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I wish I had the same scheme Voddas... with me the more I work, the same I get...

@Manga - thats... bizarre! The director gets it? Makes little sense to me. It would make more sense if you said it goes to feed the hunger or whatever, but going to someone who would already be getting more than most...
Yeah still after your drumkit for rock band, i'll give you a tenner for it instead of a fiver if thats okay with you?

Cash isn't a problem, i did abit of rejigging with my fund maths and worked out that i'll have near enough £200 for the expo, not that i'll spend it all, but its good to know i have a limit now lol.
I found discounted Chorizo in Tesco today. Such a bounty was soon consumed as part of an elaborate hot dog, with which sautéed mushrooms were involved.
Zin5ki said:
I found discounted Chorizo in Tesco today. Such a bounty was soon consumed as part of an elaborate hot dog, with which sautéed mushrooms were involved.

Sounds rather nice, i went t to the gym. Then onto the pub, many beers where consumed and too much money was poured into the quizmachine.
We won £3 (after spending about a tenner) but that £3 ended up back in the machine lol.

Finally admitting defeat we all walked home,

If you want to read the darker side of the evening then its below, but for the purposes of keeping the thread in a happier tone i've hidden it away from basic view :)
whilst on the way home i got to the bottom of a mysterious call i'd received earlier in the night, (my friend jenni had called me about 7 in tears, asking to come round) Her fiance, who was at my house with her on saturday night.. had accused her of being a slut because she'd done her hair up to come to the pub (they didn't come in the end because of the following incident) it turns out he hit her and really scared her, hence why i received her mysterious call.

So being diplomatic, i contacted Matt, acting as if i didn't know anything....eventually got him to a point that he was starting to fall through the holes I was poking in his web of lies. The end result was that I reminded him that if I ever found out that he'd hurt her then I'd make sure he never worked in the NHS again. (being that he works in an ambulance team part time and I work in HR, he's leagues lower in the food chain.)
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Wow, that sucks balls Tachi. You did the right thing of course. I'm all for not getting involved in other's relationships but if that kind of **** is going on then you better beleive I'll struggle to hold myself back.

When I was working in a Wetherspoons a fight broke out in the pub. Being the biggest lad working I usually get thrown in to break it up. I couldn't seprate the so I kicked a fire escape open and rugby scrummed them out the door. I was about to close the fire escape when the girlfriend of one of the guys pushed past me and tried to drag (the guy obviously winning) off of her fella. The guy then stood up and started laying into the lass! All, I remeber after that was punching him to the ground and then chasing him down teh highstreet with some other pissed off customers.
I ended up getting arrested because bar staff aren't alloud to engage with customers in fights. They gave me a firm talking to which (pissed me off) then let me off with a warning.
On the way out of the station a policman did come up to me and patted me on the back and said he'd have done the same thing. CCTV had seen it all.

ANYway, enough of that. Heh. I'm a very calm person and it's very rare for me to HULK up (you wouldn't like me when I'm angry). But, guys beating on girls is the biggest no no in my books.

Morning all. ^___^
Voddas said:
Morning Manga. :)

... why did you spoiler your last two paragraphs Tach?

Because i wanted people to have a choice if they wanted to see that horrible post or not. i don't wan tto dampen peoples days,

But yeah, knowing Jenni as long as i have and also - like you- having a strong sense of morality that guys shouldn't hit girls, i was struggling to not take the day off today and go along with Toby and Sam (who where both very pissed off lastnight) and pin him against a wall, give him a good "talking to" But Jenni pleaded with me to leave it this time, but next time....he's going to lose his job and he'll be in hospital.

Toby said he'd go check on her today (around 11) and report back if she's okay, so i guess i'll get a message later.

lol Well seeing how large you are on facebook pics, i don't think i'd pick a fight with you anytime soon lol. (for starters i don't fancy driving 4hours to get my **** kicked :lol: )
LARGE?!!! You cheeky son of a... :evil:

*pulls up google maps to plan a course to Tachi's work*

:lol: That's what I mean, I gues rugby built, pirate faced men are the best option for getting involved.
Voddas said:
LARGE?!!! You cheeky son of a... :evil:

*pulls up google maps to plan a course to Tachi's work*

:lol: That's what I mean, I gues rugby built, pirate faced men are the best option for getting involved.

