The General Conversation Area

that pisses me off. my mate ben went to get his jobseekers allowance and they said to him they'd lost his paperwork and for to claim it he'd of had to called in the weekend before (he was in scotland the weekend before) he said so what are you going to do about i'm meant to get paid next week? they said that they couldn't do anything and he would have to go through the whole proccess again.

to which (and fair play to him) he said "if i wasn't white, if i couldn't speak english and couldn't even understand you then i'd have recieved my money no problem and probably a bloody house free with it" then proceeded to point out that a guy in there had been sat there talking to a client who didn't know english and he was being asked how the job seeking was going and he just sat there puzzled. then stood up and told them they can F*** their money and stormed out.

I'm fed up of the government giving all benefits to second class citizens. those who come across here for an easy life should be graded like the australians do (they grade everyone trying to get into their country on how benefitial they are and if they aren't benefitial enough they get sent back to where they came from) all those who are born here are treated like shite.....and i'm fed up of it.


Whats people upto tonight? :)
Actually Tachi the people i'm on about where born here, are white and are probably the same people who complain about forigners. Of course these people go by the other name of Chav...

tonight? i'm off to BnQ to use the last of the decorating vouchers only need a bit more white paint
I've never had a problem with those who want to work, regardless of colour, creed or who they are. its those who don't want to work and live off benefits that are the ones that i hate. that includes those born in this country and those who aren't.

In the case of those born here....they should be made to work....having no education isn't a viable reason for not working....they can be taught and trained.

In the case of those who want to live here for a cushy life where they'll get everything for free via the benefits system...they should be booted out on the next boat possible.

telling you....if there was ever a proper MP who actually cared about the country...they'd get my vote.
Tachi- said:
I'm fed up of the government giving all benefits to second class citizens. those who come across here for an easy life should be graded like the australians do (they grade everyone trying to get into their country on how benefitial they are and if they aren't benefitial enough they get sent back to where they came from) all those who are born here are treated like shite.....and i'm fed up of it.
Sorry Tach, but I keep hearing this and frankly it's bollocks. Any benefits asylum seekers take are vastly outweighed by British Citizens - all the people I see who are living the high life on benefits are white. Usually they have several children so the Government has to take care of them, one of them will ride around on a motorised scooter (usually because they're so fat they can't stand up) or walk with a limp because they are 'disabled' for extra benefits - and they'll have a virtually brand new car and a 50" TV in their council house. One easy solution? Make benefits time limited and sort the tax credits system out so that even people on a part time minimum wage job are better off than those on benefits. Living on benefits should encourage people into work (no matter where they're from) not into staying unemployed.

Anyway, serious business aside, tonight I will be watching more Slayers whilst eating some nice warm soup I think.
I have returned and lunch was tasty! :p

*reads previouse posts*

SUBJECT CHANGE!!! (tredding on thin ground here, we've had this discussion before, and even before that). I have to deal with c/tax, bens etc. Every day, please don't bring it into my happy place! DX

Edit: All fare points though.
Ayase is right with that. I see far white people abusing the system then anyone else.

Well anyway i think its time i was heading off, i have to go and ring the gas people about some things that were shoved through my door...

later guys :) Have a good one :thumb:
fair enough Ayase, check my last post though :)

Yeah i agree we should change subject....could turn nasty.

Decided i'm off to the cinema tonight time your in a pub ask for a brothers cider....when they ask for the flavour....ask for i don't drink cider, but that was lovely it just tasted like toffee i was in heaven :D
Later Black :D

Toffee Cider?? :? How very strange. I like my cider, but only in the summer. Winter turns me into an ale man. I change with the seasons.
That second post seems a bit more even handed Tach. I just get fed up with this attitude seemingly from all quarters that "someone else is to blame" for how things are... I said as much in Aion's depression thread and the same applies here really. We are collectively to blame for our society and individually to blame for our own circumstances.

See ya Black. :)
Deep, meaningfull and also 100% true ayase. My job is right in the line of fire of people pushing the blame. You'll never make things better when blaming others.

Aww... now I feel bad, and I blame you ayase!! :lol: (I jest of course)
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This is the best remix ive ever heard. It takes 90% of its audio from alice in wonderland. That alone makes it awesome but its actually a surprisingly good tune in its own right.

