The General Conversation Area

*URGH* i feel sort of shite....and sort of well organised.

i have bedfordshire running like clockwork...a futuristic clockwork with no wires...its like magic. blows your mind away.
but because i was off work yesterday, other people got their hands on the work i was keeping to one side on purpose...yet they didn't know that it was to sit to one side because of talks between me and the unit manager. so when people found it they assumed (i'm surprised they don't understand that making an assumption only makes them look like arses) that i wasn't pulling my weight (despite the booking diary which i keep atleast 7 days ahead of current date) so apparently they where all bitching...and one was complaining about the on-call. that i don't do enough.....when i've made formal complaints that the person in question NEVER does anything for on call as i do it all. so i'm just waiting for my team leader to come back and haul me into the office. have enough proof to blow away all these assumptions and these false accusations.

reason i was off anyway was because on tuesday i had a really bad headache and no matter what i tried....nothing touched the sides of it...i went home and slept from about 6 to 8. had dinner and watched some of britains got talent....then straight back to bed. woke up at 2am choking and only just managed to make it to the bathroom as i threw up. woke up everyone =/ and basically cat-napped all yesterday so decided to finish the deathnote marathon...and watch the film.
oh and looked at the pics of sunday night on facebook....i hope to god my gf hasn't seen them.....
that's ok. i've been up since 6am after taking my dad to hospital, and now have to phone every hour to see when he's ready for discharge

not helped by the hour long trip just to get there :(
noon Tachi :p

sounds like you had a rough couple of days

what's so bad about those pictures that you don't want your g/f seeing them?

oh btw tach new drawings in thread (in case you didn't take notice of them on tuesday)


Sorry, I seem to have a lot of pent up energy at the moment. Plus, I spent my hour Lunch break in a que at the town hall to get my parking permit updated. ¬_¬ Role on finish!

@Spyro: Will have to check out your drawing at home coz my work PC won'tshow up linked pictures/vidoes.

@Tachi: What indeed, are the pictures we cannot speak of? :p of two girls kissing my licking one kissing and then with me erm....dancing with my hands on one of the girls bums...the lads are shouting "player" and i'm thinking "oh sh*t....why does this keep happening to me when im taken???"
hah tachi must of taken a bath the colonel's secret recpie shower gel :p but i'm sure it will be okay as long as you didn't a) kiss the girls back b) sleep with them

Right... I did ask yesterday, but no one was on all day. Well, besides Mono and Panda.

Has anyone seen the Eureka 7 movie yet? I've seen the series and wondered if the movie was worth a look? Any takers? ^^
nope Euerka 7 never intrested me :p now if it was gundam/gaogaigar/mazinger/FMP/Macross/rahxephon/eva/guyver/Type Moon/etc then i would be able to help :p

Well this new picture is coming well, getting it done faster then i thought
BlackWolf said:
nope Euerka 7 never intrested me :p now if it was gundam/gaogaigar/mazinger/FMP/Macross/rahxephon/eva/guyver/Type Moon/etc then i would be able to help :p
But it is a Mech anime though. Well, I guess their more eva like, but I won't spoil it with details.
yeah but the last two on that list aren't mecha anyways :p i don't know it just didn't appeal to me like other mech shows, it guess the sporting element of it just put me off.
Sporting Element? The anime is about a group of Rebel's who are fighting against a world power. Lots a war and mass killings. It's been a while, but I don't recall any sport in it. lol

Anywhy, it doesn't matter. I'll probably end up watching it at some point. :p