The General Conversation Area

Just want to wish everyone happy Pride! I'm autistic and find the crowds overwhelming so I will prob stay in today, but much love to all of you! :) <3
And to you!
I volunteered in 2019 at Pride in London, my cousin is an organiser and popped me on the grandstand because he knew it would be a bit less crowded there.
Honestly I have never felt so loved, when we all finished the parade the bystanders made us feel like superstars!
And I got to high 5 Sir Ian MacKellan so of course that was exciting 😍
I guess I completely missed the news when Blackwells was bought by Waterstones.
Yeah, they’re basically the same shop now except Waterstones has a reward card that gives you a £10 voucher once you’ve spent £100 and Blackwells doesn’t. Can’t say I’ve found much reason to choose Blackwells over Waterstones recently.

A pretty interesting line of crossover toys, with the likes of Godzilla Transformers and Patlabor Zoids. Synergenex has to be the most corporate-sounding name for a toy line though.

I suspect the Godzilla Megatron will be based on Masterpiece Grimlock. As for the Macross 7 Transformer, anyone who knows the history of G1 Transformers controversies will be expecting that to look suspiciously like Jetfire. 😅
Week 3 of train guard training (8 weeks based in Basingstoke, before going to my home depot to start learning routes & traction). Been talking with some other trainee guards whom were doing their final assessment today about what sort of things to expect for the next few weeks, and it's a lot of learning and things to remember.

Still better than being stuck in a dead-end job being bored for half of the day, it will be worth it in the end hopefully.
I'm trying to research more into Japan's recently launched digital nomad visa, and my god it's maddening to find concrete details. One thing I'm still confused by is the required insurance. You need to prove your insurance to apply for the visa - but also, when you buy insurance, you have to say when you're going to be there, which you don't know until the visa is approved.

Here's hoping I can find an answer. The idea of a 100 day trip is very appealing!
As I was running out of space for my anime, today I got my old little shelf I had in Uni from my Dad's (kept there for storage) to move a bunch over.

Quite pleased with it, I stuck all my Lupin on the first shelf along with City Hunter and Cat's Eye (I'll also be sticking Detective Conan there) as they've had crossovers though that'll be full soon enough.

The second shelf I made my Dragon Ball and Akira Toriyama shelf.

And the third shelf I put all my other large Toei franchises on which include One Piece, Digimon, Sailor Moon and Saint Seiya (not that there is a lot of Saint Seiya released in English).

I also put my Miku figure on-top and will put my Lum and Rem figures there as well once they arrive.

I may also add more titles to the shelf and maybe just make it my Discotek / retro anime shelf as I'm already halfway there.

I didn't put my LE's / CE's on there though as they'd fill up space and the sizes are all over the place. Can always move the DVD's as well once it starts getting full but at least I have much more space on my main standard anime blu-ray shelf now as it was full at this point.

Bit of a brain fart here. I've been very close to buying a region-free player the past few days. There's a few Discotek titles I've seen that would be nice to have physically - namely Digimon (Japanese), Shaman King 2003, and Rainbow.

But no, I came to my senses and talked myself out of it (again). I could get a region free Blu-ray player for £150~, but I know what I'm like. If I buy one, I'll start buying loads of physical region-A releases that would be nice to have, but I could easily live without (and my wallet will hate me). I have several drives of "region-A" loot from the high seas after all, and a load of physical region B releases to be watched anyway.

I then, in my head said, why don't you use purchasing a dedicated 4k UHD player as an excuse to get a region free player? I was eyeing up the region-free Panasonic UB450 for £300 on TPS. I have a good enough TV to take advantage of Dolby Vision (Sony XH950), but I've seen Dolby Vision content running off a good dedicated player and I don't think the difference between that and the films running off HDR on the PS5 is worth the cost (imo). Perhaps the difference is more significant with a high-end OLED TV, but that would be a significant investment in itself. However, I'm more than satisfied with my current setup at the moment.

Maybe I'm lucky. My taste in anime is probably rather limited compared to a lot of others on here and there has never been a title that is region-A only that I have been dying to own physically. If I want to watch something that's region A only, I'll use alternative methods (or Crunchyroll now, as I'm a new subscriber thanks to that recent deal 😁), and some of the time I wipe them off my hard drive when they have received a region B release.

