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I go to a DW gym, £30 a month,

here's my gym, you can see what it looks like: ... php?id=123

lifting 35kg on single arms, combined i can lift 65kg with ease, it gets abit tougher when it gets to 72.5kg though.

Usual set when going to the gym, warm up on single hand weight machine, lifting 30kg 25times each arm. then freeweight 35's for 20, then move to the bar and start on 65kg, do 30 of them, move to rowing machine, do 5mins on that (make sure i go over a mile in distance atleast) then bike for 5mins on level 7, (of 10) then go back to a tricep machine, 65kg, 25 reps then i'm done for the day.

So far i've put on 2 stone in weight since joining the gym, muscles have grown to a nice size and this is where i'm starting to pan everything out so i don't get any bigger, just stay at this size :)
Ahh, well you see the reason i went in for the gym in the first place was that i'd spend 5 years building up my legs for running, joined school track team and managed to get to 18th fastest in the school. So was really chuffed with myself..... however mu torso and arms had literally no meat on them,

For that, i joined the gym in hopes of becoming in proportion. And over a year later i've managed it :)

Cardio; rowing. running. spinning classes. swimming. If you want to look in shape but not a muscley freak, you can do tension training (requires no weights) you pretend to have a object in your hands, you try to push your hands together as hard as you can whilst trying to pull them apart with equal force... if your stood there just tensing your arms and don't feel it.... your doing it wrong, you should be able to feel the tension and you arms may shake. Either that or with even light weights, do quick reps. they boost definition but not really size.

Tricep is 2/3's of your arm, if you want the arms to look generally more muscular but not offensive, look into tricep training.

THis, i know... could be pointless info i'm passing on, if you don't want to listen to it then i'm not offended or anything, just passing you ideas :)

ok i'll be quiet now. unless you want more advice lol
Tachi- said:
@ Lawrence.... who the hell where you, and why do people decide to change their names on here at the same time?! Spyro will always be a little welsh dragon in my book.




Oh well. Maybe if you meet me at the expo (if I can make it) that'll finally change lol.
Tachi- said:
Ahh, well you see the reason i went in for the gym in the first place was that i'd spend 5 years building up my legs for running, joined school track team and managed to get to 18th fastest in the school. So was really chuffed with myself..... however mu torso and arms had literally no meat on them,

For that, i joined the gym in hopes of becoming in proportion. And over a year later i've managed it :)

Cardio; rowing. running. spinning classes. swimming. If you want to look in shape but not a muscley freak, you can do tension training (requires no weights) you pretend to have a object in your hands, you try to push your hands together as hard as you can whilst trying to pull them apart with equal force... if your stood there just tensing your arms and don't feel it.... your doing it wrong, you should be able to feel the tension and you arms may shake. Either that or with even light weights, do quick reps. they boost definition but not really size.

Tricep is 2/3's of your arm, if you want the arms to look generally more muscular but not offensive, look into tricep training.

THis, i know... could be pointless info i'm passing on, if you don't want to listen to it then i'm not offended or anything, just passing you ideas :)

ok i'll be quiet now. unless you want more advice lol
Any advice is appreciated. :thumb:
Just because he's denying himself of his real name? SPYRO

Im good thanks, had a great evening catching up with one of the 4. then got home, spoke to the gf on the phone, then slept like the dead.

Woke up, drank a pint of milkshake 8)
So far in work i've been moving boxes and doing more manual stuff than sat around infront of a pc all day. Suns out so i'm sweating like a hooker in church.

10.30, not too tired, listening to music. Seems like an alright way to round off the working week.

Weekend as follows:
Round gf's tonight, fixing her laptop then just gunna cuddle up infront of the tv and watch a scary movie.

Tomorrow, shake off any hangover i may receive this evening. If no hang over then sit in sun, take pups for a walk, maybe wander on to the pub and sit in the beer garden drinking ice cold coke. Then in the evening me and 2 of the 4 are going to Nando's!! then playing pool till god knows when, then get home and sleep or call the gf (she's got this modelling thing tomorrow so won't see her till sunday)

Sunday, weathers predicted to be 20's so that new BBQ is coming out and i'll be cooking nando's style (have the marinade sauce, sweet chilli sauce for steak or the cumberland sausages, and plenty of herbs/spices to throw on the meats) Looking forward to it :D

only in work 3 days next week, off tuesday and wednesday because its me and kayls 2 years anniversary, Bank holiday on the friday after that (plus from the 20th to the 27th i'll have a free house) and organising major meet up at my house. really liking the look of this month so far :D
Tachi- said:
ilmaestro said:
Tachi- said:
revealed him
We already knew. :lol:

I didn't get the memo?! Who's incharge around here, i demand answers ;)

I bet it was that Rui, :lol:

In charge around here? You Rang?

He's been Lawrence for a while lad. You're just slow ;p Same day Maxon became Waxon and Jayme went from Jaywe to Jaymii. Ryo caused it, simple as.

So, Dynasty Warriors just arrived, so i'm about to make a start on that methinks. See how it is improved and if it does live up to DW3
Okay :p Missing out on the chat again i see,

Alright, keep me posted on your thoughts!

Currently laughing at the Techno viking dance, always a good laugh :)
This was in a thread! The podcast one. I've been wanting to go to Jaymii so I finally caved.

Also, since it seems Tachi- was the last to post I've basically been clicking on all his latest posts and disagreeing with them.

edit: I ventured into the anime news section and frak me, there's like an entire page of new posts. I dislike this activity.
Oh, another thing, when you announce the use of an "internet meme" grandad:
