a bit more flavour.
I'll be 27 in November and have seen watching anime and reading manga since the mid to late 90s, although I did stop for a few years.....and not only missed ADVs departure, but also Beez! So sadly, I missed out on a lot of good series, and still trying to catch up now.
IncendiaryLemon said:
I hope no one minds, but may I ask how old a lot of you are? Normally when I visit forums as a 17 year old, I don't feel out of place, but I get the feeling that a lot of the people here are significantly older than that.

29. Been watching anime since I was about 14. It's just another hobby for me really, like gaming.
Congrats on the 2:1 st_owly!

Another 26 year old here. I was one of the Toonami generation, moving from Pokemon to DBZ, Gundam Wing and Tenchi Muyo, onto Eva and Nadesico on Sci-Fi, then Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star on CNX. I fell out of anime for a few years before getting back into it at 16.
Being 290, anime is a pretty recent interest of mine. I was particularly impressed with the historical accuracy of Le Chevalier D'Eon.
Yowanda-san said:
It probably goes without saying but I'm twelve years old.

I had no idea to be honest. You were 7 when you first joined?

edit: wait a minute, am I being had on here? What was your old username?
Ath said:
Another 26 year old here. I was one of the Toonami generation
Generations are dictated by televisions?

Have the cruel masterminds of our terrestrial airwaves learned to quantise human breeding patterns in accordance with signal frequencies? Heaven forbid that Channel Five learn of such experimentation.
@st_owly. Ah nice! that's great though. Glad to hear it all went well!

You know what's scary? in just over a week i'll be celebrating 10 years with AUKN. WHERE DID THE TIME GO? To think i've been here since i was 16.
Zin5ki said:
Ath said:
Another 26 year old here. I was one of the Toonami generation
Generations are dictated by televisions?

Have the cruel masterminds of our terrestrial airwaves learned to quantise human breeding patterns in accordance with signal frequencies? Heaven forbid that Channel Five learn of such experimentation.

They already have. I'm the channel 5 soft porn generation. God those were great. The first time I got really drunk, just before I passed out I was watching one of those, it had a great sci fi plot, was sexy, and wasn't aura staining like proper porn is. BRING IT BACK 5!!
st_owly said:
In other news, I got my results back today as well. I've managed a 2:1 overall so I'm pretty pleased with that. I graduate on the 3rd July.
Congratulations st_owly.

Rui said:
For some reason this forum seems to be stereotyped as being quite young but there is a pretty diverse mix. I'm in my 30s but I'm certainly not one of the oldest regulars. Quite a few people seem to arrive when they're in their late teens then stick around :)
Stop looking in my direction Rui or I'll hit you with my walking stick.
I have to admit, I do wish I got 'into' anime earlier - but then equally, the other part of me is glad it didn't come until I had a job etc. and could actually afford to fully fund my habit. I feel I might have burnt out otherwise too, as a lot of my other teenage passions did after a few years.
Lutga said:
I have to admit, I do wish I got 'into' anime earlier - but then equally, the other part of me is glad it didn't come until I had a job etc. and could actually afford to fully fund my habit. I feel I might have burnt out otherwise too, as a lot of my other teenage passions did after a few years.
I sometimes wonder if this is the reason AUKN seems to have a relatively high average age. We seemed to have a few younger members when I first joined, but a lot of them have long since disappeared. Those who stayed have perhaps built a community which, as IncendieryLemon's comments might suggest, younger members or those new to anime might feel a bit out of place in. I hope not, because it's always nice to see new people here, but I get the feeling there are other commnities (MAL perhaps?) which better cater to what a younger demographic wants from an online anime community.

Personally though, I love forums like AUKN. I think they have a better sense of community with more opportunity to actually get to know members than social network style sites, which I come to dislike more and more every day for the impersonal, throwaway nature of the interaction. The trend seems to be for wider and weaker networks rather than smaller and tighter knit communities, and I'll take the latter any day.
ayase said:
Lutga said:
I have to admit, I do wish I got 'into' anime earlier - but then equally, the other part of me is glad it didn't come until I had a job etc. and could actually afford to fully fund my habit. I feel I might have burnt out otherwise too, as a lot of my other teenage passions did after a few years.
I sometimes wonder if this is the reason AUKN seems to have a relatively high average age. We seemed to have a few younger members when I first joined, but a lot of them have long since disappeared. Those who stayed have perhaps built a community which, as IncendieryLemon's comments might suggest, younger members or those new to anime might feel a bit out of place in. I hope not, because it's always nice to see new people here, but I get the feeling there are other commnities (MAL perhaps?) which better cater to what a younger demographic wants from an online anime community.

Personally though, I love forums like AUKN. I think they have a better sense of community with more opportunity to actually get to know members than social network style sites, which I come to dislike more and more every day for the impersonal, throwaway nature of the interaction. The trend seems to be for wider and weaker networks rather than smaller and tighter knit communities, and I'll take the latter any day.

MAL certainly has a younger demographic. From the groups you see on there to the user reviews. Not to say it's all bad, but you do start to feel like the tight-nit community is suddenly lacking.

AUKN has had it's fair share of younger users honestly, but they aren't as many as before. Maybe because the conversations are usually a lot more involved? I can't really say. When i started on here back in 2005, i was 16 and i was probably about the average regular users age. So in the past 10 years, the average userbase has matured, i'd say early 20s? So it's certainly matured as the sites aged. Having a way to bring back some of the younger userbase and make them feel welcome is certainly something i'd like to see honestly, so i'd love to find ways to do that.
I'm 23 and if I remember correctly, it was Toonami's broadcast of Outlaw Star that first pulled me into anime (although I did watch the "staples" like Pokémon and Digimon before). I don't think I started actively collecting manga and home video releases until Jetix first broadcast Naruto though.