I didn't know you where into sports Chaos?
Ahh, no problem Voddas, i spent the night playing Zelda

and watching the blair witch project thing, the one where their running through the woods with camera's.
I can't help picking apart films, but when they heard children laughing and men shouting and people started going missing i'd make sure we where all asleep with out backs to each other, and one on duty for an hour. rotate in a clockwise manner and hope for the best.....or i'd find a load of hollow logs or trees and build a fort. I wouldn't have gone near the house and i'd have fashioned a weapon if i'd have needed to enter any dangerous area's.
Foolish parts in films, like when the main characters hear something and "have" to just go and check what it is.....none of them heard the saying "curiousity killed the cat".
I am indeed prep'd for the cold, 2 black tshirts and a long sleeved black top on, heat warmers that get pretty ht (very nice though) and this artic resistant coat
Hopefully my DS shall arrive today....it wasn't a tenner, slightly more than that but under £50. taking back a rayman game today....its only a copy of the rayman 2 game that i owned on the ps2 ¬_¬ hopefully i can replace it with a decent game.
Proff layton seems puzzling....might be worth the investment.