The General Conversation Area

Ahh....I guess i can scrap that idea then lol, Go on then Chaos...if your sisters are worthy of hanging my view then i'll go buy some beer goggles and wear them for a week.

Tea to detox probably....i wouldn't have thought that tea would help people stay in shape though :S strange...

Might aswell go have a look at the different activities you could get yourself into. Your not in that bad shape to be honest mate, Do crunches before going to bed and do press ups and you'll see a noticable difference in a month (you have to stick to it though...and doing them until you can't physically do another one)

Oh Hey mono.

Me and Voddas have had a pretty cool convo going on via emails.
Hey mono!

Voddas said:
@Chaos... I thought we were friends. :cry:
A couple months ago MAL was really silly and deleted many of my friends. I'd not be surprised if this happened again. Send me a request and I'll add you once I'm back home.

Tachi- said:
Ahh....I guess i can scrap that idea then lol, Go on then Chaos...if your sisters are worthy of hanging my view then i'll go buy some beer goggles and wear them for a week.
I don't think I've got my message across very well.. ;)
Nope, they are not worthy of anyone's view, but they are my sisters and I love them anyway ;)

Tachi- said:
Tea to detox probably....i wouldn't have thought that tea would help people stay in shape though :S strange...
They drink green tea - no sugar and no milk.

Tachi- said:
Might aswell go have a look at the different activities you could get yourself into. Your not in that bad shape to be honest mate, Do crunches before going to bed and do press ups and you'll see a noticable difference in a month (you have to stick to it though...and doing them until you can't physically do another one)
I've smoked for 17 years, so basically when I've started I couldn't run for more than 10 minutes. Now I can run over 30 minutes.

In the end, it's just a matter of getting fit for health purposes, I'm not totally paranoid as some people are to get strong / thin like a paper. Without dieting, I 've kept my weight varying 1+/- kg for over a year. Exercising reduced my weight slightly, but not fast enough. I'm doing a diet now, and I've alread lost 5 lbs. But I believe that the most important thing is not losing weight. It's actually keeping thin. Also, according to BMI measures, I'm overweight, not obese. 1 1/2 stone to be considered normal. If I keep the dieting going strong I should be able to do it before my birthday in April.

& Hey memo
lol I keep pleading with my family to go back to Japan.....they keep saying no. ¬_¬
Guess i'll have to go over myself then :)

lol Well if nobody else loves them....atleast their brother always loves em :thumb:

Green tea and no milk or sugar.....that doesn't sound too nice :S (Egyptian Red tea was weird too lol)

Smoking for 17 years? i thought you where late 20's! just how old are you then chaos :p

I'm getting old :( 19 next sunday.....another year flown past me and another step closer to kissing my teenage years goodbye. hell i miss being 15....a much simpler time, not a care in the world and spent hours everyday laid on the fields staring up into the summers sky and just chillin. Where did the time go?

I've had a impulse Nostalgia to my childhood and recently decided to go back to the music i grew up on. Blur, Oasis and more. makes a change from the 80's music i'm usually listening to or the current dribble thats out atm. Going back to basics!

Anyway.....Cya later people. have great evenings.
I'm off to chill in a laid back that i can chill in a hot sweaty room and sing Wonderwall, Don't look back in anger and Little By Little till i get a group of blokes singing away with me :thumb:
bye tachi!

i'm going to hate 6th Form next year, all the colourful people would've left

but i guess i could just spend most of my frees playing the guitar, in an effort to actually become decent :lol:
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
So i figured....they don't really do much apart from work in offices and the suchlike...and eat noodles and veg with strips of meat... So i figured if i change my eating habits to eating noodles or fried rice with veg and mixed should work out that i won't turn fat.....But due to having a High metabolism i can't really comment on if its worked to stop me gaining fat....So for a sort of scientific experiment....can someone on here who's abit large eat noodles for 2 weeks, Don't do anything else that you wouldn't normally do and see if you gain, lose or if nothing happens.
they don't eat as much fried rice and noodles as you're pointing. They eat loads of loads of fish, vegetable and drink loads of tea.

I'm pretty convinced that the trick is the tea...
I think it's the fish too. No idea where, but I have read that fish has life prolonging stuff in it. Also, since rice is mostly carbs, they'll have high metabolism.
memorium said:
bye tachi!

i'm going to hate 6th Form next year, all the colourful people would've left

but i guess i could just spend most of my frees playing the guitar, in an effort to actually become decent :lol:

It aint that bad dude.

Thing is- you'll find being on guitar n **** all the time will make you un-popular, cause you're being very unsociable. Your best bet is to just try and fit in, but be yourself. Don't do what i've done and express your opinion too openly, not until people know you more.

Also, as you can tell from my previous post, think about your options carefully. In hindsight, I don't know why I took Business Studies. I must confess though, i'm pretty good at it (I'm the only one answering questions) and I do enjoy it alot- however I also wish i'd taken Physics. Zin5ki has helped me greatly with Mechanics, and i'm sure could have assisted in Physics, and I know my old Physics teacher well (Out of school). I took Maths Mechanics, and it would have been a fantastic subject to go with it. I've now got to decide whether i'm going to catch up on (basically) a module of work myself, and work my ass off in time for the exam, or wait till next year to do Physics. If I wait till next year though, i'll need to spend an extra year in Sixth Form (which I don't want to do) so I can complete the course.

It's troublesome.

