The General Conversation Area

Well in terms of magic, i think wizards clicked on to this a little while ago. Hence why they created the core sets to replace the 4th, 5th etc editions they were doing. They don't have the complex cards that put off new or young players yet have the cards that work scarily well in combos.

Anyway how are we all this bright day? i'm just killing time before work training begins :)
WotC have done extremely well to branch out their product line across the Core sets, the structure of the blocks, MTGO, DotP... it's a pretty slick business now, when you think how relatively small it started, relatively recently. I wish they still put out novels set in the different planes though - I would have loved to read one based around Liliana/Thalia/Griselbrand/Avacyn/etc. I made that thread, btw.
ilmaestro said:
I would agree (although it depends a bit on what you mean by "average", I suppose).
You take the the age of all the anime fans, and add them together. Then you divide that by the total number of anime fans.......

and there's that sarcastic streak I was talking about. :twisted:
ilmaestro said:
WotC have done extremely well to branch out their product line across the Core sets, the structure of the blocks, MTGO, DotP... it's a pretty slick business now, when you think how relatively small it started, relatively recently. I wish they still put out novels set in the different planes though - I would have loved to read one based around Liliana/Thalia/Griselbrand/Avacyn/etc. I made that thread, btw.

I do miss the books, especially now it looks like i'll have lunch hours that I could pass by reading them...May re-read the original Ravinca ones I have to get me in the mood for the pre-release...Assuming I'm not working for it mind.
Yeah I can't actually book the time off for the pre-release, just hoping I'm in late on the Saturday so I can play in the day and then go to work...

megalomaniac said:
ilmaestro said:
I would agree (although it depends a bit on what you mean by "average", I suppose).
You take the the age of all the anime fans, and add them together. Then you divide that by the total number of anime fans.......

and there's that sarcastic streak I was talking about. :twisted:
Was reading this morning about The Slender Man and it creeped me right out. Some of the images and stuff people have made is very freaky :eek:

On the plus side it's got me inspired to go back to a project that I started work on about a month ago and then dropped. Well, that coupled with actually seeing a guy with a freshly stitched up Glasgow Smile yesterday, which is strangely how I ended up discovering the Slender Man.
20thCenturyBoy said:
Was reading this morning about The Slender Man and it creeped me right out. Some of the images and stuff people have made is very freaky :eek:

Sounds terribly hipster even as I'm writing it, but there are things popularity does take something away from and Slenderman is definitely one of those things. Seemed more fun when it was just on the edge of believability, rather than yet another pop-cultural meme - with its own wiki, no less. Ah well, there'll be others.
Well i'm back from my holiday, had a nice time soaking up the Tunisian sun and plying myself with unlimited alcohol ^__^

Back to the grind today, managing to stay in contact with Devil dispite his departure from here, not checked yet but i'm guessing he's not returned?

Anyway, Voddas and me had a hour or so call just before i went away, seems alls well with him, the mrs and his newborn :)

All's well in the world.

How's AUKN holding?
Tachi said:
How's AUKN holding?
Most dreadfully. Yesterday I obtained an online voucher for a ubiquitous carbonated beverage, redeemable at Boots Limited, only to discover today that no beverages are sold from my local outlet thereof.

My quandary is thus: In order to redeem this coupon, I must travel to a larger outlet, thereby spending a greater amount on travel than the savings attainable through the coupon itself. Woe.
Zin5ki said:
My quandary is thus: In order to redeem this coupon, I must travel to a larger outlet, thereby spending a greater amount on travel than the savings attainable through the coupon itself. Woe.

It's like "Sophie's Choice" :cry:

Had a dream last night about someone I went to primary school with, it's got me looking up people I went to primary with on facebook. I thought I had a good memory but thinking back I can only remember a handful of people and not a whole class like I thought I could.
20thCenturyBoy said:
Zin5ki said:
My quandary is thus: In order to redeem this coupon, I must travel to a larger outlet, thereby spending a greater amount on travel than the savings attainable through the coupon itself. Woe.

It's like "Sophie's Choice" :cry:

Had a dream last night about someone I went to primary school with, it's got me looking up people I went to primary with on facebook. I thought I had a good memory but thinking back I can only remember a handful of people and not a whole class like I thought I could.

I can't remember many I went to primary school with, or secondary school for that matter. A case of my force mind forgettfulness to get rid of them. Same with college actually, only one person I actually speak to from there still.

