The General Conversation Area

so the deal with the hoverboards? :p still i think i'll just stick to Gundam, like the far superior Gundam 00...i hope you all go out and pick it up when Beez release it :p this country needs more gundam
In the Eureka Universe there is a form of plasma in the air (due to a big event in history). The Hoverboards are use to absorb the energy keeping the machines afloat. Worked out cheaper than fuel. Heh. Problem is, if they run into an area that lacks plasma. They turn into a sail without wind and stop mid flight, resulting in falls. They do have backup wings and jets like.

I'm going to shut up now coz I just realized I'm forcing it you. :oops: Sorry. :p

I still need to see the escond Gundam 00 series yet. Loved the first one like.
Can I ask you guys something? I notice a few of you have Ghost in the Shell: SAC as your favourite animes, or at least up there. Quite honestly I've watched about 10-15 episodes on showcase TV now, and I really don't understand why it's so popular. The cases themselves are interesting, like the laughing man thing, but it feels like it's told in really boring half hour segments that damage the interesting plot. The characters are alright but Batou is the only one who I really find that entertaining. And sure, the fight scenes look great but otherwise the animations a little stiff and watching them talk to eachother through their heads gets really boring really quick.

So, I'm just wondering at this point, am I missing something? It's such a highly rated series and I can't for the life of me figure out why, should I watch the movie first?
hah nah don't worry about it voddas :p to be honest i've heard varying accounts about it, one person dropped it after a few eps.

You'll love the second season then Voddas :p i'm just waiting for news on the movie that's due out next year, and more info on Gundam Unicorn

I loved the original GITS Movie and was infact one of the first films taht got me into anime. That was what started me off anyway.
Stand Alone complex was different to other animes. It was deeper and intelligent. Made a change from easy watching. Plus I got to learn more about the characters past. Even if there wasn't much happening physicly in the anime I was always entertained by what was spoken about.
One of my favourite episodes was when they were in an internet chat room talking about the laughing man for the whole episode. So that kinda roundss me up.
I love SAC, besides, everyones opinion is different. I love Bebop, but I also know people who hate it. ;)

EDIT/ Last sentance also aimed at Black. I'm looking fwd to the second season! ^__^
I've missed a post here haven't i...

*goes back and notices that iisan fell victim to last post on page syndrome*


It is a good series one i really liked, but you shouldn't need to watch the movie first since esstenially they are in different universes.

It was also the first anime that i watched with my parents (i choose that because i thought it would be similar to programs they currently enjoyed watching like NCIS etc) It worked actually, after that i got far less of that cartoons are for kids crap.
BlackWolf said:
It was also the first anime that i watched with my parents (i choose that because i thought it would be similar to programs they currently enjoyed watching like NCIS etc) It worked actually, after that i got far less of that cartoons are for kids crap.
Well played! :thumb:

*applauds Black*
Voddas said:
One of my favourite episodes was when they were in an internet chat room talking about the laughing man for the whole episode.

Actually I liked that episode too, it was one of the only ones that held my attention for the full 20mins, very different.
I'm gonna continue watching it cause, well, it's free, and I'm hoping I'll 'get it' somewhere down the line.
Or maybe it's just a taste thing! d:
Nothing wrong with giving it a try (especially if it's free!). :p
It may just be down to a taste thing....

...Like the Overfiend. Quite potent. :lol:
Don't give up on it yet :p the 2nd Gig series is the best of the bunch really, with it even having the better opening music


Voddas do not say his name in jest :p i was talking on the chat the over day and we were discussing what was more damaging, a 12 yr old seeing Akira or a 8 yr old seeing Overfiend
Honestly I'm not really sure which series I'm watching, it closes with the lithium flower song, if thats any indication.
EDIT; Wait, scratch that, it's definately the first series.
That's 1st GIG iisan :) I forget what ending the 2nd GIG had...Well i'm going to dissappear now, so i'll talk to you all later at some point

later guys :thumb:
iisan said:
Later, Wolf.
Just watched the 2nd Gig OP on youtube.
Man that was awesome.

Inner Universe > Rise

2nd GiG is even better than the first tbh =P

They are both 10/10 shows but the second has alot more action in it.

You're mind will be blown when Motoko and Batou go to Berlin(? It's been a while since I saw it, but I think it's Berlin, or at least Germany) and Saito's past. Those 2 episodes are just badass.
I guess what you need to remember is...its a very scriptual orientated anime. much like deathnote. the intelligence in parts is comparible to deathnote, however GITS holds a different stance on complex storywork.

The second Gig is less dark in my opinion. batuo seems more of a merc thug in my opinion of the first season. but in the second gig he retains his bruteness without overdoing it.
my favourite character is and will remain, Saito. mainly for my love of sniper rifles and the ep where it highlights saito's and batou's glory days was very enjoyable :)

I'd recommend all three films are watched in the correct order for full understanding.

1st gig
GITS movie 1
2n'd gig
GITS movie: innocence
Everything Spyro says is true. However I don't favour the second Gig. I think they put more money into it but on the story side I think they are equal.
Anyone seen GTO? I'm watching it right now. Enjoying the series but I'm going to assume the mangs is better. Or is it like Monster and the series is scene for scene compared to the manga?