The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
Morning all. Whip those subordinates into shape Voddas! :twisted:

I went clothes shopping the other day and bought a pair of jeans just like one I already had. "No need to try these on" I thought. I thought wrong. Looks like they'll need a couple of washes to stretch them. Then when I got to the till my card was flagged up for a security check - after about ten minutes of waiting I was asked to come to the phone... turns out someone has defrauded me out of £30 for a mobile phone top up so bye-bye debit card. I don't know where the hell that's happened, the only unusual places I used my card on that weekend were a couple of major retailers in Leeds.

No comments on my 4-koma yet? :lol:

You got lucky. Someone defrauded my credit card around the start of the year for over £400 :evil: .

I reported it as soon as I saw it on my statement (thank god for internet banking :) ). The money was taken off the next statement that I received & a new card issued.

Of the three items one was a paypal payment (never used paypal) and another was item purchased in Liverpool (never been there).
Babies keep popping up too meaning there's even more heads to buy for. Did they stop to think how it would effect me before they decided to squeaze one out?! I think not. ¬_¬

Pfft. Babies don't need presents. They don't even know what the hell's going on, they prefer the wrapping paper nine times out of ten. Just give them wrapping paper, they'll be fine.

I only buy presents for my immediate family, because my Dad's family is so huge it would cost us all a small fortune to buy for each other (I can't even remember how many cousins I have, but it's well into double digits - and many of them have children now). I just send cards, and since I'm stocking them in the shop that'll be nice and cheap this year. ;)
I too only purchse for immediate family... but my parents have split, i have siblings, Sarah's immediate family and her siblings. Immediate ain't no walk in the bank either. Don't get me wrong, I love Xmas... only I'm a Xmas day onwards kinda guy. I hate the run up. Guess I'm a bit of a scrudge that way. HO HO HOOf off. lol

... wrapping paper wrapped in wrapping paper... IT'S GENIUS!
ayase said:
I only buy presents for my immediate family, because my Dad's family is so huge it would cost us all a small fortune to buy for each other (I can't even remember how many cousins I have, but it's well into double digits - and many of them have children now). I just send cards, and since I'm stocking them in the shop that'll be nice and cheap this year. ;)
I'm even cheaper than you then, as I send an e-card to most friends and family (except for my sisters kids).

those friends that I mentioned before gave me stuff last year and I'll I gave them in return was "Oh, thank you very much".

Voddas said:
I too only purchse for immediate family... but my parents have split, i have siblings, Sarah's immediate family and her siblings. Immediate ain't no walk in the bank either.
I've got 5 sisters, 4 nieces, 3 nephews.

But my sisters always get a box of chocolate and my mum gets flowers. This is it generally. I try to get something nice for the kids though, which I did in july already.
*holds hands up*

You definately win Chaos. :lol:

I'm off to lunch now so I'll be back later people.

...well I say I'll be back on. Depends where the training leads. If I can't get back. Have a good weekend everyone.
To be fair though, e-cards are probably your best bet chaos. Physical cards might make it to Brazil by say... next March? I just got a postcard from my dad's holiday in Greece a few days ago. He's been back for over a month.

I have one sister, one dad and one mum to buy for. :p They're divorced with other partners who also have children, but I'll just get them something like a tin of sweets to share. I suppose my sister also has a boyfriend who she lives with now... I should probably get him something. Ahhrgh! thanks a lot Voddas, making me think about Christmas shopping already! :evil:
I'm not so bad skikes. How about yourself?

Christmas shopping seems to have started here so business is picking up a bit. It needs to after this abysmal October...
Mainly discount books (full price retail bookshops are dead, people just use the internet - I can undercut Amazon on a lot of my stock) along with cards and some interesting gift items to differentiate us from other bookshops and drag in the tourists. I'm taking it online shortly so you'll soon be able to check out our inventory.
Thats cool... recommend any good books (bonus points if it includes vampire)

Quick question for chaos... the uk evangelion release date, whats the source on that? i cant find any info anywhere on it?? not even who is releasing it???
God, a girl did this to me the other day but she had an even more vague idea of what she wanted. I don't sodding know, it depends what you like. Some people can't get enough Dean Koontz, others can't stand him. I could suggest Bernard Cornwell but you might have no interest in history. I could suggest Jeffrey Archer but you might have taste. F. Scott Fitzgerald is the only fail safe option. If you don't like Fitzgerald you need a sharp whack to the back of the head.

Vampires... well presuming you've read Dracula and Anne Rice (I haven't read any of her stuff but my sister seemed to enjoy it) then why not try going back to the very beginning of the genre? You can even read it online if you're so inclined (or alternatively you could waste massive amounts of paper printing it out).