But- just pick your subjects well, and work hard at them. GCSE's mean ****, A Levels mean something. A Levels get you into University/Apprenticeships etc.
it's not that i don't know anyone (i, strangely enough know pretty much everyone in 6th form i'm also one of the few that actually hangs out with the seniors), it's just that i'm going to miss the crazy **** like Jon randomly taping his legs together with masking tape, but i'll see what the fresh meat are like next year, at least one must be into Metal and at least one must do Music :D

and i have already picked my subjects (you'll find my choice very unusual), i started 6th form a couple of months back now, in case if you didn't already know! 8)
memorium said:
it's not that i don't know anyone (i, strangely enough know pretty much everyone in 6th form i'm also one of the few that actually hangs out with the seniors), it's just that i'm going to miss the crazy **** like Jon randomly taping his legs together with masking tape, but i'll see what the fresh meat are like next year, at least one must be into Metal and at least one must do Music :D

and i have already picked my subjects (you'll find my choice very unusual), i started 6th form a couple of months back now, in case if you didn't already know! 8)

Oh sorry I thought you meant you were Year 11. I'm now very confused!

What subjects have you taken?
Spyro201 said:
I wish i'd taken Physics- Not Business Studies. Why didn't I take it? I'm doing Maths Mechanics... It'd be great.
At A-Level it's not very detailed or rigorous, and is slightly less taxing than pure+applied maths. The stabilisers are still on, so the problems are never too hard for the students to complete, or too intricate for the average teacher to profess.

chaos said:
I shall introduce you to my sisters and you will see how wrong you are...
Now that's not cricket! Good to see you're willing to speak of their charms by other means.

As for dieting, I find the financial strain placed on me by my current whereabouts is sufficient to keep the weight down. One has to run quite a bit just to catch trains and buses.
Tachi- said:
lol I keep pleading with my family to go back to Japan.....they keep saying no. ¬_¬
Guess i'll have to go over myself then :)
Oh, you've been there already? Where have you been to?

Tachi- said:
Green tea and no milk or sugar.....that doesn't sound too nice :S (Egyptian Red tea was weird too lol)
I actually love that. It could take a while to get used to it. This year I decided to cut all sugar / honey / sweetener from coffee and tea. The first couple weeks it's horrible, but after that it feels weird to have them with sugar again.

Tachi- said:
Smoking for 17 years? i thought you where late 20's! just how old are you then chaos :p
I've started smoking with 10. That's third world for you. :-/

Tachi- said:
I'm getting old :( 19 next sunday.....another year flown past me and another step closer to kissing my teenage years goodbye. hell i miss being 15....a much simpler time, not a care in the world and spent hours everyday laid on the fields staring up into the summers sky and just chillin. Where did the time go?
Old? you? pff... sorry about that ;)

Tachi- said:
I've had a impulse Nostalgia to my childhood and recently decided to go back to the music i grew up on. Blur, Oasis and more. makes a change from the 80's music i'm usually listening to or the current dribble thats out atm. Going back to basics!
Good taste =) it's funny to listen to you say it's music from your childhood. As music from my childhood were mainly 80's pop-rock. My teenage years were things like nirvana and grunge and Oasis and Blur came when I was almost leaving my teenage years...

Spyro201 said:
I took Maths Mechanics, and it would have been a fantastic subject to go with it. ...
I've took applied mechanics in something that would be relative to UK's college.

I stilll cringe when I think about elasticity. I've went as far as calculating a small bridge in a group. It is one of those situations that I've lived to laugh about.
:lol: my dads side of the family used to live in Hong kong, then moved to Tokyo for about 4 years. then came back to the UK....this all happened when my dad was young. So i keep urging him to go back, and we can all go for a family holiday or something.

But his friend drowned when one of the rivers somewhere near where they lived broke its banks. So he doesn't want to go back.

When i went to london the other week i saw 3 Ramen bars on the same road......i was kicking myself because i'd just had a KFC, If i'd have known i could of had noodles i'd have had noodles instead :(

After having such a laid back monday, today i'm willing to bust out the old sythe and start ripping heads off this morning.

1 - Mum. has been having a go about things that don't concern her and when i tell her to drop it she gets on her high horse and says "well make your own way into work if you don't want to hear me complain" (she was moaning about my driving theory because i refuse to tell anyone when it is. and then about my CompTia A+ course which i can't enroll on until spring anyway)

2. - Driving instructor. Once again i've had another "sorry, can't do your lesson, peoples driving tests have been moved from in the mornin to the afternoon" i'd be fine with it.....if it wasn't EVERY 1 in 3 lessons i book that get cancelled for the same B.S excuses.

OH and someone drank all my hot chocolate this morning! :evil:
Tachi- said:
OH and someone drank all my hot chocolate this morning! :evil:
It was me!!! :twisted:

Morning all. Looks like it may be quieter in my place of work today *crosses fingers8 Well... it's quieter this morning at least.

Stayed up too late again last night. Got sucked into my anime again. Crawled into bed at 3.30am. I didn't mean to but it couldn't be helped. Guess I'll be getting the snooze on later toady. =P

Hope all is well?

@Chaos: Started smoking at the age of 10?! Thought I was bad at 14. ¬_¬
Snaaaaaaaaaaake! *coughs* i mean Voddddaaaaaaaaaas! :evil:

Its not too bad though, i have Galaxy instant hot chocolate here at work.....just abit annoyed with things, my throats gone mental because i had a coffee (usually don't handle coffee too well in a moring.....not anymore.....)

I had a fairly laid back night......once i got back from the gy,. where i nearly killed myself with 72.5kg :p trying to lift that much had my arms screaming at me "WHY?" :p
one rep before i gave up on that much weight lol went back to 50.

going to have a look online for a simple game to play. Cba with work today.

(Got home lastnight and rewatched BBB, then played Dynasty warriors 6 Empires then fell asleep about 1am)