The General Conversation Area

Tell me about it.
I can't wait to half ive, when we are heading to the pub for some drinks. My colleague is leaving to greener fields. I wish it was me :p
Ahh, after a really annoying B***h on the fone...i now have nothing to do until 5pm.

Great news as on monday i sat around for 15mins at the end of the day too.

Mixed week really, would have liked my own side to go crazy and keep me on my toes..alas it didn't :/ Maybe next week eh?

Off to eat dinner, relax and then at 9 going into town and playing pool and drinking with a few of my gf's bloke mates who i could actually classify as mutual mates. anyway...tomorrow i'm partying for my birthday. (its not really my birthday yet, but the lads are all back from Uni so we can celebrate it regardless)
hey, have a good weekend taachi. I'm about to head to he pub for some leaving drinks.
Most knowledgeable folk in my team is leaving. I'm sure I'll miss him around.
Tachi sings said:
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn myyyyyy heaaaaaaart ouuuuuuut

Sooooooo, Sally can wait
She knows it's too late, as she's walking on byyyyy
My sooouuul slides awayyyyyyy
But don't look back in anger....
No, don't look back in anger....
I heard you say...

At least not today.

Tidying, 2 crates of beer, 2 bottles of Jagermeister and epic 2 v 2 call of duty WaW till 5am.....going to sleep and then waking up at 8am to carry on :thumb: then Gym at 2.30 till 4.30, then staying up till 2.30 lastnight due to the amount of redbull i'd consumed whilst doing Jagerbombs the morning/night before.

Heading into work and despite the fog and cold, nothings dampening my spirits :)
Yeah, Every monday, Thursday and Sunday we go to the Gym.
Could really feel it yesterday though. arms felt dead lol. Tonight were going, working on the arms again then going and sitting in the Sauna and talking about Dynasty warriors 6 lol.

Then afterwards.....depending on how we feel, either going to pizza hut and relaxing...or off to the pub and just talking over 1 or 2 pints. Can feel a real difference though. Arms are much bigger, Torso feels like its been stretched and put under hours of strenuous activities.

Tomorrow i have a driving lesson....So will rebook my theory today. then wednesday it looks like i'm spending the evening with Kayls. Thursday off the the gym and then deffo the pub with Sam and Hazel. And friday....looks like i'm babysitting for neighbours, its my mums birthday so my parents and our neighbours are going into town. So i'm just going to put on some anime for the little ones to watch and then probably relax on the sofa with a few beers and the gf. Next weekend is my birthday....dreading it and at the same time dunno what i want to do for it, this weekend just gone my friends came back from uni to pre-celebrate my birthday. It was a very good weekend...but for my actual birthday....i might just ignore it and carry on like any other weekend day.

I mean, when you've toasted to My birthday, then prosperous careers, then toasting that all we all are the best friends we could ever ask for, then toasting to this that and the other.....finally toasting to the point of toasting...It sort of overshadows my actual birthday lol it won't be as epic by any means....But i'm just glad we all got a chance to meet up after so long apart.

I'm just relaxing in the office, yet to actually do much work. and singing to Oasis songs.
I see.
I tend to go on weekdays, as my gym is usually closed on weekends. After I got a gym bike from a mate, I'm considering just getting me a weigth kit and exercise at home.

That would actually save me quite a lot, specially as I always find the motivation to exercise at home (anime watching), but not always remeber to bring my gear with me =/
lol i know what you mean, yesterday i didn't even want to go. running on empty wasn't ideal :p

Some weeknights (usually monday) trying to find the motivation to go to the gym can be really hard, especially when all you want to do when you get in from to chill.

At home i have a treadmill, weights and a gym bike, Gym ball and conservatory with space to work out.....But training alone would probably bore me. And at my Gym they have all sorts of machines that work of certain area's of the body. I'm targetting my arms and apart from that just doing abit of upkeeping with my legs and stomach. So for £29.95 i can't complain.
Tachi- said:
lol i know what you mean, yesterday i didn't even want to go. running on empty wasn't ideal :p

Some weeknights (usually monday) trying to find the motivation to go to the gym can be really hard, especially when all you want to do when you get in from to chill.

