The General Conversation Area

Mutsumi said:
skikes said:
So who's running the place these days? Where's Chaos at?


A wild skikes appeared!

Where you been to dude? Not seen you here in ages.

Skikes used Psybeam... But it failed :(

Just been struggling to find time for forums to be honest. I've keeping meaning to start posting again. I log on every few months, see how it's going. How is it going? lol
afoia said:
found out last week that as of next September i'll have a 7 grand pay rise and take on a full time Instructor role at school, only problem is i now have 39 (30 min) periods a week to plan for! Not going to have much free time anymore.. :(

Congratz Man, its been a while coming but you're there :)

skikes said:
So who's running the place these days? Where's Chaos at?

Hey Skikes, you alright?

Chaos is the new paul... being a ninja in the shadows, when well next see him? nobody knows.


Actually really pleased with myself, i managed to clean up a hell of a lot. see the gf, get back to the gym, get rid of rubbish, buy a bbq, go for a meal with the gf and her parents (and her sister an bf) and win the fight to pay :D

Hey black,

Well on my travels through the interwebs i come across things every now and then and whenever i think you may want to know about it, i try to pm you :p

I do my bit lol.

Anyway, how's you? i think voddas is dead.
It wasn't his stag night was it? He may be handcuffed naked to a lamp post some where, or may of woken up in Bruge with nothing but a traffic cone. :p

I'm fine I guess, had a good night round a mates last night, playing Blood Bowl (board game kind not video game version) Had a right laugh, my team didn't focus on scoring at all, it just went and mauled his team so he only had half the players by the end of the match, everyone else were either dead or knocked out.

I can't remember if it was or not, i knew he was off to london with friends but why.. who knows.

I've text but no reply yet lol, the chances are he'll be recovering somewhere dark lol.

(oh i know blood bowl the boardgame well :p)
Me and another couple of friends have started a league up, and so far my Northern Despoilers are in the lead thanks to causing injuries Decided to take an anime bent with the player names so my star player at the moment is called Violence Jack...and he's living up to that name, at one point he literally back handed someone of the pitch.
Fair enough :p

I could really back hand someone in this office, they are new... they seem to think its okay to use my storage cupboards, eat my food and make snide comments.

What the hell.
I just got my results back. 76% for Web Development For Information Management. My 5th merit out of 12 modules! Time to crack open some of the bitter stuff! :D
Maxon said:
I just got my results back. 76% for Web Development For Information Management. My 5th merit out of 12 modules! Time to crack open some of the bitter stuff! :D

Well done man!

Hopefully my Maths result will be good too.

Hope being the crucial word there.
Congrats Max :)

Well I'm back again, this time i just managed to make it into the libary as the heavens opened up...for the third time. I think I see birds with armbands on..:p
Yo stu, of course I'm still alive, I mean you didn't think I would forget this place did you?

Sadly the libary is my semi-permanet internet point until I can find a job and get a internet connection re-established at home.