The General Conversation Area

Easy, you need to know physics so you can create a stable wrom hole to another dimension and go on adventures like "Sliders". Simplez *mwch*

@Panda: congrats on the nephew! Babies galore! Must be that time of year. 9 months after that other time of year ;) Hah!

I love holidays, I'm desperately looking forward to mine too. Week this Friday, Then it's off to Portugal to stay in a villa. AAhh... then I can relax for a bit.

Sorry about the car. :evil:
@iisan - Good luck with the revision - and I hope your exams go well! :)
I often wish I was back at school, not a care in the world and so on, and then I remember revision and exams and stress - my school days weren't as carefree as I like to think they were!

@voddas - Grrrrr, I'm so annoyed about my car - stupid kids with nothing better to do. Thankfully, its not a very new car, and my dad's managed to get me another wing mirror off ebay (which is a good thing, seeing as it happened the very day after I'd paid for my rather expensive flights to Cyprus - can't really afford to have expensive car repairs now!)
Me niether. Not with Portugal around the corner. I've had to Ducktape mine up for the mean time. Does the job but looks rough. ¬_¬
If I ever catch who did it (not likely), I'd be the one in trouble with the police.
It's going to cost me £158 to fix... AGAIN! *sobs*
There are some really vile people out there these days. Some people are just horrible for absoultely no reason at all. Don't even get me started on my sister-in-law (who is in fact the nastiest person I have ever met), who is at war with her entire family at the moment. She's a complete nutcase.
It makes you want to become a recluse, it really does. You know, just shut yourself away and not see anyone.
Haha sorry I'm in a really bad mood. Now that I've spread some negativity around, I'm off home :lol:
Ok, Mono and anyone else who may be lurking. I'm going to head off now too.

Must prepare myself for the Radio tonight. I'm so unorganized today. ¬_¬

Ciao for now.
chaos said:
Voddas said:
I never understood why Mikami was so popular. :? But that's just me.

Me too, but then I never seen the anime, so I can't say if there is any difference in the character. If the character is the same as in the manga, then Mikami is just a one-dimensioned filler character added there to advance the plot.

He's not really that popular. It's just i'm a big fan of his, and therefore talk about him alot ;)

I am the source of this fandom! Mwa ha ha XD
iisan said:
I know what you're thinking, why did I take physics? ^^
The synoptic paper is easy.
If and when you get to degree level, you'll wish that each exam came with such a well-stocked rubric as the A-Level ones. All those SHM equations are given to you at school level, negating the need for any (often problematic) calculus.
One thing I never liked was the practical exam. Performing experiments at a school level is down to luck as much as it is to skill. If the data is poor, no amount of background writing can redeem the work.
So come and Dance to the beat, Wave your hands together.
Come feel the heat, forever and forever.

Listen and Learn It is time for prancing, Now we are here with Caramel Dancing

there that'll liven it up
English version Ryo? Honestly. :roll:

SÃ¥ kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gjör so vi gjör
Tå några steg at vänster
Lyssna och lar
Miss inte chansen
Nu ar vi har med Caramelldansen!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>