Ive posted it in the music thread too. yeah i like it that much, every1 must listen.
I SECOND THAT BLAME :lol: joking ofcorse.

the funniest thing just happened in subway.
were all qued up. i'm just getting my salads and these 2 kids about 12 years old. crew cuts and earings, acting all hard... 2 young chavs.
they stand infront of me in the que and start ordering the staff to make them a ham sandwich. the subway man gets pissed off and says to them to order something off the menu, i get pissed off and tell them "look mate, there's a que for a reason" to which they told the subway man to F*** off and turned to me and said "shot op yeh, i know ders a que, wotch hu yor tolkin to yeh"

i laughed and said "your two 12 year olds who barely meet 5foot, who are in the wrong. now get to the back of the que"

Anyway one of them mistakes me for someone else and becomes shitscared and starts saying to his big mouthed little friend "thats *insert name here...i can't remember it* shut up man he'll kill you"

In my head i'm pissing myself laughing, so i'm paying and they get to ordering and say "i want a ham sandwich" the subwayman loses it at this point and starts shouting "order off the menu, there's a menu for a reason" the chavs reply "i can't read" and that was the last straw.....subway man told them to get out :lol:

:p great little events like that make my day just that bit better.
Tachi- said:
I SECOND THAT BLAME :lol: joking ofcorse.

the funniest thing just happened in subway.
were all qued up. i'm just getting my salads and these 2 kids about 12 years old. crew cuts and earings, acting all hard... 2 young chavs.
they stand infront of me in the que and start ordering the staff to make them a ham sandwich. the subway man gets pissed off and says to them to order something off the menu, i get pissed off and tell them "look mate, there's a que for a reason" to which they told the subway man to F*** off and turned to me and said "shot op yeh, i know ders a que, wotch hu yor tolkin to yeh"

i laughed and said "your two 12 year olds who barely meet 5foot, who are in the wrong. now get to the back of the que"

Anyway one of them mistakes me for someone else and becomes shitscared and starts saying to his big mouthed little friend "thats *insert name here...i can't remember it* shut up man he'll kill you"

In my head i'm pissing myself laughing, so i'm paying and they get to ordering and say "i want a ham sandwich" the subwayman loses it at this point and starts shouting "order off the menu, there's a menu for a reason" the chavs reply "i can't read" and that was the last straw.....subway man told them to get out :lol:

:p great little events like that make my day just that bit better.

LOL I love that, reading that just made my minute! XD
If I was Subway Man (new superhero material, surely?) I would have made them a 12" plain sub with only ham, then called the police if they didn't pay for it. :p

Oh, and afternoon Mono. :)
He's been known as subwayman by me and my friends for a long of my friends (ali) loves subwayman so much he didn't want to leave luton on sunday (had to go to manchester for Uni)
Tachi- said:
I'm fed up of the government giving all benefits to second class citizens. those who come across here for an easy life should be graded like the australians do (they grade everyone trying to get into their country on how benefitial they are and if they aren't benefitial enough they get sent back to where they came from) all those who are born here are treated like shite.....and i'm fed up of it.
I'll let this slip, because I don't think you or your friend know about the immigration laws in the UK.
As a prospective UK citizen, I must say It's F****** hard.
The minimum requirement for a work permit now is a bachelor degree. I'm under a High Skill Migrant Permit, which will expire in 2012. For me to renew that VISa I need to get me a master degree. It's either that or deportation. Or living illegally here, but then I wouldn't be able to find a nice job as the one I had.

Also, before a company can hire a foreigner, the company must post the job in a job centre and must wait for 6 weeks. if the company fails to find someone in this time, then the company is allowed to hire someone who is not british.

While I pay taxes, I cannot get ANY sort of benefits. Neither can I get my taxes back if I leave Britain. Many complain about this identity card. To be allowed to live here I have to report to the police any change in Address, Job, marital status, etc. Oh, and it has the suggestive name "Alien registry". No, I'm not kidding. I wish I was.

I cannot say a thing about asylum seekers, but seriously, immigrants are not to blame, as it's really hard to get into the country and even harder to keep yourself here if you don't have a job.

Tachi- said:
I've never had a problem with those who want to work, regardless of colour, creed or who they are. its those who don't want to work and live off benefits that are the ones that i hate. that includes those born in this country and those who aren't.
Ah, this is better :) Just noticed this while I was writing the other one. All immigrants I know are working. It's simply not feasible to support yourself (eat, pay taxes and bills, etc) if you don't work. Like I mentioned before, immigrants have no access to benefits before citizenship, so whoever says otherwise knows nothing.

Tachi- said:
In the case of those born here....they should be made to work....having no education isn't a viable reason for not working....they can be taught and trained.
And here's the thing, I used to pay for uni in Brazil. It was about 300 / 400 quid per month. There is no students loan there of any sorts, you have to have the money. Considering minimum wage there is 156 quid a month, guess who have access to higher education... :/
In my case, it took me about 6, almost 7 years to complete my degree, as I had to work to be able to pay for it. So I worked during the day and studied at night and I managed to finish it. Give me a medal! =P

Tachi- said:
telling you....if there was ever a proper MP who actually cared about the country...they'd get my vote.
Oh yes, and that as well. I cannot vote or let my voice be heard.