Large as in more meat and taller than me! lol
I'm 5ft 9 average build, bout 11 stone.....but you look about 6ft 2, 15stone (muscle included) and yes, the list grows on: a Rubgy built pirate faced man weilding a samurai sword, stood in the nud atop the stairs, scaring off theifs.

Its impressive to say the least lol.

whereas if i had a theif in my house, i'd be on the top of the steps weilding a sword, but they would only see a glimpse of me, just before a 10stone, muscle train pounded onto them and started mauling them to death (never mess with a Boxer dog) lol
oh i don't care if mondays blue, tuesdays grey and wednesday too, and thursday i don't care bout u, IT'S FRIDAY I'M IN LOVE!!!!

Afternoon chaps, in keeping with the random beating members of the public theme, reminds me of a year ago in Argos.

Seeing i'm the only one who knows how to work CCTV and a radio (god help the world) it's unofficially incharge of security, so 1 pre-christmas day, i hear a lot of rukus going on with the radio, some guy upstairs had took a womans purse, knocked down the security guard and done a runner, and was faster than most of the security guards we have.

He came running down the Escalators towards our store exit, all i remember is putting out flyers, looking up, seeing the guy running at me with the guards in tow, and just instinctly dropping the flyers on the floor and rugby tackling the guy onto the ground.

I'm not the strongest in the world, but i do have a pretty solid build, he quoted it in the end as if he'd just "walked into a brick wall"

needless to say we had to hold him down till the police arrived, and he had a habbit of breaking his legs free and kicking me, so the the police come, off he goes, and i get an official warning from my manager for getting involed in business i'm not insured for

god i hate this country
lol, nice one Ryo.

Whilst going out drinking, i've aided the bouncers a couple of times. most of the bouncers are a heafty build, but they can't move that quick, so when it came to a fight in the beer garden, me and the lads split em up and chucked em out lol.

When my mate sam got mugged (for his fone, money and some of my beers that he was bringing back to my house) i ended up going out and was chasing the guy who'd taken the phone down an alley at 1am. then when me and my dad found out where the guy lived, we called the police...who didn't bother turning up.

Which is rather strange, as i'm not a voilent person, i'm laid back and prefer to just get on with people....but if i think something is wrong (morrally or otherwise) i'll step in and aim to either break it up or give it an ultimatum
I'm not the violent type and never been in a situation where violence has been needed. Even if I did get involved I'll end being thrown around like a rag doll [=
morning all,

Todays heading off to a good start, came into work and took the on call out of my bag....only to realise that the beers i'd put in my bag to take around kayls house saturday night where still in there....So i have beer at work lol.

Booking a week on the south coast for me and kayls and another couple. Just waiting on the other couple to make thier minds up (well actually James is set on it, so just waiting on his missus to make her mind up). But hopefully within the hour i'll have my annual leave calculated, predicted and authorised so i can take a week out in July.

£336.00 for a week, at the seaview hotel. In summer (where it'll hopefully be nice and warm and sunny) thats 2 rooms and 4 adults. So that SHOULD be £84 a person, but because i'm nice it'll only cost em £70. i'll pick up the short fall as i earn more money...just means i'll have to spend alot less at the Expo and save save save when i get back from london.
speaking of holidays............

i have a week off and i'm doing nothing

if i can get 2 weeks in august i may try go to london or something, but with my current financial status, i'm not holding my breath
@Tachi - Shame on me, but I'm the violent type. No one messes with my friends. I'm not intimidating as Vodda, but I was loco enough to cause some damage. Age makes you calmer though, so no more punch first, ask later though.

@Voddas - That is ludicrous. The police wanted you to sit down and watch the guy doing that? Unbelievable!

@Ryo - by August I should have my new place, few free to crash my couch. Innuendo jokes unwanted. :p
chaos said:
@Tachi - Shame on me, but I'm the violent type. No one messes with my friends. I'm not intimidating as Vodda, but I was loco enough to cause some damage. Age makes you calmer though, so no more punch first, ask later though.

Lastnight we went to the pub, we walked past Matt's house and told him he's coming to the pub.....where i had a quiet word with him away from prying eyes, its safe to say that he'll never raise his hands to a woman again, if he wishes to keep his hands in working order.

I've learnt that its easier to threaten and play on peoples minds than it is to beat them senseless.

...Just felt faint and went to another office and had a nose bleed...hmm this is weird.