The General Conversation Area

Tachi- said:
:lol: my dads side of the family used to live in Hong kong, then moved to Tokyo for about 4 years. then came back to the UK....this all happened when my dad was young. So i keep urging him to go back, and we can all go for a family holiday or something.

But his friend drowned when one of the rivers somewhere near where they lived broke its banks. So he doesn't want to go back.
I see. I can actually understand him. It's a shame for you though, but why not go on your own? I've got plans to go there next year.

Tachi- said:
When i went to london the other week i saw 3 Ramen bars on the same road......i was kicking myself because i'd just had a KFC, If i'd have known i could of had noodles i'd have had noodles instead :(
Best ramen in London, believe it! =)

Tachi- said:
OH and someone drank all my hot chocolate this morning! :evil:
that definitely ruin the mood of anyone, doesn't it? ;)

Edit: hey voddas!
I might go when i'm 22

Next year me and the lads are off to Tenerife,
Year after me and the lads are meant to be going somewhere else....i sort of forgot where though.

2011 were all off to America, either Vegas or L.A
2012 i'm hoping to go to Tokyo

Ahh, just a warning....never buy any noodles in a box from Aldi. i bought them....went to eat them and it tasted wrong. just plain horrible.
Morning everyone.
Tachi- said:
Next year me and the lads are off to Tenerife,
Year after me and the lads are meant to be going somewhere else....i sort of forgot where though.

2011 were all off to America, either Vegas or L.A
2012 i'm hoping to go to Tokyo.
Do L.A Tach. L.A is pretty unbelievable, crazy place if you take the time to explore it. I did loads of walking (which I'm told most locals never do) and it goes on forever, I've never seen suburban sprawl like that. Walk round the corner from mansions and you find yourself among crack houses, the bizarre hypocrisy of the American Dream. Visit one place during the day, then again at night and it's a totally different place. Loads of stuff to do as well; clubs, music venues, museums, tours...

I wouldn't bother with Vegas personally (unless you take copious amounts of illegal substances with you) I've never been, but I've been to Reno and I imagine Vegas is just like a supersized Reno. If you like gambling and gaudiness then it's fine, but doesn't seem to have a lot else to offer.
I'm more of a "Straight to Wok" man myself. Can't get enough of them. :p

A few holidays planned I see Tach. I can't talk because I've three holidays ahead of me in the next two years. Skiing in France next March, Florida next October and then honey moon June 2011. XD

edit: Morning Ayase :)
lol fair enough. (to both Ayase and voddas)

i haven't eaten since 1.30 yesterday :(
didn't eat before going to the gym, got back and because sam forgot his OWN PLAN to go get something to eat.....we ended up just going home. And i had said dw about making me dinner (to the family) so i had nothing to come home to. and couldn't find anything to make so decided to just ignore it.

woke up this mornin and ( i know about this) i can't eat before 11am. i just can't stomach anything. but now i'm coughing because of some unknown reason and i'm starving :/

Just sat reading about the The Three Kingdoms on Wiki because works boring and here's dead.

Voddas.....your forgetting that on the fourth year little feet will start appearing lol
Vegas has deluxe hotels and heap food as well.

Never been to the US myself, but that's what most of my friends who have been there usually do.

Also, are you talking about the romance of the Three kingdoms?
I'd love to go to Vegas... I'd never go unless I was loaded though. In the money sense rather than the Fear and Loathing sense of course. You've got to gamble in Vegas, well at least I'd have to.

Tachi, I haven't forgot about that. Just didn't mention it coz it was less like a holiday and more like an investment.

I shall hear non of your jokes about putting my deposit in the bank as well. ¬_¬

"Ahem, Yes i'd like to make a deposit on this room Ma'am"

"With this investment can i expect a vast growth of interest and also production over the remainder of the year?......Do i get a discount for being a taxman?"

"Whats the annual turnover of the property? and over the coming months is there less chance that i can pay a visit?"


The Romance of the three kingdoms is a book if i remember correctly. But basically....yes i was on about the 3 kindgoms of China during the Han dynasty (around 200AD - 300AD) Between Wei, Wu and Shu. It's a really good piece of history.

I've always loved L.A, thats why i'd like to go....but with Vegas....we'd probably end up re enacting the hangover (movie) completely by accident lol
It's an investment I'm expecting will eventually bankrupt me. :lol:

*goes silent and starts tapping stomach* That hollow sound means it's time for Voddas to eat. Either that or there's a shinigami battle going on nearby.

Laters *vacates in direction of cafe*
Ahh okay mate.

I'm in dire need of food myself....just hanging about on air and dust.

Managed to get myself into a state this morning

Lastnight i sent Kayls a text saying i have a confession.
She replied this morning really worried and confused.
I replied "i slept with this gorgeous girl a couple of weeks ago"

She stopped talking to me until 12! i left countless calls and texts and voicemails saying "you daft plank i meant you!!!!"

Turns out she was in lesson and didn't even see the first txt *facepalm* so i got myself worried for no reason, now she's sat laughing her **** off ¬_¬
lol gdgd.

Just 20mins till i can go to lunch myself......and believe me i'll raid that Ramen bar like there's no tomorrow! the women there love me :p keep talking to me about random things and i just keep saying i love the food....give me more :p
Made me laugh too Tach. Sounds like a sketch from a Slice of life anime. :p

Just had myself a packed beef and horse radish sarnie *gargle*
Ready salted crips, a cruchy apple and a coffee. Charged for the afternoon... well untill I have to get another coffee anyway.
Well i do love my noodles. and egg fried rice with veg and mixed meats.

Sounds like a hearty meal Voddas :thumb:

I wouldn't mind if i could sit and eat a 10oz Serloin steak with big fat chips, garden peas and onion rings with either BBQ, ketchup or Diane sauce on the plate. *stomach starts complaining* I think i might go for that tonight now :thumb:

7 months with kayls in 2 days time.....where the hell is it all going?
Afternoon Mono, how are you today? Cold much where you are? I am absolutely bloody freezing. I have one small electric heater which I'm loathe to turn on as I know the effect it has on the RPM of the electric meter.

I'm convinced time speeds up as you get older Tach... was talking to a mate recently who said it doesn't seem like five minutes since we were at school (actually over eight years now), but that when we were there it seemed to go on for eternity and we couldn't wait for it to be over.

Now that I think about it I've been living alone for over a year now and running my shop for six months... crazy.
lol heya trouble, hows my favourite little quiet person doin?

Yeah, i know what you mean ayase....i was talkin on MAL to voddas about this past year just flown past.... both of us agreed it feels like a couple on months at most that i turned 18....and here i am....12 days away from 19. i thought last year was fast....this years gone in a flash :/

I guess thats why it takes Voddas 4 days to reply to a message....because at his age its only been a few minutes ;)

I'm alright temperature wise.....just bear in mind that i'm wearing a tshirt, shirt, long sleeved waistcoat and jacket. no wonder i'm alright :p