Additionally, when I do buy physically, I'd rather be supporting UK distributors, as at the end of the day, I would like better and more UK releases in the future (ignoring the fact that I have a fair few AUS releases).

Then the little devil on my shoulder whispers in my ear: "Just buy a region-free player, you can't spend your money when you're dead". 😂
I see the usual has happened with Ticketmaster making extra money from the sale of those Oasis reunion show tickets as "dynamic pricing" (unless the extra money they charge gets passed back to the promoter) with almost at once tickets appearing on the secondary tickets websites (of which Ticketmaster own so getting two bites of the cherry)

I live in hope one day the law comes in saying you can only resell tickets for face value + 5% which has been talked about for years. Although even the original face value of those tickets were quite expensive, but so are most concerts by "big" name acts.
I live in hope one day the law comes in saying you can only resell tickets for face value + 5% which has been talked about for years. Although even the original face value of those tickets were quite expensive, but so are most concerts by "big" name acts.
Kind of on the fence about this, I mean scalping might be morally questionable, but buying something and selling it on at a huge mark-up is not prevented by law with any other commodity and if it was, the global economy would probably collapse because that's what every retailer does, not to mention the stock market. It is just basic supply and demand, sellers are only able to charge those prices because buyers are willing to pay them and those people are just as much to blame for the high prices as the scalpers.

Really, what confuses me the most is why, if people are willing to pay six grand for Oasis tickets, Oasis or their management didn't think to charge six grand for them in the first place. That's a lot of cash in the scalpers' pockets that could have been in theirs, don't these people do market research?
I know in some cases people if going to a popular show as a couple will buy 4 tickets, and resell the 2 spare tickets at double the price in the hope of effectively getting in for free.

But agreed, the secondary market won't exist if the people weren't willing to pay over the odds for shows (which will probably end up getting cancelled as Liam & Noel will end up fighting again).
Bit of a brain fart here. I've been very close to buying a region-free player the past few days. There's a few Discotek titles I've seen that would be nice to have physically - namely Digimon (Japanese), Shaman King 2003, and Rainbow.

But no, I came to my senses and talked myself out of it (again). I could get a region free Blu-ray player for £150~, but I know what I'm like. If I buy one, I'll start buying loads of physical region-A releases that would be nice to have, but I could easily live without (and my wallet will hate me). I have several drives of "region-A" loot from the high seas after all, and a load of physical region B releases to be watched anyway.

I then, in my head said, why don't you use purchasing a dedicated 4k UHD player as an excuse to get a region free player? I was eyeing up the region-free Panasonic UB450 for £300 on TPS. I have a good enough TV to take advantage of Dolby Vision (Sony XH950), but I've seen Dolby Vision content running off a good dedicated player and I don't think the difference between that and the films running off HDR on the PS5 is worth the cost (imo). Perhaps the difference is more significant with a high-end OLED TV, but that would be a significant investment in itself. However, I'm more than satisfied with my current setup at the moment.

Maybe I'm lucky. My taste in anime is probably rather limited compared to a lot of others on here and there has never been a title that is region-A only that I have been dying to own physically. If I want to watch something that's region A only, I'll use alternative methods (or Crunchyroll now, as I'm a new subscriber thanks to that recent deal 😁), and some of the time I wipe them off my hard drive when they have received a region B release.

Additionally, when I do buy physically, I'd rather be supporting UK distributors, as at the end of the day, I would like better and more UK releases in the future (ignoring the fact that I have a fair few AUS releases).

Then the little devil on my shoulder whispers in my ear: "Just buy a region-free player, you can't spend your money when you're dead". 😂

UPDATE: After reading a few old posts on here about using a PS3 as a region free player, I remembered I had one gathering dust! One YouTube tutorial later, I now officially have a region-free Blu-ray/DVD player for free! (kinda).

The only non-region B/2 set I have at the moment is a region 1 DVD: Big Windup! (Ookiku Furikabutte), which worked perfectly when I tested it.

I suppose you can call me Mr. Worldwide now :cool:🌎
Delighted to say I'm going to Japan soon :) Bit of a last minute decision. I was surprised at how cheap the flights and hotel were. I mean, it's all relative, but I expected it to be twice the price - which is why a holiday there was always something for the future.

