Seems i missed out on a gym discussion...
January was an absolute nightmare, for the past few years i've been with DW which although it was a good gym, the £38.50 a month gym fees where too much for my liking (especially when i hardly ever used the pool or saunas), so i joined pure gym instead, one of these unmanned, chained up and down the country gyms that you pay 18.99 a month and can go 24/7.
Now usually i'd go about 8.30/8.45ish as it usually quietens down in the weight section about then, meaning more things become available.... january wasn't like that. 10pm i was still waiting around to complete a workout that usually i'd have completed and got myself out of there within 50mins. absolute nightmare.
Thankfully its gone more or less back to normal, with the exception of my friends and family who are late to jump on the bandwagon... in the past 2 weeks alone my mate and his gf have joined, my missus, her sister and her boyfriend have also joined and my sister and mum have said about joining next week.... nowhere is safe.
in other news, i've been reading manga again, albeit the Viz edition 3 in 1 books for dragonball, luckily i've yet to pay RRP for a copy of the first 3 books (so volumes 1-9) and thoroughly enjoying a nostalgic trip to my childhood

Still have a fair few hows still in the wrappers, itching to get out but at the moment i dont have the time to sit down and enjoy any of them, if anyone was wondering what i've got to watch heres a list:
Saiyuki Reloaded
Strike Witches
HOTD (Bluray)
Trigun Badlands rumble? (Bluray)
Nabari part 1 and 2
Excel Saga
Oh and before i go, i've parted with my Ka. I spent alot of time and money on it and learnt alot about modifying cars from that little blue fella, but alas it was only a 3 door and no practical boot space, so i sold it and bought myself a ford focus zetec climate, full sport interior, sport steering wheel, full sports suspension, A/C, quick clear on front and back windows to name a few things its got. So far i've only fitted stainless steel kickguards with "Focus" frosted into them and a cable that i've fitted to the stock radio so that it can now use Aux input. oh and swapped all bulbs on the car to LED or Xenons.... yes even the glove box light is now white lol (sad i know)
Hoping to get back into the swing of things and catch up on alot of the series i've neglected over god knows how long, and sorry to scare you but i may even return here abit more frequently
Hope you lot are all well, anyone have anything they're really looking forward to this year? (Anime or otherwise)