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Mostly all cash (which I haven't counted yet) and a lot of "YOUR 18" things, like a large mug (will be used, a lot, for tea), a large key which apparently used to mean something 100 years ago, a couple of pint glasses and some alcoholic beverages. So... silly things. Money really.

Who's birthday is next on here?
The typical 18th Birthday presents aye. :roll:

Can't go wrong with cash though. I've found as I've got older I asked for cash than a present more often. Probably because I'm skint off the bills lol

Who birthday is next? Not mine, unless it's nearly Xmas. :p

10th December is my annual celebration of shedding my gills.

edit: Morning Manga. ^^
Chaz said:
Ohhh, but it doesn't necessaryily have to start from "1" though, does it? Can it go like this...?:
25x26x27x28 = 491400?
AFAIK, yes.

Godot said:
chaos said:
Factorial is basically multiplying all integers starting from 1 until a number n.

chaos said:
It's not the sort of thing you actually use outside of Uni

I use factorial in A Level Maths Mech. :p
Ok, let me rephrase - It's not the sort of thing you actually use outside of academia.

Morning everyone. It was an apathic first half, but the second half of the match was great. Each side has scored a goal, but if only the irish scored the goal on the right side... :)

I think Adriano is useless though. Robinho had two great moments yesterday, after being boo'ed by ppl in the first half. It was a find evening.
I didn't know you where into sports Chaos?

Ahh, no problem Voddas, i spent the night playing Zelda :p and watching the blair witch project thing, the one where their running through the woods with camera's.

I can't help picking apart films, but when they heard children laughing and men shouting and people started going missing i'd make sure we where all asleep with out backs to each other, and one on duty for an hour. rotate in a clockwise manner and hope for the best.....or i'd find a load of hollow logs or trees and build a fort. I wouldn't have gone near the house and i'd have fashioned a weapon if i'd have needed to enter any dangerous area's.

Foolish parts in films, like when the main characters hear something and "have" to just go and check what it is.....none of them heard the saying "curiousity killed the cat".

I am indeed prep'd for the cold, 2 black tshirts and a long sleeved black top on, heat warmers that get pretty ht (very nice though) and this artic resistant coat ;)
Hopefully my DS shall arrive wasn't a tenner, slightly more than that but under £50. taking back a rayman game today....its only a copy of the rayman 2 game that i owned on the ps2 ¬_¬ hopefully i can replace it with a decent game.
Proff layton seems puzzling....might be worth the investment.
The Blair Witch Project aye? I remember going to the cinema to see that. I can say that the film didn't scare me at all but the walk home threw country lanes at night did. lol I've had aliens spy on me on several occasions so I'm kind of used to it now.

As for stupid people in movies, we need them. If everyone was a clever clogs (such as youself) who would be stupid enough to stick their head in a hole to see what the crunchy, wet slappy noise was? =P
I wasn't a fan of the Scream movies at first. I've learnt to appreciate them since like. I guess I'm more of a Freddie/Jason/Barney the Dinosaur/Leatherface kind of fan.

Didn't know they were making a fourth, but if they are, I will definately be watching it.
Tachi- said:
I didn't know you where into sports Chaos?
Used to be when I was a teenager, interest faded as I entered college and started working full-time, right now, I only watch Brazil's national team games.

I'll be sure to be a good brazilian and watch the world cup though.

Brazil's world cup games are considered unofficial holidays back home.
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
I didn't know you where into sports Chaos?
Used to be when I was a teenager, interest faded as I entered college and started working full-time, right now, I only watch Brazil's national team games.

I'll be sure to be a good brazilian and watch the world cup though.

Brazil's world cup games are considered unofficial holidays back home.

lol sounds good :)

Voddas said:
As for stupid people in movies, we need them. If everyone was a clever clogs (such as youself) who would be stupid enough to stick their head in a hole to see what the crunchy, wet slappy noise was? =P

You, my disturbed friend....need to stay away from cubicle toilets....more specifically certain holes of glory.....:lol:

I think i've just been had. Went to take back the Rayman Ds game i bought yesterday.....then said i couldn't return it, i could only return it. So i asked to see the manager, they wheren't willing to see me. so i had to pay an extra £3 to what i would have had to pay (rayman game - £8, Zelda game - £12, i had a fiver to pay the 4 quid difference, ended up paying £7 for the difference) So i'm writing a formal complaint as i think my statutory rights have just been breached
Tachi- said:
I think i've just been had. Went to take back the Rayman Ds game i bought yesterday.....then said i couldn't return it, i could only return it.
I don't follow. They wouldn't let you return it because what?.... Was it because it was preowned? Bought via a card?

I hate it when something happens like that where your not in control and you know there's something wrong but you can't do anything about it.... that's when I kill... ERRM! I mean walk away quietly. ¬_¬
The right to return is only mandatory for stuff you bought online, except for services, such as train tickets.

For high street shops, the right to return goods is usually discretionary.

Take a look at the bootom of these article: ... meraffairs ... /index.jsp

I did something similar, bought a few used games at game, only to realize I didn't really like them, so I went straight back to the store to be told I could not return it for a refund unless they were faulty. They allowed me to take something else though, but them again, it might have been to the manager's discretion.
ahh, yeah that didn't make sense...i couldn't return it....but i could get it refunded.

Stupid really :/ i bought the game yesterday, realised i'd already completed it on the playstation, wanted to return it. where's the problem with that? :(

Any other store would/have in the past said "yeah okay" so i don't see why they'd say no :/

Pff, 666 isn't the number of the devil. It's 616, have you guys not seen QI? ;p We already have the demon number pass by, hah.

As for returns, i guess chaos is right in saying it is the stores discretion, but i think they should allow you to return it without a problem. Normally most stores like GAME have like a X amount of days before you can return it if not opened. After that, you can trade it in again as second hand, and you'll get money back for it, but only what the trade in rate is.
Sucks to be you Tachi... how did you manage to buy a game you've had in the first place? You wreckless money spender you! lol

Nah, 2nd hand games are a godsend to those unable to spend £30/£40 on a shiney new copy. Though, new always feels nicer. =P -mmmmm

Looking at the time I'm going to have to dash. Off out on a meal and need to get ready so I'll catch you all later.

Ciao for now.