At home i have a treadmill, weights and a gym bike, Gym ball and conservatory with space to work out.....But training alone would probably bore me. And at my Gym they have all sorts of machines that work of certain area's of the body. I'm targetting my arms and apart from that just doing abit of upkeeping with my legs and stomach. So for £29.95 i can't complain.
I see - I'm not targetting anything in particular, just exercise a little bit as otherwise, my job is really sedentary.

I've been considering some sport, but to be honest, I don't like the idea of "Every X days of the week I have to be somewhere" - even though if I don't have the obligation, I could go every night. =)
Why not try playing Badminton? It's brilliant, hitting something as hard as you want, choosing exactly how much energy you excert and then watching th shuttlecock gently glide through the air as if the extreme force applied on it was a mere light breeze.

For something alittle more energetic and faster paced....ever considered playing squash? Fairly simple to play...just have to be quick on your toes.

Both sports work on your Cardio, Legs, arms and Torso. So their great ways to work out, if their not for you though....try swimming, you use twice as much carbs doing any kind of exercises in water.

All of which, are fairly easy to go join, and cheap too (i guess)
chaos said:
I see.
I tend to go on weekdays, as my gym is usually closed on weekends. After I got a gym bike from a mate, I'm considering just getting me a weigth kit and exercise at home.

That would actually save me quite a lot, specially as I always find the motivation to exercise at home (anime watching), but not always remeber to bring my gear with me =/
I have to go to the gym. I just can't exercise in my room because it's too small. There's barely enough room to do push-ups. Another reason for not exercising in my room is I lack motivation to and don't feel like I'm doing much when I exercise there. I either get distracted or not work as hard. When I'm at the gym I'm there for one pupose, to get my sweat on, and that makes it easier for me to work hard. Lost more than 0.5 stone in about 5 weeks and I've not even changed my eating habits.
I don't know if it helps....But a while back i was wondering something about our japanese friends across the waters. UNless they choose to be a Sumo....their generally small and normal weightsize (nearly all their women are gorgeous too :p )

So i figured....they don't really do much apart from work in offices and the suchlike...and eat noodles and veg with strips of meat... So i figured if i change my eating habits to eating noodles or fried rice with veg and mixed should work out that i won't turn fat.....But due to having a High metabolism i can't really comment on if its worked to stop me gaining fat....So for a sort of scientific experiment....can someone on here who's abit large eat noodles for 2 weeks, Don't do anything else that you wouldn't normally do and see if you gain, lose or if nothing happens.

I never figured so many people did sports or go to the gym....isn't the life of an otaku meant to be locked in a dark room watching anime? :p
Chaos.... I thought you had a MAL account? I'm sure you had one... or maybe I'm going crazy? :?

Afternoon all! I'm not hanging around like, as busy as a Beach Model's Sun cream applier today.
I've considered squash, fencing and even Kendo.
I'm spoiled for options here, so I don't really have an excuse not to be doing these.
There are actualy clubs for all three in less than a mile from my office. I should try and at least visit them.

Edit: had the post written for a while, but didn't hit send...

Tachi- said:
(nearly all their women are gorgeous too :p )
I shall introduce you to my sisters and you will see how wrong you are... ;)

Tachi- said:
So i figured....they don't really do much apart from work in offices and the suchlike...and eat noodles and veg with strips of meat... So i figured if i change my eating habits to eating noodles or fried rice with veg and mixed should work out that i won't turn fat.....But due to having a High metabolism i can't really comment on if its worked to stop me gaining fat....So for a sort of scientific experiment....can someone on here who's abit large eat noodles for 2 weeks, Don't do anything else that you wouldn't normally do and see if you gain, lose or if nothing happens.

I never figured so many people did sports or go to the gym....isn't the life of an otaku meant to be locked in a dark room watching anime? :p
they don't eat as much fried rice and noodles as you're pointing. They eat loads of loads of fish, vegetable and drink loads of tea.

I'm pretty convinced that the trick is the tea...

Voddas said:
Chaos.... I thought you had a MAL account? I'm sure you had one... or maybe I'm going crazy? :?

Afternoon all! I'm not hanging around like, as busy as a Beach Model's Sun cream applier today.
I have one. I'm chaos_generator there.