Well I'm now part of the workforce again :) So I can start to buy more things in for my son when he comes along in a month's time near enough
Weirdly enough, I've also recently had a couple of dreams about a friend I went to primary school with. It's strange, I can't really figure out why my sub conscious is bringing it up :?
In a continuation of my previous post, I decided that the dreams were so weird I should sign up to facebook in order to contact that ooooooold school friend of mine. I now feel dirty.... I never thought I would succumb to "social" media, but it looks like it finally got me (not that I plan to use it in anything but the most fleeting of ways, before the deletion of my account when I have my inevitable internet/ social media paranoia panic attack)

Speaking of paranoia, when I signed up Face book gave me a list of "friends I should add". About 90% of these people appeared to be complete strangers I didn't recognise, but there were 4 or 5 people on that list I did know! What the ****! Has the Internet been searching me?

The new intimidating forum makeover is not helping sooth my slightly freaked out mind...
Facebook occasionally suggests I be friends with my own fake profile, which is interesting (and slightly scary, as I used completely different details for them right down to using a different e-mail address).

I really don't know (nor am I sure I want to know) how it finds people you do actually know, but who share no mutual friends on the site. Did they mention you in a post at some point? That just leads to more paranoia. And of course, we may be being recommended people we otherwise know under pseudonyms... how do you know one of those people isn't me?
Facebook will never get me, I have little desire to contact people I left behind in school and college. The ones I did speak to from school a little while ago dropped me like a stone because I no longer wanted to go out every single friday evening like they did, pretending to be 18 years old again. That and being out of work meant I had zero money.
vashdaman said:
In a continuation of my previous post, I decided that the dreams were so weird I should sign up to facebook in order to contact that ooooooold school friend of mine. I now feel dirty.... I never thought I would succumb to "social" media, but it looks like it finally got me (not that I plan to use it in anything but the most fleeting of ways, before the deletion of my account when I have my inevitable internet/ social media paranoia panic attack)

Speaking of paranoia, when I signed up Face book gave me a list of "friends I should add". About 90% of these people appeared to be complete strangers I didn't recognise, but there were 4 or 5 people on that list I did know! What the ****! Has the Internet been searching me?

The new intimidating forum makeover is not helping sooth my slightly freaked out mind...

Once you get a facebook account you cannot delete it until you win at Yahtzee.
BlackWolf said:
Facebook will never get me, I have little desire to contact people I left behind in school and college. The ones I did speak to from school a little while ago dropped me like a stone because I no longer wanted to go out every single friday evening like they did, pretending to be 18 years old again. That and being out of work meant I had zero money.
I quite understand the dislike of FB, but I've only come into contact with three people I know from school on there - One of whom has remained my (pretty much solitary) RL friend since I left school, one I was happy to get back in touch with and the other who I can vaguely remember, but who never really communicates with me besides the odd liking of a status.

There's nothing to stop you turning down friendship requests of course, and I think keeping your profile private stops most people from frivolously befriending you - if they can't see anything about you then for all they know you could have become a completely different person from when they knew you (I probably have). That said, I did meet one good friend via random friend request on another social networking site by leaving my profile visible.

I'm also glad I made the decision from the off not to befriend family members or colleagues. My social life, family life and working life are separate things, I have no wish for them to collide and have trouble believing other people think that could possibly be a good idea. That, I think, does encourage blandness because most people will have to watch what they post - Imagine being sat in the pub talking with your mates and then realising your boss and your granny were sat at the next table listening. Yeah.
If there's one thing I've always been horrifically awful at, it's staying in touch with people - especially on the phone. That's where Facebook comes in useful for me, I find it easier to communicate with friends who have moved abroad and stuff like that. It was useful for organising events quickly as well when I was doing my undergraduate degree. I'm less active on it now that I'm finishing up at university though.

Two of my best friends I've known since secondary school (though they're not really friends with each other, heh), but they are the only ones I keep in touch with from school really. I've always preferred having a few really close friends anyway, but Facebook does allow me to at least stay even in minimal contact with the ones who I'd forget to keep in touch with which is cool.
I just use Bookface for keeping in contact with relatives and the few friends that remember I exist.

I much prefer Twitter because it can be a very good news source and there's no obligation to follow anyone that follows you.