12 days in total excluding flights. Now that I know how much it costs, my plan is to stay in Tokyo the entire time - I already have 20 days worth of stuff I want to do there, lol. If all goes well, then I'd love another trip in the future, where I'll do Osaka.
Yesterday my oldest daughter, her fiance, and my Ex came to see my mother and I over the Labor Day holiday weekend, to show us some photos and video that my daughter and Ex took on their 10-day group tour of Scotland two weeks ago. They visited Glasgow, the Highlands, and Edinburgh areas during their stay. I wrote down some of the places they visited specifically for this post, so I could list them here. :)

This was in the order they showed us the photos and videos, so they may not be in the order they toured. I haven't checked the spelling on all these, so forgive me for any spelling errors!

Loch Lomond
Inveraray Castle
Scottish Highlands
Blair Castle (with Queen Vitoria's Bedroom)
Glasgow Catherdal
Kelvingrove Museum (lots of Historical artworks)
Glenn Finnian (where some of Harry Potter was filmed)
The Hogwarts train (they saw it running along the tracks from their bus tour)
Loch Ness
Urquhart Castle
Culloden Battlefield
Glamis Castle
Blair Athol Distillery
St Andrews
Edinburgh Castle

My daughter brought us a few little souveniers of the trip. I had wanted her to get me a Loch Ness t-shirt of some kind, but I wear a 4XL size shirt and she said there were no t-shirts she saw around Loch Ness or anywhere else on her trip over a 2XL size. What the heck, Scotland, are all you blokes malnourished or something over there?!? 😉 😁

Being the heavy drinker that I am (lol!), my daughter brought me a copper Jigger/shot combo from the Blair Athol Distillery - Cheers!

In place of a t-shirt from Loch Ness, she got me a Nessy Key chain:

and a couple of snack foods:

She also got my mother a large, fancy towel or wall-hanging from one of the castles they visited:
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Yesterday my oldest daughter, her fiance, and my Ex came to see my mother and I over the Labor Day holiday weekend, to show us some photos and video that my daughter and Ex took on their 10-day group tour of Scotland two weeks ago. They visited Glasgow, the Highlands, and Edinburgh areas during their stay. I wrote down some of the places they visited specifically for this post, so I could list them here. :)

This was in the order they showed us the photos and videos, so they may not be in the order they toured. I haven't checked the spelling on all these, so forgive me for any spelling errors!

Loch Lamond
Inverary Castle
Scottish Highlands
Blair Castle (with Queen Vitoria's Bedroom)
Glasgow Catherdal
Kelvingrove Museum (lots of Historical artworks)
Glenn Finnian (where some of Harry Potter was filmed)
The Hogwarts train (they saw it running along the tracks from their bus tour)
Loch Ness
Urquhart Castle
Calloden Battlefield
Glamis Castle
Blair Athol Distillery
St Andrews
Edinburgh Castle

My daughter brought us a few little souveniers of the trip. I had wanted her to get me a Loch Ness t-shirt of some kind, but I wear a 4XL size shirt and she said there were no t-shirts she saw around Loch Ness or anywhere else on her trip over a 2XL size. What the heck, Scotland, are all you blokes malnourished or something over there?!? 😉 😁

Being the heavy drinker that I am (lol!), my daughter brought me a copper Jigger/shot combo from the Blair Athol Distillery - Cheers!

In place of a t-shirt from Loch Ness, she got me a Nessy Key chain:

and a couple of snack foods:

She also got my mother a large, fancy towel or wall-hanging from one of the castles they visited:
They did the right thing with that shortbread, that stuff's legit. I could eat it for days!
Loch Lamond
Inverary Castle
Scottish Highlands
Blair Castle (with Queen Vitoria's Bedroom)
Glasgow Catherdal
Kelvingrove Museum (lots of Historical artworks)
Glenn Finnian (where some of Harry Potter was filmed)
The Hogwarts train (they saw it running along the tracks from their bus tour)
Loch Ness
Urquhart Castle
Calloden Battlefield
Glamis Castle
Blair Athol Distillery
St Andrews
Edinburgh Castle
Did alright there, but it's Loch Lomond, Inveraray Castle and Culloden ;-)

Been to many of those listed myself. Went 2 years ago for my 5th holiday up there. Didn't go into Edinburgh Castle as it's well expensive, but climbed Arthur's Seat.
Next year I complete the UK by going to Northern Ireland (before it's no longer in the UK!).